Great Basin College
Student Government Association
11:30 a.m. January 16th, 2009
Battle Mountain - GBC BM 3
Elko – GBC LH 114
Ely - GBC 114
Winnemucca - GBC 108
Pahrump - GBC PVC 124
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Executive Board
Eron Sanchez, President Present
Jacqueline Lemback, Vice President Ineligible
Susan French, Secretary Present
Julie Smith, Student Advocate Present
Battle Mountain Senator
Elko Senators
Andre LeSpade Present
Richie LeSpade Present
Kyle Farley Present
Robert Courtney Resigned
Jamie Muir Present
Barry Ramsay Arrived @ 12:10pm
Kim Pay Ineligible
Ely Senators
Lauren Yourdon Present
Janae Johnson Present
Winnemucca Senators
Jessica Johnson Present
Ilona Somers Present
Pahrump Senators
Paulette Batayola Present
Shannon Hadfield Present
III. Introduction of Guests Information
Elko guests: Carl Diekhans, Interim President, Lynn Mahlberg, Norman Cavanaugh, John Patrick Rice, Victoria Jackson Dick. Winnemucca guest: Katie Schumacher, AmeriCorps
IV. Approval of Agenda Information/Action
A. January 16th, 2009
· President Sanchez noted the typos in items C, F and G.
· Senator R. LeSpade moved to approve the January 16, 2009 SGA agenda.
· Senator Muir seconded the motion.
V. Approval of Minutes Information/Action
A. November 21, 2008
· Senator A. LeSpade moved to approve the November 21, 2008 SGA minutes.
· Senator Farley seconded the motion.
VI. President’s Report Information
· President Eron Sanchez reported on the following:
· GBC President Carl Diekhans addressed SGA regarding the Governors State of the State Message.
· The budget presented by Governor Gibbons shows that NSHE will take the largest hit.
· Faculty welcome back will be February 20, 2009 at 10:00 am. It will be held IAV.
· NSA will hold rallies January 22, 2009. Since GBC is not open we will be scheduling appointments to speak with the legislatures. The first meeting is scheduled with Senator Dean Rhoades and Assemblyman John Carpenter at 11 am, Monday January 19, 2009 in the Berg Hall Conference room. Any students wanting to come should be there by 10:30 am.
· SGA President Eron Sanchez has appointed Jamie Muir the new Treasurer. Jamie Muir has had done most of the work since Treasurer Rowley’s resignation.
· The VP position is also vacant. Please let President Sanchez know if anyone is interested.
· The Student Union construction has been delayed until March.
· Mr. Howard Rosenberg has been recommended to be the speaker at graduation this year. He was a Regent and is quite pro GBC.
o Senator R. LeSpade stated he has met Mr. Rosenberg and felt he was a good choice.
VII. Vice-President’s Report Information
· President Sanchez stated there will still be a SOL meeting at 12:30 February 2, 2009.
VIII. Treasury Report Information/Action
A. November 2008 Treasury Report
· Advocate Smith completed the report. See Attached.
· Senator A. LeSpade moved to approve the November 2008 SGA Treasury Report.
· Senator R. LeSpade seconded the motion.
B. December 2008 Treasury Report
· Advocate Smith completed the report. See Attached.
· Senator R. LeSpade moved to approve the December 2008 SGA Treasury Report.
· Senator Farley seconded the motion.
IX. Student Advocate’s Report Information
· Student Advocate Smith reported on the following:
· Jacqueline Lemback is still working for Student Life, and will be more than happy to help whoever takes her VP position.
· The outlying campus Senators and Secretary which is a total of seven students had an overall GPA of 3.75. Senator Lauren Yourdon from Ely has a full-time job and carried 17 credits and has a 4.0 GPA.
· Please stay informed about the budget cuts as legislatures like to hear from students. Please think of questions you need to know about.
X. Branch Campus Reports Information
A. Battle Mountain
· President Sanchez reported the student lounge at the Battle Mountain Campus is finally put together.
· President Sanchez reported there may be a student interested in the Senator position in Battle Mountain.
B. Ely
· Lauren Yourdon stated Frank Daniels is making chili for Welcome Back week.
C. Pahrump
· Senators stated they are glad to be back
· Advocate Smith suggested the Senators may want to go to CSN for next Regents Meeting the first week of February.
D. Winnemucca
· Secretary French stated the guest in Winnemucca today is an AmeriCorps volunteer. She will be working full time in Winnemucca promoting the college, community outreach, and getting students more involved in campus activities.
