MinutesofaCommitteeMeetingheldat St Helier Yacht Club onthe7thSeptember2017at 1730.
Present:In Attendance / W Simpson (WS)
P Carter (PC)
M Clarke (MC)
C Gill (CG)
K Hennelly (KH)
P Rose (PR)
V Walker (VW)
M Peters (MP) / Action
- Apologies
- Co-opt Mark Peters to Committee
MP then left the meeting
- Minutes
- MattersArising
Rubbish – It appeared that collections had been increased, as the situation had been much improved during the Summer.
Lifeboat – Noted that the situation had finally been satisfactorily resolved. KH understood there were issues in the UK due to restrictive regulations being applied.
St Helier marina gate – KH advised that operation was now back to 2.2 meters.
Wi-fi – the new sign-in system for local owners had brought mixed results. PDD reported a significant improvement at his position in St Helier marina, but PR said there were still problems in Elizabeth.
Dogs – PR said there had been a big increase of dogs on leads in Elizabeth with a potential health issue with the water hoses. It seemed that dogs were also allowed in La Collette. WS agreed to seek clarification of the policy from Mike Tait.
Treasurer succession – WS reported that he had advised our Independent Examiner of CG’s impending retirement & that MP was the candidate to succeed her.
Bank A/Cs – PDD clarified his report at the last meeting. It had been Lloyd's bank that forced the closure of a charity’s a/c, HSBC had then declined an application to open an a/c for them. Upon appeal, Lloyd's had back-tracked & reopened their a/c. / WS
- Chairman'sReport
- Treasurer'sReport
WS suggested a prize draw at the AGM, open for those who had updated their s/o’s by then. PDD said cash payers ought to be included, many of whom paid at the end of the AGM & CG added inclusion of those that paid directly to the bank a/c.
CG said that MP was reluctant to run the Access database on his computer & suggested buying a basic laptop for on-going use by the Treasurer. VW suggested alternatives of cloud storage, or a pen drive. He & PC agreed to meet to discuss the options & CG will provide PC with a copy of the database on a pen drive.
CG confirmed that she would shortly provide the annual accounts to the Independent Examiner. / WS
- Bank A/C Signatories
- AGM Planning
CG said splitting notifications between email & post would be complicated in her absence & it would be preferable to mail everyone. She would provide labels, envelopes & stamps to PDD.
She said membership cards were an added complication & questioned if they were necessary. WS understood that the vast majority of St Pier Marine customers taking advantage of their discount offer used Yacht Club cards, rather than ours & he proposed that cards should not be sent automatically, but available upon request if needed. This was agreed. / PDD
- AnyOtherBusiness
Holding berths – KH said the situation had worsened this year due to the number of charter RIBS. MC added that the charter business had exploded over the last 2 years, perhaps catching Harbour’s planning for them by surprise.
Berth Availability – noting that a UK owner had recently been allocated a permanent berth in Elizabeth, PR asked if there was still a waiting list for 14m boats.
Elizabeth Marina – PR reported that more visitors were being allocated berths in Elizabeth & felt that, given the tidal flow, a dory service was needed.
Passeport Escale – PC reported that he had joined the scheme & found it brilliant & PR concurred. PDD suggested that as Jersey’s membership of the scheme becomes more widely known, the visitors in Elizabeth issue could be exacerbated. / WS
- NextMeetingTermination