MinutesofaCommitteeMeetingheldat St Helier Yacht Club onthe7thSeptember2017at 1730.

In Attendance / W Simpson (WS)
P Carter (PC)
M Clarke (MC)
C Gill (CG)
K Hennelly (KH)
P Rose (PR)
V Walker (VW)
M Peters (MP) / Action
  1. Apologies
/ N Wood (NW)
  1. Co-opt Mark Peters to Committee
/ WS welcomed Mark Peters & thanked him for agreeing to stand at the AGM to succeed CG as Treasurer & Membership Secretary. He proposed that he be co-opted to the committee & this was agreed.
MP then left the meeting
  1. Minutes
/ Theminutesofthelastmeetingwereapprovedsigned.
  1. MattersArising
/ Holding pontoon on NNQ – WS understood that the 24/7 fuel berth may be moved to NNQ. There was also the possibility of the Yacht Club having a pontoon below the clubhouse.
Rubbish – It appeared that collections had been increased, as the situation had been much improved during the Summer.
Lifeboat – Noted that the situation had finally been satisfactorily resolved. KH understood there were issues in the UK due to restrictive regulations being applied.
St Helier marina gate – KH advised that operation was now back to 2.2 meters.
Wi-fi – the new sign-in system for local owners had brought mixed results. PDD reported a significant improvement at his position in St Helier marina, but PR said there were still problems in Elizabeth.
Dogs – PR said there had been a big increase of dogs on leads in Elizabeth with a potential health issue with the water hoses. It seemed that dogs were also allowed in La Collette. WS agreed to seek clarification of the policy from Mike Tait.
Treasurer succession – WS reported that he had advised our Independent Examiner of CG’s impending retirement & that MP was the candidate to succeed her.
Bank A/Cs – PDD clarified his report at the last meeting. It had been Lloyd's bank that forced the closure of a charity’s a/c, HSBC had then declined an application to open an a/c for them. Upon appeal, Lloyd's had back-tracked & reopened their a/c. / WS
  1. Chairman'sReport
/ CICRA Review - WS confirmed that in June the Ports of Jersey regulator had sought information about issues with the administration. It was felt that the committee had nothing of significance to raise, so the survey was advised to members, requesting them to provide feedback to us , or direct. No member’s responses had been received.
  1. Treasurer'sReport
/ CG reported that 70-80 members had yet to amend their s/o’s despite 2 emails & 2 letters to those without email addresses. The subscription increase had resulted in some further resignations from those who had given up boating & also some changing from joint to single membership.
WS suggested a prize draw at the AGM, open for those who had updated their s/o’s by then. PDD said cash payers ought to be included, many of whom paid at the end of the AGM & CG added inclusion of those that paid directly to the bank a/c.
CG said that MP was reluctant to run the Access database on his computer & suggested buying a basic laptop for on-going use by the Treasurer. VW suggested alternatives of cloud storage, or a pen drive. He & PC agreed to meet to discuss the options & CG will provide PC with a copy of the database on a pen drive.
CG confirmed that she would shortly provide the annual accounts to the Independent Examiner. / WS
  1. Bank A/C Signatories
/ PDD said he would obtain a new mandate form from HSBC & put the necessary resolutions to the AGM to bring the signatory list up to date. / PDD
  1. AGM Planning
/ WS said he would prefer a date before 29th November, as he was scheduled for a hospital operation. PDD agreed to seek a date with the Yacht Club in the week commencing 20th November.
CG said splitting notifications between email & post would be complicated in her absence & it would be preferable to mail everyone. She would provide labels, envelopes & stamps to PDD.
She said membership cards were an added complication & questioned if they were necessary. WS understood that the vast majority of St Pier Marine customers taking advantage of their discount offer used Yacht Club cards, rather than ours & he proposed that cards should not be sent automatically, but available upon request if needed. This was agreed. / PDD
  1. AnyOtherBusiness
/ Power cables in old harbours – VW said dangerous usage remained a problem & PC suggested timers on the outlets would help. WS will discuss with Mike Tait.
Holding berths – KH said the situation had worsened this year due to the number of charter RIBS. MC added that the charter business had exploded over the last 2 years, perhaps catching Harbour’s planning for them by surprise.
Berth Availability – noting that a UK owner had recently been allocated a permanent berth in Elizabeth, PR asked if there was still a waiting list for 14m boats.
Elizabeth Marina – PR reported that more visitors were being allocated berths in Elizabeth & felt that, given the tidal flow, a dory service was needed.
Passeport Escale – PC reported that he had joined the scheme & found it brilliant & PR concurred. PDD suggested that as Jersey’s membership of the scheme becomes more widely known, the visitors in Elizabeth issue could be exacerbated. / WS
  1. NextMeetingTermination
/ The date of the nextmeeting was agreed as 12th October. Themeetingwasclosedat 1900.