Fall 2007 Reading List
1. Family Planning / Reproductive Health Programs
- McIntosh, C. A. and J. L. Finkle. 1995. The Cairo Conference on Population and
Development. Population and Development Review 21: 223-260.
- Pritchett, Lant H. 1994. “Desired fertility and the impact of population policies.” Population and Development Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.1-55.
- Hodgson, Dennis and Susan Cotts Watkins. “Feminists and Neo-Malthusians: Past and Present Alliances.” PDR. 1997
- Bongaarts, J. 1991. “The KAP-Gap and the Unmet Need for Contraception.” Population and Development Review, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 293-313.
- Crossette, Barbara. 2004. “Has the Cairo Consensus Lost Momentum: A Journalist’s View”. 37th Meeting of Commission on Population and Development, UN.
- Potter, J. E. and A. I. Mundigo. 2004. “Fertility Planning”, Chapter in The Handbook of Population, Dudley L. Poston, Jr. and Michael Micklin, editors, forthcoming
- Finkle, J.L. and C.A. McIntosh. 2002. “United Nations population conferences: Shaping the policy agenda for the twenty-first century.” Studies in Family Planning 33 (1): 11-23.
- Harbison, S.F. and W.C. Robinson. 2002. “Policy implications of the next world demographic transition.” Studies in Family Planning 33(1): 37-48.
- Obermeyer, C. M. 1999. The Cultural Context of Reproductive Health: Implications for Monitoring the Cairo Agenda. International Family Planning Perspectives 25(supplement): 50-55.
1. 1 Family Planning / Reproductive Health Programs in Latin America.
- Potter, J.E. and R. Tuiran-Gutierrez. 2005. “Population and Development: Then and Now,” in Rethinking Latin American Development, (eds.) C.H. Wood and B.R. Roberts. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press. Pp. 249-268.
- Demografia e ideologia: trajetos históricos e os desafios do Cairo + 10. Alves, José Eustáquio and Sônia Corrêa
- Cairo+10: os desafios no Brasil e na América Latina Cooper Patriota, Tânia
- As Políticas Populacionais e os Direitos Reprodutivos: “O Choque de Civilizações” versus Progressos Civilizatórios. Alves, José Eustáquio
- Mundigo, Axel. 1996. “The Role of Family Planning Programs in the Fertility Transition of Latin America.” Pp. 192-212 in The Fertility Transition in Latin America.
- Moreno, Lorenzo and Singh, Susheela. 1996. “Fertility Decline Change in Proximate Determinants in the Latin American and Caribbean Regions.” Pp. 113-134 in The Fertility Transition in Latin America.
- Larragana, O. 2006. Fertilidad en Chile, 1960-2003. Paper presented at the 2006 Encuentro de la Sociedad de Economia de Chile, available at
- Guzmán, José M. 1996. “Introduction: Social Change and Fertility Decline in Latin American.” Pp. xxiixxxi in The Fertility Transition in Latin America, Eds. José M. Guzmán, Susheela Singh, Germán Rodriguez, and Edith A. Pantelides. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Chackiel, Juan and Schkolnik, Susana. 2003. “América Latina: los sectores rezagados en la transición de la fecundidad”. Serie Población y Desarrrollo 42. Celade.
- Rodríguez, Jorge. 2003. “La fecundidad alta en América Latina y el Caribe: un riesgo en transición”. Serie Población y Desarrrollo 46. Celade.
2. Diffusion, Social Interaction and Development Structural Changes.
- Bongaarts, John; Watkins, Susan C. 1996. Social interactions and contemporary fertility transitions. Population and Development Review, Vol. 22, No. 4, Dec. pp. 639-82 on general reading list
- Rutenberg, N. and S. C. Watkins. 1997. The Buzz Outside the Clinics: Conversations and Contraception in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Studies in Family Planning 28 (4): 290-30 on general reading list
- Cleland, J. and C. Wilson. 1987. Demand theories of the fertility transition: An iconoclastic view. Population Studies 41:5-30.
- Pollak, Robert A; S. C. Watkins. 1993. “Cultural and Economic Approaches to fertility: proper marriage or mesalliance?” Population and Development Review 19(3): 467-496
- Kohler, H.-P. 1997. “Learning in Social Networks and Contraceptive Choice,” Demography 34(3): 369-384.
- Montgomery, M. and J. Casterline. 1996. Social learning, social influence, and new models of fertility. Pp. S151-S175 in J. Casterline, R. Lee, and K. Foote (eds.) Fertility in the United States: New Patterns, New Theories. Supplement to Population and Development Review 22.
- Behrman, J. R., H.-P. Kohler, and S. C. Watkins. 2002. “Social Networks and Changes in Contraceptive Use over Time: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Rural Kenya.” Demography 39 (4): 713-738.
