Isis Cricket Club A.G.M. 2015
Date: 10th November 2015 – Mason’s Arms
Present: Brad Harden, Peter Davenport, Paul Jacobs, Ravi Kella, Mo Naqvi, Dave Penhallurick, Keith Ponsford, AntonSaverimuttu (non-member), Richard Stoneman, Joe Walter, Olly Walter, Keith Whiter (Chairman), Peter Wiblin, Nick Wyatt (Minutes)
1)Apologies for Absence
Luke Blatchford, Roy Blatchford, Jonny Gifford, Peter Gregory, Tom Harper, Sanjay Mistry, Jonathan Ponsford, Harry Stoneman, Alf Symons
2)Minutes of the 2014 AGM
- Recorded as a true record of the meeting – Proposed:Keith Ponsford, Seconded:Olly Walter
3)Matters arising from 2014 AGM
- The action on Keith Whiter to add lifetime fielding statistics to the web site, such as they are recorded in the database, was carried forward. He was asked to publish these stats for 2003 onwards – Action: KW
- The action on Keith Whiter to organise a club tour was completed. This had to be cancelled due to lack of interest. Action Completed
- Peter Wiblin had volunteered to be kit man but did not find the two missing bats. Keith Whiter procured replacement bats at exceptional value. Action Closed
- The action on Nick Wyatt to organise an end of season social event was completed with a pub and curry night. Action Closed
- The action on Nick Wyatt to organise nets was completed. Though expensive, the club enjoyed sessions at Iffley Road. Action Closed
- The action on Keith Whiter to organise a club day was not completed as a suitable date could not be found. Action Closed
4)Chairman’s report
- Keith Whiter’s Chairman’s report is available in full on the club website at
5)Captain’s report
- Dave Penhallurick’s Captain’s report is available in full on the club website at
6)Treasurer’s report
Statement of AccountBalance Carried Forward / £3,003.22
2014/15 Income (£) / £3,404.40
Membership / 810.00
Nets income / 260.00
Match Fees / 1964.40
Tea income from Opposition / 370.00
2014/15 Expenditure (£) / £3,852.43
Kit / 324.55
Nets hire (2015 and 2016) / 683.00
Isis ground rent / 1,100.00
Other ground rents / £110.00
Website (including software purchase) / £147.00
Tea payments / 1,265.00
Other (e.g. umpiring courses, gift) / 222.88
Balance Carried Forward / £2,555.19
Since nets for 2016 are prepaid and included in the 2014/15 expenditure, the accounts reflect a loss of £128.03 over the season, attributed largely to the cost of Iffley Road nets. The Chairman thanked Joe Walter for excellent stewardship of the accounts.
7)Fixture Secretary’s report
- Keith Whiter’s fixtures report is available in full on the club website at
8)Proposals for amendments to the constitution
- There were no proposals for changes to the constitution.
- Keith Whiter apologised to the meeting for not bringing the trophies (work commitments meant he had to travel directly to the meeting). Presentations will be made at the Christmas social. He won the Duck Award as a result.
Player of the Season (Ballot) / Keith Whiter
Clubman of the Year (Ballot) / Keith Whiter
Bowling Award (Top Wicket Taker) / Keith Whiter
Batting Award (Top Run Scorer) / Olly Walter
Catching Award (Top Catch Taker) / Joe Walter
Fielding Award (Best Fielder) (Ballot) / Luke Blatchford
Most Improved Player (Ballot) / Ravi Kella
Big Hit of the Year (Ballot) / Matt Thompson
Duck Award (Ballot) / Keith Whiter
10)Election of Committee:
Proposed / Seconded- President
•Chairman / Keith Whiter / OW / JW
•Captain / Nick Wyatt / OW / JW
•Vice Captains / Brad Harden
Ravi Kella
Dave Penhallurick / KP
•Treasurer / Joe Walter / KW / PD
•Fixture Secretary / Nick Wyatt / OW / JW
•Secretary / Ravi Kella / KP / PW
11)Set the rate for annual club membership fees and match fees
- A motion to maintain match fees and club membership at current rates was carried. Proposed: Joe Walter, Seconded: Nick Wyatt
Membership Fees:£30, Concessions (unemployed, junior, student) £15
Match Fees:Weekend £6, Concessions £4
Midweek £4, Concessions £3
12)Nets and Kit 2016
- Nets at Oxford Academy have been booked (thanks to Nick Wyatt). Anton asked to share the nets with Bartlemas and halve costs. Agreed
- Kit requirements were Wicket-keeper pads, balls, wicket-keeper face mask, batting helmet, one thigh guard, a supply of snap freeze bags.Action: KP
13)Tour 2016
- It was agreed that a one night, non-school hols weekend stopover be arranged. Action: NW
- A motion that an alternate voting system be employed for 2016 awards, whereby members would submit their votes electronically in advance of the meeting, was carried. Proposed: Paul Jacobs, Seconded: Mo Naqvi
- This was felt to be an excellent innovation, and the new committee were asked to devise a procedure in advance of the 2016 AGM. Action: RK and KW
- Peter Wiblin proposed new trophies be procured with space for annual engraving. Anton commented that they can be engraved prior to the AGM under our new voting system. Action: New Committee
- Joe Walter suggested recording sixes hit throughout the season with notes of game, approximate distance and significance. Ravi Kella suggested nominations could be made by email to the secretary as the season progresses. This was deemed a sensible approach to try in 2016. Action: New Committee
- Peter Davenport suggested that players should share the writing of match reports. The captain said he would nominate the action for each game. Action: NW
- Keith Whiter suggested that other members volunteer to take the Level 1 umpiring course. Details to be supplied when dates become available. Action: KW
- Olly Walter requested that a Christmas social be organised. Action: RK