Extension Officer

This report covers the period from 12-8-00 to 1-12-00. Listed below are the activities undertaken during this period as they relate to the Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Recovery Plan. During this period RH and I have also returned an annual report to Environment Australia and developed a draft Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo management plan for consideration at the next Recovery Team meeting.

Action 4 Conduct an annual population census.

The date for the next Annual Count has been set for 3rd February 2001. Note that this years count will only be conducted on the one day. This will help remove the possibility of double counting the same birds.

We also intend to further refine the method of sighting collection to increase the usefulness of the data collected for population size estimates. Refinements will depend on final recommendations from RH study but may include more specific mapping so that the same roads/sections of road are traveled each year.

Action 5 Clarify patterns of movement.

5.1   Undertake regular surveys throughout range.

Community use of the Freecall 1800 number for recording sightings is ongoing.

Action 7 Determine and implement ways to minimise the effects of clearing of feeding and breeding habitat.

We have made several submissions aimed at minimising habitat loss since the last Recovery Team meeting. They are;

Victorian Govt review of Native Vegetation legislation.

Victoria’s draft Native Vegetation Management Framework

Draft Wimmera Native Vegetation Plan

Draft Glenelg Hopkins Native Vegetation Plan

A copy of these plans and our responses will be available at the next Recovery Team meeting.

7.1   Liaise and negotiate with the local community to protect breeding and feeding habitat.

·  Involvement in Heritage Agreement for ‘St Aubins’ Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo habitat.

·  Inclusion of info relating to dead tree protection in draft agreement between Landowners and woodcutters being prepared by Victorian Farmers Federation.

·  Unused land in timber plantations project. A full report of progress on this project is attached.

·  Assist RH with tree collaring including involvement of Greencorp group.

Action 9 Ensure habitat regeneration.

9.2   Determine appropriate revegetation - associated funding sources.

As detailed in the Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo information pack.

9.3   Monitor revegetation works.

Liaise with Department of Environment and Heritage staff for more targeting of funds to retention of Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo habitat in ‘Sustaining the South-east’ funding programme.

Action 10 Maintain and expand community involvement.

10.1   Produce information for volunteers and media.

Schools Project. The funding of $30000, sought by the Edenhope school and Kowree Farm Tree Group for a ‘Science in Schools’ project, that will compliment the Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo recovery Plan, has been turned down but is being resubmitted with a lower budget. We are still hopeful that this project will go ahead and assist in increasing awareness of the Red Tail issues to students and the wider community.

Dept. of Infrastructure grant. Funding of $25000 has been secured for a project that will A) Ensure that residents of West Wimmera Shire are aware and appreciate the needs for the Environmental Significance Overlay protecting dead trees suitable for Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo nesting habitat.

B) Ensure the West Wimmera Shire has accurate information (mapping) to make decisions on Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo habitat protection. A summary of actions and costs involved in this project are;

q  Design and open a web-site that details the story of the Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, why it is listed as Endangered and what remedial actions can be taken to increase the population of the bird. Cost - $5000

q  Complete mapping of Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo habitat Cost - $2500

q  Produce and distribute pamphlet to all ratepayers in West Wimmera Shire and Glenelg Shire Cost - $6000

q  Road signs x 8 - 1.2m x 2.4m. Cost - $8000

q  Seeding grant to initiate ‘sponsor a dead tree project - $3500

NB all costs are approximate as at Nov 2000

S-W Vic Landcare info booklet. Inclusion of our project in this booklet aimed at promoting awareness of environmental projects in the region.

Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Education kit. MF has secured funding that will see the kit placed onto a web site. The kit has been designed for use by late secondary/early tertiary teachers as an example of a Recovery Plan in process.

Installation of 4 more Info boards. The sponsorship of these last four boards by Wimmera Catchment Management Authority brings to a total of 13 boards covering most towns in the Victorian range of the Red Tail.

Red Tail News. September issue sent to 732 address’s.

Volunteer/sponsorship. As part of our Environment Australia Annual Report, submitted in September, we updated our estimate of volunteer and sponsorship support to the project.


