Munising Hockey Association
Minutes – Tuesday, August9th, 2016
6:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT -Nichole Welters, Brenda Walther, Amy Westcomb, Crystal Carter, Greg Pond, Dan Weathers,
Greg ExelbyExcused absences: Mike Savola and Tara Bond
MINUTES–Amymade motion to approve the minutes dated 7/12/16 as presented; 2nd by Crystal. Motion passed.
FINANCIALS–Crystal made motion to approve the financials dated 8/9/16 as presented; 2nd by Greg P. Motion passed.
- The 2 open board positions have been filled by Dan Weathers & Greg Exelby. Motion made by Greg P.; 2nd by Crystal. Motion passed. We are still looking for an Assistant Tournament Director.
- Update on Open Skate Fundraiser to come under new business.
- Greg P. reported that he has talked to both Devin Olsen and Rick Nebel about the new boards. They have both agreed to be on the Boards Committee.
- Greg is planning on attending the following meetings in September: Munising Township, City of Munising, AuTrain Township, & Grand Island Township to try and get contributions towards the boards.
- Nichole found the email about the CDC Grant and she will forward it to Brenda. Brenda will look into it before the next meeting.
- The bylaws were submitted with no changes for this year. The registration packet will have some minor changes.
- Fundraising Report:
Pizza at the Park: August 30th – still need volunteers. You need to work 4 hours to receive a fundraising credit. Please contact Amy if you can help. Motion made by Nichole to allow up to 2 fundraising credits per family for the pizza fundraiser; 2nd by Greg P. Motion passed.
Family Fare receipts: Thereis a new program that started this month at Family Fare. Direct Your Dollars uses the receipts you get to help non-profit groups raise money. When we get $150,000 in receipts we will get a check for $1,000 in cash! Amy has posted on Facebook about this to let Association members know that we are collecting receipts. She has mentioned putting flyers around town as well. Because the rink isn’t open right now she has asked people to give receipts to any Board member. Once the rink is open we will ask people to put them in the black box.
Wreath Fundraiser: Some board members voiced concern about the quality of the wreaths we got last year. It was a warm fall and the wreaths didn’t hold up very well. Amy will be looking into other companies to order from this year to see what kind of price we can get. We need to set a date for this by registration.
Pasty Fundraiser: Coming up this fall. Will be talking about dates next meeting.
- Tournament Report/District Report: No report.
- Concession Report: No report.
- Open Skate Fundraiser: Brenda talked to John D. with the Moose and was told that a pig roast fundraiser is a lot of work and they do not have the volunteers. Al Weymouth said he would help out with a sloppy joe fundraiser but wanted to be guaranteed they would have the help from us that they needed which includes 3 to 4 volunteers for prep and set up and around 10 at the time of the event. The members agreed that this is doable so we set the event for September 13th from 4:00 to 8:00. Crystal is going to make flyers to put around town and Brenda will make sure it gets in the paper in the nonprofit section. Greg said he was going to try and get an article in the Munising News about it. Brenda is going to meet with the Moose board next week to get more details. More info and volunteer times to follow.
- Jerseys: The jerseys still need to be gone through to figure out where the most need is.
- Laptop: Pat requested a new laptop because the keys don’t work on the one he uses to schedule games. The members agreed that it’s a good idea to have a laptop but it should be available for all members to use not just one person.
- Teams: Bill S. was contacted by both Manistique and Newberry about joining teams. We are interested in joining with Newberry because they will come here to play and practice. Bill is going to approach them and let them know that we are interested in them playing here and they can keep their own registration and fundraising money. They don’t have to pay ice fees here but we will ask them to pay for referees. Nichole will be contacting the President of the Manistique Hockey Association to talk about combining 18u teams.
- Registration:
All registration fees to stay the same with the exception of 8u. Registration fees for 8u are decreased to $100 because we need kids at this age to play. Motion made by Greg P.; 2nd by Amy. Motion passed.
There will be a box added to the registration form that states: I would be interested in information about a scholarship. Motion made by Greg P.; 2nd by Crystal. Motion passed.
Registration dates set at September 18th from 4-7 and September 19th from 6-8.
Participation fee will remain the same at $150.
Initiation will be asked to do 5 concessions but we will not be collecting a participation fee from them. They are also required to do the mandatory fundraisers.
Crystal asked if there could be FYI sheets at registration. Nichole asked Brenda if she still has the brochure she made up a few years ago.
Greg P. has 2 scholarships to give away and he asked if he could split them up into 4 half scholarships. Motion made by Greg E.; 2nd by Nichole. Motion passed.
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7th@ 6:00.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30.