November 26Announcements

#1) New Adult Sunday School Classes
Classes will be starting on December 3.
Eric Koomia in the Sanctuary - A vision for worship (Starting January 7)
Donn Hill in the Fellowship Hall - 1 Samuel
Shirley Anderson in Room 110 - (Women's Only Class) Prayer: Drawing Near to God
Terry Preheim in Room 109 - Membership Class
Mike Austin in Room 106 - College & Career Class
More details about these classesin the insert.

#2) Women’s Christmas Gathering Night - November 30

Today is the last day to buy tickets! You won’t want to miss this evening to put you in the proper spirit for Christmas! We will be gathering at 7pm for dessert, live music and a special speaker! Tickets will be required and will be $5.00.Unofficially we are calling the event “Sequins or Sweaters” to encourage festive attire.If Christmas sweaters aren’t for you and a little bling stresses you out….come anyways!Bring snow hats or mittens to benefit Compassion Childcare.Hope you will join us!

#3)Children’s Christmas Program

The children’s Christmas program is on December 3 with a prelude that begins at 5:30pm. The preschool program begins at 6:00pm followed by the K-5 program. Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall following the program.

Allergy Notice

Due to severe peanut allergies in our congregation, we can absolutely have NO peanut products in our building. This applies to any day of the week and for any activity you may be attending in our building.

We have attendees with fragrance allergies. We have designated the first six rows of the left section of our sanctuary (as you look at the stage) for them. If you wear fragrances, we would appreciate you avoiding that area.

First Free 411

Parent Reading Group - The Tech-Wise Family

A group of parents plan to readThe Tech-Wise Familyby Andy Crouch together and then meet to discuss it on Saturday, January 13. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact Pastor Dan (). Copies of the book will be available for $10.

Mexico Mission 2018

It is the 10th anniversary of the partnership between Petlapixca and FEFC. God willing, the dates for this year’s trip have been set at February 9-17. Please prayerfully consider coming, and please be thinking about who else YOU personally could invite to consider this opportunity.

Donors of marketable securities to the church need to inform business manager Jim Van Gerpen of the securities being transferred to the church’s brokerage account. Transfers need to be made to account number 54617920 with the following brokerage firm: LPL Financial, Attn: Transfer Department, 4707 Executive Drive, San Diego, CA 92121-3091.