Child’s name:

September 2016


Dear Parents of Year 5,

A provisional booking has been made for Year 5 to Wide Horizons Townsend Centre, Cobblers Lane, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 2PX for Monday 6th February to Wednesday 8th February 2017.

The Centre has classroom and recreational facilities. Sleeping accommodation is in single sex dormitories, with a member of staff housed in a room at the end of each dormitory. Year 5 teachers will accompany the children plus at least two other members of John Ball staff. There are also additional teachers on site allocated to each class, who bring their own expertise to the group.

This is an extremely valuable experience for your child, both academically and socially and we are hoping that every child will take part. Should you wish to find out more about Wide Horizons for yourselves, their website is:

The contribution for this journey is £149.00 This includes the cost for the centre- £111.00 the cost of the coach- £38.00 Children whose parents receive Income Support are entitled to a grant but we will still have to ask them for a contribution of £60.00. A form is attached for you to complete if you are eligible for the grant. Please bring proof of your benefit dated within the last 3 months (no photocopies) to the school office with the grant form. Do not hesitate to contact Mrs Windham or myself if you wish to discuss the payments or have any questions.

Please complete the slip below and return it to school by Tuesday 4th October 2016 with a non-returnable deposit of £30.00. Payments may be made weekly, in any amount but only on Tuesday mornings please. Cheques must be made payable to ‘John Ball School Journey Account’. The dates we will require payments by (after the deposit) are: 1/11/16 £40.00

6/12/16 £40.00 and final payment 10/01/17 £39.00.

Yours sincerely,

Ms J McCrossen

Deputy Headteacher



I wish my child ------in class 5--- to take part in the Wide Horizons School Journey (6th February to 8th February ).

I enclose a deposit of £30.00

Signature of parent / guardian ------

Q:\Documents & Templates\Word Documents\SchoolJourneys\2015-2016\Swanage Year 5 Nov - Dec 2015.doc