Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Sunday June 3rd marked the halfway point of the first year on our journey of faith. I believe that ourjourney is a combination of spiritual and physical movement. God from the very beginning moved across the world as God created. God commanded Abraham to move and this began the journey of a great nation. Through Abraham and his descendants, a strong spiritual connection with God was built and that connection formed a deep relationship of love in and with God. But when the people became rooted in Egypt and their movement limited, their spiritual movement became stagnated as well. They became spiritual slaves to their worldly desires and physical slaves to Egypt. This pattern from physical and spiritual movement to stagnation is recorded throughout the Old Testament. But then, just at the right time, God sent the Son. Jesus broke the cycle with his continuous spiritual and physical movement that is founded in God’s love for us. If we think about it, Christ never stops moving. Even when he is crucified, he rose from death to continue the mission of God, a mission of constant movement. All Christians are called by Christ to continue God’s mission by moving forward. This doesnot mean we need to physically move our homes and families, but it does mean we are to continuously grow in our knowledge of Christ’s faith and physically move by sharing all that we have as Christ did. As we enter into July and August, let us pray for God’s guidance as we explore ways to move in God’s mission today and in the future.
I am excited about two special events in the month of July. First, I will be preforming my first wedding. Kelli Esbaum and Dusty Kain will be wed on Saturday, July 7th at 3:00 p.m. Second, I will experience my first Vacation Bible School with our youth and teachers during the week of July 22nd. These special events will highlight a wonderful month of joy and fellowship. May God continue to bless us as we embrace the great love God has for us in and with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Steve
Watch for School Supplies Lists in August
The North Cedar Clergy will continue to work with the North Cedar School District this year
in providing school supplies for students. While lists are not yet available, we may begin planning for the start of school in August by stocking up on school supplies. Paper, notebooks, pencils, pens, crayons, rulers, etc. are items that may be purchased now and saved for delivery to the church in August. Please watch the church’s website for a more complete list of supplies needed.
July 1Church Council
July 8Barry & Julie Hoffmeier
July 15Rose Horman, Mary Huffman
July 22Pete & Sharon Johnson
July29Senior High Fellowship
August 5Church Council
August 12Ashton Sulzner, Bonnie Kintzel
August 19Gary & Kim Klahn, Kalab Klahn,Cody Klahn
August 26Senior High Fellowship
July 2Gaylon Esbaum
July 3Lou Krafock
July 7Stacie Luepker
July 9Nathan Nabb
July 11Darrell Yutesler, Jr.
July 12Donna Luepker
July 15Carma Conrad, Kimberly Mowry
July 16Nick Combs
July 17Leroy Luepker
July 18 Beth Kahl
July 19Ian Fox, *Dustin Peet
July 20Sue Monson, Laurie Millam
July 22Dalton Yutesler
July 23 Gene Hamdorf, Diane Esbaum
July 25Faith Strackbein, Mike Jensen
July 26Carmen Fields, Jamian Horman
July 27Mary Louise Horman, Sandy Fields, Bill Muhs
July 28Janis Krafock, Roger Huffman,
Judy Mowry, Shandon Hoffmeier,
Kelli Esbaum, Jayson Hayton
July 29Elon Miller
July 25Faith Strackbein,6126 Rockwell Dr
N.E. Apt. 120, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402-4781
July 27Mary Louise Horman, P.O. Box
448, Lowden, Iowa 52255
July 6*Jacob & Heidi Neill9 years
July 7Chris & Phyllis Boedeker56 yrs
July 12Don & Lois Latare9 years
Jennifer & *Patrick Glover4 years
July 16Nick & *Christy Combs7 years
July 27Aaron & Megan Horman10 yrs
July 30Al & Vicki Mohr36 yrs
August 1Stacy Pedretti
August 3Mary Huffman
August 7Judy Proesch
August 9Jerold Jensen
August 11Sharon Kruckenberg, Jennifer Frederick
August 14Marilyn Klahn, Allen Koch
August 15*Brian Armstrong, Robert O’Howell
August 18Bill Elijah
August 20Brad Norton, Kim Klahn, Joby Proesch
August 21Leon Kohlhoff
August 23Adam Horman, Mariah Behrens
August 25Bob Fields
August 26 Dennis Boedeker
August28Neal Mess, *Jason Hayton
August 29Sandra Horman
August 31Madelynn Norton
August 9 Jerold Jensen, 102 Roosevelt Avenue, Lowden, Iowa 52255
August 1Duane & Terry Lasack42 Years
Lonnie & Stacie Luepker20 Years
August 2Larry & Kerri Havel9 years
August 10Gerald & Alice Rowold66 Years
August 14Wilbert & Millie Muhs42 Years
August 19Don & Carol Boedeker62 Years
Mike & Pam Jensen31 Years
August 26Leroy & Donna Luepker51 Years
August 30Kevin & Beth Kahl37 Years
May 8, 2012
The Zion UCC Church Council met at 6:30 p.m. on May 8, 2012. The meeting was called to order by President David Niermeyer. Pastor Steve Stepp opened with prayer. Those in attendance Pastor Stepp, LeRoy Luepker, Donavon Freese, Connie Madden, Linda Horman, Cheryl Boedeker, David Niermeyer. Linda Behrens was present for a portion of the meeting.