nb figures used are based on NHT accepted rates

Volunteers 1998 Annual Count - 90 people x 5hrs $5625

1998 Nest monitoring - total time 60 hrs $ 750

1999 Annual Count - 130 people x 5hrs $8125

1999 Nest monitoring (to Jun ’99) - total time 216hrs $2700

Annual Count – 150 people x 5hrs $9375

D.Cooper (to Sept ‘00) - 10hrs/wk x 33 mths $17875

K. Barker(to Mar ‘00) - 5hrs/wk x 12mths $3250

3 x Recovery Team members @ 8hrs/quarter (to Sep ‘00) $3600

Pilots - total (to Jun ’99) 10hrs $ 250

Vol Travel - 1998 Annual Count - 45 cars x 200km $4680

1999 Annual Count - 65 cars x 200km $6760

2000 Annual Count - 82 cars x 200km $8528

TB&RH(diff btwn NHT allowance and actual reimb)(@may99) $8902

Other vols @ 150km/wk (to Sep ‘00) $7254

Total $87674

Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority

1x Recovery Team members @ 8hrs/quarter (to Sep’00) $2400

Donation of 10 info boards, ladders, gps & telescope $5600

Total $8000

Adelaide University

1x Recovery Team members @ 8hrs/quarter (to Sep ’00) $2400

Phd student - feeding ecology in Stringybark (over 3yrs) $15000

Honours student - Nesting success – materials & time $14350

Nest observation study group $5000

Total $36750

Forestry SA 1x Recovery Team members @ 8hrs/quarter (to Sep ’00) $2400

GIS mapping information - set up data base $2000

GIS mapping information $ 500

Total $4900

Department of Natural Resources and Environment

5 x Recovery Team members @ 8hrs/quarter (to Sep ’00) $12000

Office space x 14mths @ $200/mth $2800

Use of trapping equip 12mth @ $100/mth(est) $1200

Motion detecting camera 4mth @ $320/mth(est) $1280

Ongoing use of photocopier @ $10/mth (to Sep ‘00) $210

Occasion use of portable radios

Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo display $ 400

GIS Mapping x 20hrs $500

Total $17490

Department of Environment & Heritage

3 x Recovery Team members @ 8hrs/quarter (to Sep ‘00) $7200

Motion detecting camera 4mth @ $320/mth(est) $1280

Binoculars $ 147

GPS $ 335

Aerial photos $ 150

Receiver loan - 5 years $2500

Project Supervision @ $4500/yr $4500

GIS Mapping x 20hrs $500

Total $16612

Other Sponsorship

‘Snorkel’ - 4mth use of cherrypicker (est) $4000

‘Hansen print’ - artwork for newsletter @ 240pa (to Jun ’99) $ 360

‘Powercorp’ - donation extension pole $1200

‘Portland Vet. Clinic’- vet care 25hrs $ 625

‘Adelaide Rotary’ - nest boxes $6000

‘Penguin Reserve’ - antenna $1000

‘Silcraft’ - Powder-coating of bands $ 80

‘Southcorp’ - total sponsorship over project (promised) $15000

Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority $5000

Wimmera CMA – 4 info boards $1300

Production of web site by Neville Davies/ Vic. Dept. Ed $3000

Total $37565

Total contributions other than E.A. $208991

Report on ‘Unused land in timber plantations’ project.

As discussed at the last Recovery Team meeeting, this project aims to protect remnant vegetation and develop revegetation programmes on land owned by timber plantation companies, but not suitable for timber production.

Since the last Recovery Team meeting we have convened a meeting (Sept 12th 2000) including reps from Birds Australia, Department of Environment and Heritage, Trust for Nature, Natural Resources and Environment, Glenelg-Hopkins Catchment Management Authority, Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers and Greening Australia. Minutes of this meeting are available but briefly, the group agreed that we should pursue funding to employ a person to draft an agreement for land protection/rehab with timber plantation companies. As a result we redrafted our initial proposal and forwarded this to interested parties. This proposal has seen comments suggesting on the one hand that it doesn’t require enough commitment from timber companies, and on the other, that it is insensitive to timber companies.

In the meantime we have pursued several avenues of funding. MF was able to discuss the issue with Nick Dexter (Environment Australia NHT & Biodiversity Policy Branch) and this is still a possible avenue for funding of the position. Discussions with Russell Costello (Environment Australia Vic NHT co-ordinator) resulted in a suggestion that a timber plantation company take the first step by making a written commitment to the scheme. At this stage, Greening Australia is hoping to finalise an agreement with Timbercorp that will see land committed to revegetation/protection. This may satisfy the Environment Australia concerns described by Russell Costello.

More recently, AG and RH met with an APT(Timber Plantation Company) and discussed new tax laws that permit the donation of ‘ ‘ land to a charitable organisation in return for tax wright-offs. APT are keen to be first off the blocks with this scheme and our discussions are continuing.

As can be seen, discussions are continuing in a number of directions. Whilst we are waiting for a firm proposal to develop, I am attempting to keep all parties up to date on progress. Another meeting will be convened as soon as it becomes clear which avenue we should pursue.