Greetings Sorors of AX and TSU,

Happy Spring!! We hope by now you have heard about the AX Scholarship Campaign.

It is our goal during Homecoming 2016 and celebration of our 80th Anniversary to present a donation of $100,000 to the TSU Foundation, allowing our contribution to educating students to live on and continue to grow.

Let us take you back to July 2013 – the celebration of our Centennial year. What a celebration it was! When we said we were going to paint D.C. Red, we literally did that. When we filled the streets from an event, all you could see was red. It was truly a site to behold. The city of Washington, D.C., all the way up to President Obama, knew the Deltas had been in town.

Now let usbring that excitement home! Our beloved Chapter’s 80th anniversary will be celebrated this Homecoming- Oct 14-16. (more to come on that later) . We will sweep that campus with red and white, wearing our symbols proudly. Our impact will be felt and known. That impact will be even greater when we leave the campus with the Scholarship Endowment established to provide scholarships to female students for years to come. Our legacy lives on forever. Absolutely AX,“Absolutely”!

Now, let’s get this legacy started. This is the link directly to the Foundation. AX Scholarship

Make checks payable to TSU Foundation- Gayle Brinkley-Johnson – mailing address

6921 Stone Run Drive

Nashville, TN 37211

(615) 974-9889 cell

The attached permission slip needs to be signed and returned to the TSU Foundation office as directed. This is needed to allow the Foundation to disclose your donation information to Absolutely AX, which will allow us to track donations toward our goal. Put Absolutely AX in memo line.

Above is a Goal report for March.

Shout out to Soror Shirley Green Johnson- 1st to meet Soror Goal

Slippery 42 – Greatest % Participation so far.60’s, 90’s, 2000’s, where you at??? Come on now.

Remember, there are Line prizes - First Line to meet $5000 goal,% participation,& Largest Donation


Let us gather at our favorite coffee shop, restaurant, or home to fellowship and talk up the scholarship campaign, as we get ready to roll on campus. Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, Nashville, Memphis, Jackson, Dayton, Indy, AS FAR AS WE CAN REACH! Sorors, share your excitement about giving back to the University and how the Endowment is a way for us to keep on giving years to come. We are all in this together! Take the lead and start the party! Post pictures of your gatherings on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Let us show everyone how it is done! All month long!

Yours in Delta,

Soror Gwendolyn PraterSoror Delphine Claggion

Scholarship Committee Co-ChairScholarship Committee Co-Chair

AX – 1973AX - 1975

248-798-0658 404-790-7520