Forest Ridge Forerunner

For the Week of February 2-6, 2015

Our phones are answered M-Th 8:30-4:15, F 8:30-4:00
School Hours 9:15-3:45 p.m.
Students may enter the building at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch price: $2.75, Milk: $.50

Dates to Remember​


23:45 Whiz Kids

3:45 Newspaper Writing

33:45 Jr. Minecraft gr. 1-3


5Report Cards Issued(new date due to snow days)

3:45 Bricks for Kids Jr. Robotics

3:45 Bricks for Kids Cranium Contraptions

6Countywide Professional Learning Day - no school for students

93:45 Whiz Kids

3:45 Newspaper Writing

103:45 Jr. Minecraft gr. 1-3


12Parent-Teacher Conferences -- Schools close 3 hours early

13Parent-Teacher Conferences -- Schools close 3 hours early

Valentine's Day Parties

16Presidents Day - Schools and offices closed

From the Principal's Desk...

Greetings FRES Families!

Call it MAGIC! We would like to celebrate a positive trend we have noticed during mid-year data reviews. As you may know, FRES has used the Positive Behavior Incentives and Strategies (PBIS) Framework for over five years. At the beginning of this school year, we added a new component called “1,2,3 . . . Magic” to our framework. “1-2-3 Magic” is an effective management tool that aligns with our Forest Ridge student expectations of Focus, Respect, Effort, and Safety.

Our mid-year data is pleasing. We have noticed a 20% decrease in the percentage of “Minor Incident Referrals” (MIR’s) and a 13% decrease in the percentage of overall discipline referrals (including both MIR’s and Office Discipline Referrals (ODR’s). Please note that this data does not include “Reflection Forms," which are used for minor infractions only.Reflection forms are a tool used by staff to help students, “Take a break and reflect on minor behaviors when they are not making good learning or safety decisions.”

While team and classroom expectations were shared at Back To School Nights in September, you might need a refresher. Attached, please find the FRES Hierarchy of Consequences and Behavior Forms.

Remember that you can check in on how your child is doing on a daily basis. The choices your child makes throughout the day determine the color on their calendar/agenda book. For example, students on green didn’t need any warnings or maybe only a couple and they turned their behavior around, yellow if they needed to spend some time in “Cool Down” in order to help them reflect and make better choices, or red if they had time to cool down and reflect and needed additional intervention (phone call home and possibly a conversation with an administrator) to turn their behavior around. Please take a moment to talk to your child about their behavior choices each day. Remember to celebrate when your child makes good choices, and let them know that each new day is a new opportunity to have an even better day!

As always, thank you for your support in helping our students keep up the positive learning behaviors. If you have questions, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or check out more resources at

Anne Swartz, Danielle Shanks, & Jason Ortega

Student News...

Spelling Bee Name Correction

Last week we reported that ShrutiPancholi participated in the Spelling Bee. We really meant to say that it was ShreyaPancholi who participated. Sorry for the confusion, Shreya!

Forest Ridge News...

From the Media Center

Hello FRES families!

The media center is in need of a Friday volunteer to help with shelving books. We need someone who can dedicate about an hour each Friday any time between 9:30 and 12:30 (the time you come can vary from week to week but we need someone who can make a commitment to the day as regularly as possible). This is a great job for someone who likes attention to detail and keeping things neat & organized. Please email , , or if you can help us out.

Contact us today! Thanks :) Your Friendly Media Team

From the PE Department

The physical education team would like to ask you to revisit the safety list below. We will soon be starting our tumbling unit and want all of the students able to fully participate safely.The safety guidelines from HCPSS Physical Education Strategies for Safe Learning are listed below.

_____ Sneakers on

_____ Sneakers tied/secured

_____ Nothing around the neck (necklaces, lanyards)

_____ Nothing around the wrist (watches, bracelets)

_____ Nothing on the hands (gloves, rings)

_____ Nothing dangly on the ears or hard on the head(no hard, sharp hair holders, post type earrings only)

_____ Nothing sharp in the pockets (pencils, pens, keys, etc.)

_____ No food products in the mouth/ keep all objects out of the mouth

_____ No dangling clothing (scarves, hooded shirts or clothes that are really big)

_____ Hair kept back out of the face

Parents, We Mentioned this Last Week, But it Bears Repeating

Students are expected to be at their desks by 9:15. If you bring your child to school after that time, you need to accompany them into the office and sign them in. Their teacher will have marked them "absent" since they were not at their desk at 9:15. In order to change that, their parent must sign them in so that we have a record of their arrival to school.

Please understand that this is also for their safety. We do not want children to simply be dropped off and expected to navigate the locked front door entry system.It only takes a few moments of your time to ensure that they get into school safely and their presence is recorded accurately.Thank you in advance for your help!

Sign Up to Receive Text Message Notifications

If you want to receive text messages when HCPSS has late arrivals or unscheduled early dismissals, text "YES" to 68453.You will receive a message back that you need to reply to in order to "Opt In" to receiving text messages.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

At FRES, we were very pleased to have strong parent participation during the November Conference Period. We hope to have the same for February conferences, which will be focused on mathematics.Please remember you will be signing up with your child's mathematics teacher for this round of conferences. Conference dates will be Thursday, February 12 and Friday, February 13. Teachers have the choice of either holding an afternoon and an evening conference session on February 12th OR holding an afternoon session on the 12th and an afternoon session on the 13th. Some teachers will be available during the mornings of February 9, 10, and 11. Conferences are scheduled online using the"pick-A-time"system. Scheduling is open now and will close on February 10 at 11:00 pm.You can find the link topick-A-timeat If you are unable to schedule conferences during these available dates, please contact your child's teacher directly.

