Greeting New Tigers!

Welcome to Big Blue Country. We are pleased that you have chosen Tennessee State University to continue your education. This new home will be filled with all types of emotions and happenings from leaving home to making new friends.

I would like to take this time to provide you with information to make your move-in experience as pleasant and stress free as possible. Move-in day is an emotional, stressful and exciting experience. You are most likely living in one of the residence halls and will be arriving at the same time as many others. It is hectic, the August air is sticky and hot, and the traffic in Nashville is unique. I would suggest getting to your hall and moving in at your assigned time. Patience is KEY. It's very easy to get stressed or to become frustrated with your parents or family (for either moving too slow or embarrassing you in front of your floor mates), but just take a deep breath and try not to overheat!

Enclosed you will find:

ü  Directions to your move-in location

ü  Dimensions of the room in which you will reside

ü  Size of your bed

ü  Date and time that you are scheduled to move in

ü  Link to your Check-In Paperwork

o and click on the “Freshmen Move In” tab

o  In advance, please print, fill out, and have available in-hand upon arrival to campus

We know that everyone is going to try to be the first one to the hall but that will only create slow-downs and added stress. Help us help you to have a pleasant experience!

This letter and the contents will be posted on the Residence Life page on the TSU web page. If you encounter any issues with move in feel free to contact the office of Residence Life for solutions or clarity. We can be reached at 615-963-1461 or

Thank you for your patience, and thank you for choosing Tennessee State University!


William P. Hytche Jr., Ed.D.

Executive Director of Residence Life and Housing

Directions for Freshman Move In

Wilson Hall traffic logistics

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 West exit 207 will be directed straight up Albion street, around to Walter S. Davis Blvd.

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 East exit 207 onto Jefferson street will be directed directly to Walter S. Davis Blvd.

·  Gates will be open at 6am to allow cars to enter on campus from Walter Davis road.

·  Cars will be allowed to line up in two rows towards the Gentry parking lots where they will check in with a staff member at the first check point to verify that student is a resident of Wilson Hall and that they have completed the required paperwork.

·  After offloading student items in Gentry Parking lot, parents/guardians will be directed to park in the engineering parking lot off John Driver Avenue and 39th Avenue.

·  During check in hours cars leaving the Engineering parking lot must exit on Walter S. Davis and then a left towards Centennial Blvd.

Watson Hall traffic logistics

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40West exit 207 will be directed straight up Albion street, around to Walter S. Davis Blvd.

·  Cars travelling unto campus from Highway 40 East exit 207 onto Jefferson street will be directed directly to Walter S. Davis around to Albion Street.

·  Move in will start at 6am where cars will be entering campus from 33rd avenue and Albion Street.

·  Cars will enter the gate on Albion street and be staged on the right hand side of the Eppse main parking lot.

·  During check in hours cars leaving campus must exit towards Alameda street and make a right towards Albion.

Eppse Hall traffic logistics

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40West exit will be directed straight up Albion street.

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 East exit 207 onto Jefferson street will be directed directly to Walter S. Davis travelling all around to Albion Street.

·  Move in will start at 6am where cars will be entering campus from 33rd avenue and Albion Street.

·  Cars will enter the gate on Albion street and be staged on the left hand side of the Eppse main parking lot

·  During check in hours cars leaving campus must exit towards Alameda street and make a right towards Albion.

Boyd Hall traffic logistics

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 West exit will be directed straight up Albion street, around to Walter S. Davis Blvd.

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 East exit onto Jefferson street will be directed directly to Walter S. Davis around to Albion Street.

·  Move in will start at 6am where cars will be entering campus from 33rd avenue and Albion Street.

·  Cars will enter the gate on Albion street and continue to travel past Eppse main parking lot into Boyd main Parking lot.

·  During check in hours cars leaving campus must exit towards Alameda street and make a right towards Albion.

Rudolph Residence traffic logistics

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 West exit 207 will be directed directly straight up Albion street.

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading Highway 40 East exit 207 onto Jefferson street will be directed directly to Walter S. Davis Blvd around to Claire Ave.

·  Move in will start at 6am where cars will be travelling all around Walter S. Davis where they will enter campus from 38th and Claire avenue gate.

·  During check in hours cars leaving the parking lot must exit on through post 3 onto Albion street where they will make a right towards Walter S. Davis and then a left towards Centennial Blvd.

Hale Hall traffic logistics

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 West exit 207 will be directed straight up Albion street.

·  Cars travelling unto campus heading on Highway 40 East exit 207 onto Jefferson street will be directed directly to Walter S. Davis Blvd around to Albion street.

·  Move in will start at 6am where cars will be travelling all around Walter S. Davis where they will enter campus from 37th and Albion street.

·  During check in hours cars leaving the parking lot must exit on through post 3 onto Albion street where they will make a right towards Walter S. Davis and then a left towards Centennial Blvd.

Size of Bed- Twin XL

Date and Time that you are scheduled to check in:

·  Floors 1 & 6 & 7 6am-9am

·  Floors 2 & 5 9am-11am

·  Floors 3 & 4 11am-1pm

DON’T FORGET! Please print, fill out, and have available with your check-in paperwork available. and click on the “Freshmen Move In” tab.