Green Tea: Better You Think

Green Tea: Better Than You Think

Tea is a beverage that is well enjoyed throughout the world. Many different cultures and backgrounds are brought together with a simple drink of tea. Green tea has successfully become a part of many individuals daily routine, enjoying the benefits it has to offer on a regular basis. Although this topic is focused on green tea, one must understand that all tea comes from a single plant, weather white, black or green. The process of the varying tea color and taste is what makes the tea green, black or white.


The scientific name for the tea plant is Camellia Sinensis. (YKA, 2007). The tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) has thick and broad leaves, which are dark green in colour. The leaves of Camellia Sinensis have a strong and wide stem. (YKA, 2007). The tea plant produces either pink or white flowers as shown in Figure 1, which has a very light and delicate fragrance. (YKA, 2007)

The tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) is found in warm and moist climates. The plant grows in temperatures that vary within 10-30 degrees Centigrade. The tea plant, Camellia Sinensis is mainly found in areas within an average rainfall of 2,000 mm yearly. (YKA, 2007)

Camellia Sinensis originated in Tibet, China and North of India, (YKA, 2007) but now can be found in many other countries such as Indonesia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Japan. (StasoSphere, 2010). Many people have attempted to grow their own tea plant in their very own backyards in countries across the world with a completely different climate and environment such as The United States, some have succeeded but of course some have failed. (StasoSphere, 2010)

Product/Making the product (flow chart)

Tea picking is still carried out in the traditional manner which dates to the ancient times. The leaves of Camellia Sinensis are individually handpicked and collected into wide baskets as shown in Figure 2. (YKA, 2007).The hand picking guarantees that only the best of tea leaves are collected and used for producing tea.

In Asia, tea season begins in the start of spring and continues throughout from May until the end of August (YKA, 2007), whereas in Africa the tea picking season is continuous throughout the year considering the weather climate. (Health benefits of Green tea, 2010). For the production of tea only the plant's bud and two young leaves are used. The flowers of the tea plant are also picked than dried and added to the tea blend to add to the fragrance. (YKA, 2007)

Figure 3- Flow Chart- Production Process of Green Tea

This process is specially designed to produce green tea, refer to Figure 3. The process of tea leaves varies according to what type of tea is being produced (black, white or green). (Figure 4)

How To Make Green Tea

Figure 5- Process of cooking Green Tea

The process of cooking Green tea is very simple, refer to Figure 5. This process of cooking Green tea has not changed since ancient times, making green tea has not changed slightly for centuries. We enjoy green tea in the same traditional manner as our ancestors and their own ancestors did.

Beneficial Impacts

Green tea is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. (Benefits of Green tea, 2010) Among the many benefits of green tea one important one is the stimulation of the digestive system. Green tea offers several health benefits by improving the metabolism, assisting faster digestion and providing energy. Green tea also aids towards decreasing cholesterol absorption which helps remove fat. (Smestad, n.d.) Green tea is also a great source of necessary nutrients for good health and energy. Green tea's anti-inflammatory agents benefit the gastrointestinal tract, repair and fight skin damage and aid the circulatory system. Green tea aids towards weight control by satisfying hunger, helping burn calories faster and keeping the body hydrated. (Green tea: Digestion and Metabolism, n.d.)

Drinking green tea is also thought to aid towards the growth and reduction of cancer cells. In 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute discovered the results of an epidemiological research towards the benefits of drinking green tea. National Cancer Institute’s research concluded that the intake of green tea reduces the risk of esophageal cancer in men and women by almost sixty percent. (The Miracle of Green tea, n.d.)

Food digestion, in this case green tea, begins in the mouth referred to as Ingestion. Oral hygiene is an important contributor towards a person’s overall health. Green tea includes fluoride which prevents tooth decay, it also minimizes and aids against cavities and plaque. (Smestad, n.d.) Green tea is also loaded with vitamins A, B, C and E, these vitamins encourage and toughen the teeth, bones, gums and muscles. (Benefits of Green tea, 2010)

The vitamins and minerals that are found in Green tea nourish the body, decrease stress, prevent against skin damage, lower blood sugar, and encourage the immune system into faster digestion. The B-complex vitamin in green tea supports the circulatory system, assists the central nervous system and aids towards the assimilation of carbohydrates for energy. (Smestad, n.d.) Vitamin E found in green tea, is used as an antioxidant, it supports and improves the health of muscles and red blood cells. Vitamin E also aids towards the quality of one’s skin. Vitamin C also found in green tea, helps with the quality of skin, blood, bones and muscles. (Benefits of Green tea, 2010)

Green tea is used by anyone and everyone. Almost everyone has heard of the beneficial impacts of green tea, and surely almost everyone has tried it at least one. Green tea is a medical product that has been used since ancient times. Green tea is not a pill that is only available to developed countries verses underdeveloped or developing countries. Many people benefit from this ancient and magical treat called Green tea. Green tea has helped improve the lives of millions. Many underdeveloped and poor countries have access to green tea as a form of ancient medicine. People used to and still use green tea as a form of relaxation as well as a form of easy and fast digestion.

Green tea has replaced several medical products such as “diet” pills, lowering cholesterol pills, medicine for constipation or slow metabolism such as “Pepto-Bismol,” and even some antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Green tea has even reduced the need to spend money on expensive and sometimes even dangerous products for oral hygiene. Considering green tea aids towards anti-aging, it has reduced the need for harmful and risky surgeries and other forms of skin treatment. Green tea is also a great replacement for coffee, Green tea contains about 60 milligrams of caffeine per an eight-ounce cup, (Benefits of Green tea, 2010) which is considerably less than caffeine found in coffee. Green tea aids towards a healthier and happier lifestyle. (Refer to Figure 4).

Harmful Impacts

The only negative side effects reported from the intake of green tea has been insomnia. This is due to the fact that green tea also contains caffeine. However, green tea contains far less caffeine than coffee. (Miracle of Green tea, n.d.). Overall, Green tea has not affected the society, environment, economy or any other major aspects in a negative manner.


Are there any other foods or drinks known to have the same amount of health benefits as the Green tea? The Chinese, who considerably invented the green tea have known about the health benefits of the Green tea since the ancient times, using it to treat anything and everything from constipation to headaches and even depression. Green tea has established a significant reputation towards a highly beneficial product in the fight against cancer and a form of treatment to many illnesses such as headaches, constipation, tooth decay, etc. We need to take into consideration the benefits of green tea verses regular tea or coffee, considering it will strengthen tooth enamel instead of staining it, help towards hydrating the body because it contains respectfully far less caffeine, and mainly because it contains more antioxidants.



1.  " Camellia Sinensis.” Flower in a tea plant at a Darjeeling Tea plantation. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

2.  "Enjoying the benefits of Green tea." Health and Lifestyle. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

3.  "Green Tea." Greeen tea Diet Capsules and Pills. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

4.  "Healthy Lifestyle." Health and Wellness. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

5.  "Tea Picking” Tea plantation picking. Web. 11 Dec 2010.


1.  "An Introduction." greenteabenefits. N.p., 2010. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

2.  "Green Tea: Digestion and Metabolism." safealternativemedicine. N.p., 2010. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

3.  "Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea." benefitsofgreentea. N.p., 2010. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

4.  "Tea Growing and Tea Production." wtea. N.p., 2007. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

5.  "Tea producing countrie." chestofbooks. N.p., 2007. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

6.  "The Miracle of Green Tea." chinesefood.about. N.p., 2010. Web. 11 Dec 2010.

7.  Smestad, Abigail. "Green Tea's Effect on Digestion." ehow. N.p., 2010. Web. 11 Dec 2010.