Directions for using pick-A-time are attached to this newsletter.

Related Arts Open House

The Related Arts Team would like to invite parents to their “Open House” sessions according to the schedule below on Thursday, February 12 or Friday, February 13, during parent-teacher conferences.

Bring any questions about our classes, curriculum, or just stop by to say "hi." We would love to meet you! Please understand that this time is for general information only.

If you have individual questions regarding your child's progress please plan to contact your child's teacher directly, to make a separate conference at another time to address those questions.


Ms. Murray: Thursday, February 12, 1:30-4:00 pm in the Art Room


Mrs. Kepp & Mrs. Patterson: Thursday, February 12, 3:00-4:00 pm and 5:00-6:00 pm in the Music Room


Mrs. Goodwin and Ms. Borth: Thursday, February 12, 5:00-6:15 pm in the Gym

Mrs. King: Friday, February 13, 1:30-2:45 pm in the Gym


Mrs. Pietryka & Ms. Yost: Friday, February 13, 1:30-2:30 pm in the Technology Classroom

PTA News...

From the President

So how many of you think Phil is going to see his shadow next week? I do and expect a lot more snow days in the coming months, not that this makes me sad...I am one of those rare people who LOVE snow! In the meantime we are working on the online auction and getting things in place for our carnival as well as planning the variety show. Lots going on and we need volunteers! If you would like to help in any of these events or have ideas for them, please email me at . Stay warm this weekend and have fun watching the big game!

Manda Fields

FRES PTA President

Tampico Grill Restaurant Fundraiser-Feb. 5

Don't want to cook? No problem. Come on down to Tampico Grill on Thursday February 5th, have a great meal and support our school. Eat in or carry out. Fundraiser runs all day from 11:00am until 10:00 pm at Tampico Grill located at 42 Washington Blvd, Laurel, MD, right next to Quality Inn on Route 1. Make sure you mention FRES and drop your receipt in the bucket. Check out their menu at

Labels for Education Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the Labels for Education (LFE) contest: Ava Miller (K-Cramer) with 50 LFE points, Holly Loveless (1-Scruggs) with 168 LFE points, Camille Martin (2-Martin) with 243 LFE points, Cody Lamberth (3-Pollitt) with 34 LFE points, Nathan Hefty (4-White) with 424 LFE points, and Justin Martin (5-Azzarello) with 113 LFE points. Each winner will get to lead an activity in PE class. All 35 students who submitted LFE points will receive a pencil. Thank you to everyone who participated!


Production of yearbooks is currently underway for the 2014-2015 year. We would like to showcase all the wonderful FRES activities and events that have taken place over the school year. Please consider sharing your great photos of school field trips and other school events in this year’s yearbook. The pictures should represent the school’s group/team activity or event, rather than focusing on the child. Please forward the picture(s) electronically to me (), in a jpeg file format, with the event name/description, date and class level (e.g. K-class Farm Trip, Oct. 11, 2014). Please submit the pictures as soon as possible so we can work on incorporating them into the yearbook, but no later than February 28, 2015.

Thank you for your assistance!

Penny Keller/PTA Yearbooks, , (410) 507-1319.

In the Community...

From the GT Department

Attaining success requires resiliency in order to overcome challenges along the way. Yet many advanced learners expect to “get the right answer” on their first attempt and once faced with truly challenging situations, give up before trying.

All interested parents are invited to attend the G/T Parent Academy "Building Resiliency in Advanced-Level Learners" at Atholton High School on Thursday, February 5, 2015 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. Dr. Angela Housand, Assistant Professor and Gifted Program Coordinator at University of North Carolina Wilmington, will share her expertise.

This session provides parents with strategies to support high potential youth as they engage in the struggles that lead to meaningful SUCCESS.

Road to Kindergarten Workshops

HCPSS will present a series of free workshops for parents with children preparing to enter kindergarten next fall. The workshops will cover expectations for school readiness, details about the HCPSS kindergarten program, support resources and registration details.

Child care will be available at each session for children ages 2 and older.

Wed., February 4, 2015
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Marriotts Ridge High School
12100 Woodford Drive, Marriottsville, 21104

Mon., February 9, 2015
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Hammond Middle School
8110 Aladdin Drive, Laurel, 20723

SNOW DATE – **Will only be held if one of the above sessions is canceled **
Tues., February 17, 2015 Howard High School
6:30 – 7:30 P.M.
700 Old Annapolis Road, Ellicott City, 21043

STEM Opportunity

iEngineer@UMDis a summer STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) camp for rising 4thand 5thgrade girls. This one-week commuter day camp is an exciting opportunity for girls to learn more about STEM through a variety of fun, hands-on activities. Campers will work with current University of Maryland engineering students to gain a better understanding of engineering concepts and real-world applications.

Summer has never been this much fun! iEngineer@UMD is a camp that’s exciting, challenging and rewarding – all at the same time. Explore the world around you!

Monday, July6 – Friday, July 10, 2015
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

For more information and to apply, visit