Joy and concerns were shared.
Minutes from April 9, 2012 meeting were read and stand approved as printed. LeRoy moved, Connie second, minutes approved.
The treasurer’s reports were presented and approved on a motion by Donavon, second by LeRoy. Motion carried.
Minister’s Scholarship Fund was again discussed and tabled at this time.
Pastor Stepp’s installation Service will be held Sunday, June 3, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. The service is nearly done. Worship & Music Committee will be involved and Evening Circle will be in charge of the meal.
Backyard update: Fence plans were presented and discussed. On a motion by Cheryl, second by LeRoy, motion carried that we go with the #2 plan and pay for it out of the Improvement Fund.
Pastor Steve will be on vacation, June 18-24th Tentative August vacation dates were also presented. Pastor will look into having a seminary student cover for the June vacation time.
After reviewing the Technology Committee report a motion was made by Connie, second by LeRoy that we ask the committee to replace the tower and pay for it from the Technology Fund. Motion Carried.
Correspondence to members regarding the sanctuary redecorating: A motion was made by Connie, second by Linda to have President David contact the Redecorating committee and request that they prepare a letter, with Pastor’s assistance, to send out to members informing them how/where they may send their gifts for this project. A stamped envelope will be included with the letter. Motion Carried.
Sanctuary Flooring Project: The Redecorating committee is willing to get estimates for replacement of the flooring. We would like two bids for this project. Donavon made a motion, second by Cheryl. Motion carried.
Technology Committee:
A new drum roller has been installed on the office copier and is working fine.
Sadie Holst is working on the date’s entry/audit within the Church Windows program. She has about one more volunteer hour remaining. It will then be assessed what the next step is to that Linda can begin better utilizing the data base.
The congregation approved spending up to $7,500.00 on a video projector and screen to be permanently installed in the sanctuary. An exact location for mounting the equipment has yet to be determined.
Senior High Fellowship has agreed to video tape the services and the council has given approval for the camera equipment to be purchased from the Technology Fund for this.
It is the Committee’s recommendation that the computer in the secretary’s office be replaced. It is going on 5 years old. The monitor and other peripheral equipment are still in fine shape, we would need the tower only. The cost of this is $425.00 plus tax. Aaron can coordinate the install and data transfer. There are sufficient funds in the Technology Fund for this.
Building & Grounds
The committee is working on getting bids for the siding on the west side of the church building.
Worship & Music
Pastor Steve and Joy Combs are working on the installation service.
C. E. celebration will be on May 13th.
Installation on June 3rd at 3 p.m.
9:00 a.m. services begin on June 3rd, with food and fellowship to follow.
Worship services have been held at Wheatland Manor and Clarence Nursing Home; Hospital and shut in visits will be continued through the month.
Baccalaureate is May 16th
Pastor & Jean attended the Eastern Iowa Association meeting in Muscatine and Jean was installed as a member at large of the Advisory Board.
Conference meeting in Grinnell is on June 7th. Delegates Beth Kahl and Janie Drewelow will be attending. Pastor & Jean will attend the meeting on June 8-9.
Confirmation letters will go out this month.
Next month communion will be at the altar with intinction. LeRoy and David are in charge.
Next meeting will be held Thursday, June 14th at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned
Closing with a prayer.
Respectfully submitted
Cheryl Boedeker
April 16, 2012
Devotions entitled “A Prayer for all seasons” was given by Janice Strackbein. She encouraged us to read Colossians Chapter 1 verses 9-12 this month and ponder on the message. Marilyn played the piano for a song, “When Peace like a River.”
Refreshments were served by Sig Schluter and Phyllis Boedeker.
The project for the evening was making fleece blankets for the teenage patients at the University of Iowa. Linda Freese and Terry Lasack were in charge of this project.
The treasurer reported a balance of $1,923.09. Bills were presented. Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. A verbal thank you was relayed from Lois Latare.
A question was asked if the Church Council had responded on the request from the Evening Circle to hire a cleaning service for the Church properties. TheSunday School teachers clean their own rooms. Terry made a motion which was seconded by Marilyn Klahn to not clean this year. Carried. This will have to be addressed after the sanctuary is painted. In further discussion, Phyllis Boedeker asked for volunteers to help clean the kitchen.
Pastor Steve’s installation is June 3 at 3:00 p.m. The Evening Circle will help serve the supper.
The Evening Circle will place flowers on the graves of Rev. Jordan and Adele. We will do this each coming year.
Since we have several members on the Congregation experiencing health problems, Bonnie Kintzel made a motion, seconded by Janice Strackbein to take bouquets of happiness to Carma Conrad, Sandra Esbaum, and Yvonne Esbaum. Carried.
May devotions will be by Terry Lasack.
Julie Hoffmeier will help Carma Conrad with flowers for May.
Council on Ministry is Judy Mowry and Sig Schluter.
Our speakers for May will be Rev. Mears and Pastor Lynn.