- Entwisle, B., R. R. Rindfuss, D. K. Guilkey, A. Chamratrithirong, S. R. Curran, and Y. Sawangdee. 1996. “Community and Contraceptive Choice in Rural Thailand: a Case Study of Nang Rong,” Demography 33(1): 1-11.
- Brown, J. C. and T. W. Guinnane. 2002. Fertility transition in a rural, Catholic population: Bavaria, 1880-1910. Population Studies 56 (1): 35-49.
2.1 Diffusion, Social Interaction and Contraceptive Choice in Latin America.
- Potter, J. E. 1999. “The Persistence of Outmoded Contraceptive Regimes: The Cases of Mexico and Brazil”. Population and Development Review 25(4): 703-739.
- Potter, J. E., C. Schmertmann, and S. M. Cavenaghi.2002. Fertility and Development: Evidence from Brazil. Demography 39(4): 739-761. on general reading list.
- Bravo, Jorge. 1996. “Theoretical Views of Fertility Transition in Latin America: What is the relevance of the diffusionist approach?” Pp. 213-226 in The Fertility Transition in Latin America.
- Faria, Vilmar. 1989. "Politicas de governo e regulacao da fecundidade: Consequencias não antecipadas e efeitos perversos," in Ciencias sociais hoje 1989. Sao Paulo: Ed.Vertice, pp. 62-103. (Benson en sala: H 8 P8 C56 1989-91)
- Balan, Jorge, and Silvina Ramos. 1989. “La medicalización del comportamiento reproductivo: un estudio exploratorio sobre la demanda de anticonceptivos en los sectores populares”. Documento CEDES 29. Buenos Aires : CEDES, 1989 (Benson: HQ 763.6 A7 B35 1989 ).
- Carvalho, Jose Alberto and Rodriguez Wong, Laura. 1996. “The Fertility Transition in Brazil: Causes and Consequences.” Pp. 373-396 in The Fertility Transition in Latin America.
- LAM, D., & DURYEA, S.(1999) Effects of schooling on fertility, labor supply, and investment in children with evidence from Brazil. Journal of Human Resources, v.34, n.1, p.160-192.
- MARTINE, G. (1996) Brazil’s Fertility Decline, 1965-95: A Fresh Look at Key Factors. Population and Development Review. V. 22. No.1 pp. 47-75.
- Rosero-Bixby, 1996. Nuptiality Trends and Fertility Transition in Latin America.
- Rosero Bixby, Luis and Casterline, John. Modeling Diffusion Effects in Fertility Transition.
- Zavala de Cosio, Maria Eugenia. 1996. The demographic Transition in Latin America and Europe
3. Below Replacement Fertility and the Second Demographic Transition
- Rindfuss, R. R., K. Guzzo, and S. P. Morgan. 2000. “The Changing Institutional Context of Low Fertility,” Population Policy and Research Review 22(5/6): 411-438.
- Demeny, Paul. 2003. “Population Policy Dilemmas in Europe at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century”. Population and Development Review 29(1): 1-28.
- Lesthaeghe, R. and P. Willens. 1999. “Is Low Fertility Only a Temporary Phenomenon in the European Union?” Population and Development Review 25(2): 211-228.
- Livi-Bacci. M. 2001. “Too Few Children and Too Much Family. (young adults overly dependent on parents)” Daedalus Summer 130 (3) p139 (6498 words).
- McDonald, 2006. “Low Fertility and the State: The Efficacy of Policy.” Population and Development Review 32(2): 485-510.
- Morgan, S. P. 2003. “Is Low Fertility a Twenty-First Century Demographic Crisis?”, Demography 40(4): 589-603.
- Sobotka T. 2004. “Is lowest-low fertility in Europe explained by the postponement of childbearing?” Population and Development Review 30 (2): 195-205.
- Bongaarts, J. 2000. ¿Fertility and Reproductive Preferences in Post-Transitional Societies.¿ In Bulatao and Casterline (eds) Global Fertility Transition.
- Delgado Perez, Marita, and Massimo Livi-Bacci. 1992 ¿Fertility in Italy and Spain: The Lowest in the World.¿ Family Planning Perspectives 24(4): 162-171
3.1 Below Replacement Fertility and the Second Demographic Transition in Latin America.
- Catasus de Cervera, Sonia and Fraga, Juan Carlos Alfonso. 1996. The Fertility Transition in Cuba“.” Pp. 414-437 in The Fertility Transition in Latin America.
- Cambios y desigualdad en las familias latinoamericanas. Arriagada, Irma. Revista de la Cepal 77, 2002.
- Goldani, Ana Maria. What Will Happen to Brazilian Fertility?