Greetings (First Name Last Name, MP,)

I am writing you today to gain your support for Private Member’s Bill C-201. Bill C-201 if passed will increase labour mobility in Canada’s Construction Industry, which at 12% of GDP is one of our country’s largest industries. Bill C-201 would give skilled construction workers who incur expenses when they are required to temporarily relocate for work, a much needed personal tax exemption. The exemption would allow workers to deduct any work-related travel expenses not currently reimbursed by their employers.

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) fully supports this legislation, as do our industry partners, and employers, the electrical contractors. This legislation is not partisan, it is not about workers versus employers, nor is it about unionized workers or non-unionized workers. It will benefit all construction workers regardless of their affiliation; it will also benefit contractors throughout the country who may have a difficult time attracting workers.

I firmly believe this legislation warrants further study at the Standing Committee on Finance for MP’s to fully realize the positive impact it will have on both jobs and the Canadian economy.

(Provide an example from your local union of how many members worked more than 80km from home last year, or home many members your Local Union brought in as travelers last year that would have travelled more than 80km from their home. You should also include any large projects in your jurisdiction that would have required those workers to travel.)

For your information I have included a report of audited costing by Hendry Warren Chartered Accountants on the various scenarios that can apply to the implementation of this legislation.

You can also find more information and a short video at the Canadian Building Trades website:

On February 5th, 2014 I hope that Canadian workers can count on your vote at second reading to support this important piece of legislation that will have a positive impact on jobs and the economy.

Thank you.