Greetings AIG Coordinators!
Just a quick update for you with some important updates and reminders as January comes to a close.
- The NCDPI AIG Coordinators’ Institute will be held on Wednesday, 2 March 2016 at the Winston Salem Marriott! We look forward to seeing you there. Please see the attached DRAFT agenda for additional information about how to make the most of this experience. Please complete the Institute Registration Form as soon as possible, so that we can plan accordingly for lunch and materials!
- Resources Available:
- Visit the wiki site ( to view and/ or download the Unpacking the Standards documents. These resources have been redesigned and aligned to the current NC AIG Program Standards, and we believe will support your plan writing efforts.
- Attached you will find a copy of the Technical Assistance schedule for the spring 2016 semester. We will be hosting monthly webinars, around topics to help you finish preparing your local plan, as well as, monthly office hours in a Go To format that will allow open question and answer periods for districts. I will be following up with registration links soon for these optional support opportunities!
- The support documents for the APEX system will be located on the wiki site for your review after our training session on Wednesday (1/27). If you missed the webinar on Monday and are unable to attend the final session, we will be making the webinar recording available. Please make sure to have completed the google form by Friday, 29 January to share who will be accessing the APEX system from your district (
Community News:
NCAGT conference is fast approaching! Make sure to register soon (early bird registration must be paid by February 1st). We are excited to be hosting a strand of sessions in conjunction with our DPI colleagues, and we’re thrilled to see lots of really great sessions and presenters and keynote speakers lined up for the entire occasion. We hope to see you there!
Also, UNCW is inviting all educators to attend the 2016 UNCW AIG Conference: Powering Up Potentialto be held on Friday, April 22, at theUNCW Watson College of Education.Here is the link for more information and to register:
That’s all for now! As always, if I can assist in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Warmest regards,