How to: Paediatric Departmental Induction
This best practice document has been developed through a process by the Specialty Training Committee (STC). The process involved a college tutor developing an overview document on induction, a workshop using end of placement feedback data to identify areas of good practice and where practice could be improved, input from the Paediatric Trainee Committees and sign off by the STC.
Induction is mandatory for every post, and is a key component of ensuring patient safety as underlined by the GMC and the Gold Guide.
“Every Trainee starting a post or programme must be able to access departmental induction to ensure they understand the approved curriculum; how the post fits within the programmme; their duties and reporting arrangements; their role in the inter- professional and inter-disciplinary team; workplace and departmental policies and to meet the staff.” GMC2011
It is important to avoid overloading the trainees with too much information during the departmental induction and therefore for each induction programme there are essential and desirable components to be delivered:
Essential Components
Induction packs (see Appendix for recommended content)
- must be circulated in advance, ideally 6 weeks before start along with rota.
- hard copies should be available in the units.
- trainees should be requested to sign a document, confirming that they have received, read and understood the information provided.
Administrative requirements
- a seamless system to provide ID badges, passwords etc. should be in place for day1
- a sticker to fit on the back of the ID card with key contact details
- rota coordinator present at induction
- sick leave and other relevant policies should be covered
The “Human touch”
- a welcome talk by the Local Programme Director
- a tour of the relevant areas of the hospital
- introduction to ward and departmental staff
- social events should be considered
Creating a safe clinical environment
- Clarity on organizational structure and contacts.
- Clarity on what is expected of trainees.
- Handover arrangements
- Team working, including role within the team.
- Accessing senior help both in an emergency and non-emergency situations.
- Raising concerns of a clinical and non-clinical nature.
- Prescribing
- Mandatory training
- Accessing guidelines
- Discharge summaries
- Data collection (outcomes)
- Trainee guide (developed by previous trainee)
- Elements that are unique to a particular unit
Education and training
- Clarify educational supervision system and who to turn to in the event of problems
- Accessing clinical and learning resources including details of local teaching programme and courses available within the Health Board e.g. Safeguarding
- Opportunities for projects, management experience should be signposted
- Consider developing ongoing list of QI and audit projects that trainees from one period hand on to the next
Desirable Components
Desirable sessions will vary according to the requirements of the service, the post, and the trainees’ previous experience and may be delivered over a period of weeks rather than on the first day.
Examples include:
- Neonatal emergencies
- Newborn examination
- Using the blood gas machine
- Paediatric Basic Life Support
- DKA Pathway
- Child protection processes
Induction Pack Contents
(to be sent out in advance and available in the unit)
- Welcoming email and Induction Programme
- Map
- Rota
- Week plan
- Duties & Responsibilities / Guide to Paediatrics &/ Neonates
(preferably written by trainees for trainees)
- How to access Paediatric & Neonatal Protocols
- How to do e-Discharges / Approving Letters / Prescriptions etc
- Useful Phone numbers including Cardiac Arrest number
(preferably also in badge size)
- Administrative Do’s and Don'ts (from secretaries)
- Any Admission Proformas (eg Asthma, DKA, CF etc)
- Emergency Paediatric &/ Neonatal Algorithms
- Useful links e.g. prescribing module, Badgernet training video etc
- Any particular memos (e.g. Swine Flu Update, Consent Protocol, Personal identifiable Information)
- Local Teaching Programme
- Emergency Study Afternoons / Deanery Induction Day
- List of Educational Supervisors
- Educational contract (for signature and return)
Pastoral support
- Who to turn to for help (clinical, educational, pastoral, personal)
- Bullying & Harassment policy
Employment issues
- Internal Operational Protocol for Leave
(Including Return to Work Self-certification)
- On-line Study Leave Manager User Guide
- Health Board Policies and procedures
Agreement to sign that induction pack has been received and read