May 21, 2012
Devotions and enlightenment was given by speakers Rev. David Mears and Pastor Lynn Butterbrodt who played inspiration games and challenges with us. We sent a donation in their names to Pilgrim Heights.
Joy Combs and Sharon Elijah served refreshment.
Serving the Committee on Ministers on May 15 were Judy Mowry and Sig Schluter.
Treasure report was a balance of $2,118.89. Janis Strackbein moved and Donna Luepker seconded the motion to pay the bills.
Thank you notes were read from the Yvonne Esbaum Family, Sandra Esbaum and Carma Conrad. Marilyn Klahn, Joy Combs, Bonnie Kintzel, and Phyllis Boedeker served in the kitchen for Pearl Russ’ Birthday Party.
The nominating committee presented the name of Marilyn Klahn for secretary. All other officers will continue in their duties.
Final plan were made for Pastor Steve’s installation reception.
The Senior Breakfast for Sadie Holst was served by Linda Freese and Marlene Wiedenhoff on Sunday, May 6th at 9:00 a.m. The Holst Family, Pastor Steve and Jean were served an egg casserole, fresh fruit, juice, and little muffins. Sadie was given a vase flowers in the class colors of purple and orange. Each guest received an orange carnation who later presented them to Sadie. She also received a Willow Tree Reader.
June meeting will be an outing to the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital for a tour and to deliver the blankets we made for the teenage group.
Serving the Committee on Ministry on June 19 will Linda Freese and Phyllis Boedeker.
Sharon Elijah will be in charge of Flowers for June.
Marlene Fox is in charge flowers for July.
The serving Committee on Ministry will be Joy Combs and Bonnie Kintzel on July 17th
The July Outing is a tour of Kinze manufacturing Company on July 9th. Sharon Elijah has information we have to know before the tour and waver forms. Husbands are welcome. Let her know by July 5 if you are planning on going. We will be leaving the Church at 8:15 a.m.
We are now once again collecting “Cans for Senior High Fellowship”. So if you have any cans you wish to donate to our causes just bring them to church and we will take care of them. Thank You for your contributions to our Senior High Fellowship.
It is exciting to share with you that the redecoration of our sanctuary began on Tuesday, June 5th by the John C. Kaiser Company of Dubuque.
The original estimated completion date was July 20th; however, work is progressing quickly and it is now anticipated that the redecorating project will be completed by the end of June.
The project of flooring under the pews continues to be explored by the Redecorating Committee and the Technology Committee continues to gather information for the installation of a permanent video projector and screen.
A mailing was sent out to all members in June sharing the details of our repairing, redecorating and improvement project. Gifts for this redecorating project can be made at any time and made payable to the Zion Interior Decorating Fund. If you wish to make your gift a memorial, please include a note with your memorial donation. Gifts can be mailed, dropped off at the church office or placed in the offering plate during a worship service.
Your patience during the renovation is appreciated. We anticipate the day very soon when we can worship together in our newly redecorated sanctuary.
Zion Redecorating Committee
Sandra Horman
June 24, 2012
Once again the response to our VBS pie auction was overwhelming! Our TOP pie brought $165 and it was a Chocolate Pudding Pie! The support of our youth and our VBS program is amazing! We appreciate everyone’s support and blessings! The pie auction brought in a total of $1,917!!! THANK YOU to everyone who spent time baking their delicious pies and to ALL those who opened their hearts and checkbooks to purchase the pies! The VBS week will certainly be a success with the wonderful support everyone has given!!
VBS July 22-26: Please plan on joining us at church on Thursday, July 26 at 7:00p.m. for our closing program for Vacation Bible School! This is a change from last year! The energy level of VBS is at its highest on our final day and we want to share that with everyone! So let us gather together to enjoy this closing finale of VBS and support our youth!!! We will also have fun evening activities in our backyard of our church following the program.
For those who cannot attend Thursday night, we will videotape theclosing program and replay on Sunday, July 29th!
VOLUNTEERS Needed! Once again we need several volunteers in many areas during the week of VBS. From group leaders to kitchen help, we would like your help! This is a great opportunity for senior high students to obtain several hours for silver cord if interested! If you wish to help, please contact Kelly Nabb!!!
VBS - July 25-29, 2011
Progress Report:
We held a teacher meeting on Sunday, May 27 at 9AM. Discussion was held in detail on technology updates and artists options for painting our mural. The decision was made to install a LCD projector and screen permanently in the basement for all groups within our church to be able to utilize these tools for devotions; meetings; movies; etc. Decision was also made to use Stephanie Abresch from Mt. Vernon to paint our mural, The Navity Scene. Stephanie will begin her work in August. Estimated cost of project is $4,900. We are blessed with funds available to cover much of the expenses. If you wish to make a donation, we greatly appreciate your support! If you have questions or wish to make a donation, please contact Kelly Nabb.
The base colors for the ceiling and walls will be painted by volunteers including the Senior High Fellowship students.
The Christian Education basement has been cleaned out on June 5th just in time for items to be added to the SHF Garage Sales! Cleaning has begun! A corner of the ceiling as you enter the basement had water damage and a section had to be replaced.
The technology upgrade is scheduled to be completed during the week of June 24. Painting will then begin.