· Senator Somers reported we will be hosting Orientations.
XI. Committee Reports Information/Action
A. Facilities
· Senator Jamie Muir reported the game machines have been left open since November.
· Senator Jamie Muir reported the condom machine count was $42.50.
B. Bighorn Pantry Report
· Senator Jamie Muir reported the pantry needed a few things restored.
XII. Unfinished Business Information/Action
· None
XIII. New Business
A. Battle Mountain Welcome Back Week Information/Action
President Eron Sanchez requests a sum of $150.00 for Spring Orientation
Activities and Welcome Back Week on the Battle Mountain campus during the
week of January 26th through 31st 2009.
· Senator Farley moved to approve the request of a sum of $150.00 for Spring Orientation and Welcome Back Week on the Battle Mountain Campus during the week of January 26-31, 2009.
· Senator Muir seconded the motion.
· President Sanchez stated that Ms. Mitchell will again help with these activities.
· Motion passed unanimously.
B. Legislative Budget Forums Information/Action
President Sanchez requests the sum of $750.00 to host Legislative Budget
· Senator R. LeSpade moved to approve the request of a sum of $750.00 to host Legislative Budget Forums.
· Senator A. LeSpade seconded the motion.
· President Sanchez reported this amount will be set aside for luncheons hosted by SGA with the Senators and legislatures.
· Motion passed unanimously.
C. Native American Club Pow Wow Information/Action
Norm Cavanaugh requests the sum of $700.00 to help subsidize the cost of
Holding a POW Wow on the Elko Campus on January 30th, 2008.
· Senator R. LeSpade moved to approve the request of $700.00 to help subsidize the cost of holding a Pow-Wow on the Elko Campus January 30, 2009.
· Senator Farley seconded the motion.
· Mr. Norm Cavanaugh stated this is the second Pow-Wow held on the Elko Campus. The one last year was quite a success, and it is open to all students and the public.
· Victoria Dick reported they will be selling Indian Tacos, which brought in quite a bit of money last year. This is really a show of what the arts are all about.
· Advocate Smith stated that Mr. Cavanaugh is an unpaid volunteer and has really done a great job.
· There is an amended motion to add $50.00 to the requested amount
· Senator R. LeSpade moved to amend the sum from $700.00 to $750.00 to help subsidize the Pow-Wow held on the Elko Campus.
· Senator Hadfield seconded the motion
· Motion passed with Senator R. LeSpade abstaining.
D. Student Lounge Refrigerator Information/Action
Senator Lauren Yourdon requests a cap of $200.00 to purchase a refrigerator
for refreshments in the student lounge on the Ely Campus.
· Senator A. LeSpade moved to approve the request of $200.00 to purchase a refrigerator for refreshments in the student lounge on the Ely Campus.
· Senator Muir seconded the motion.
· Senator Yourdon reported they would like to purchase a small refrigerator for the common area on the campus.
· Motion passed unanimously.
E. Ely Welcome Back Week Information/Action
Senator Lauren Yourdon requests the sum of $200.00 for Spring Orientation
Activities and Welcome Back Week on the Ely Campus, the week of January
26th through 31st 2009.
· Senator A. LeSpade moved to approve the sum of $200.00 for Spring Orientation Activities and Welcome Back Week on the Ely Campus. The week of January 26-31, 2009.
· Senator R. LeSpade seconded the motion.
· Senator Yourdon reported the money will go toward the chili fixings that Mr. Frank Daniels will be making. Also, there will be supplies bought to put into the chili such as cheese, crackers and other fixings.
· Motion passed unanimously.
F. Winnemucca Welcome Back Week Information/Action
Senator Ilona Somers requests the sum of $300.00 for Spring Orientation
Activities and Welcome Back Week on the Winnemucca Campus, the week of
January 26th through 31st 2009. Welcome back will be held and February 9th, 10th, and 11th 2009.
· Secretary French moved to request the sum of $300.00 for Spring Orientation and Welcome Back Week on the Winnemucca Campus.
· Senator Hadfield seconded the motion.
· Secretary French explained the welcome back potato bake which will be held from February 8-11, 2009.
· Senator Somers explained the game SGA plays and the prizes they hand out.
· Motion passed unanimously.
G. Pahrump Welcome Back Week Information/Action
Senator Paulette Batayola requests the sum of $300.00 for Spring Orientation
Activities and Welcome Back Week on the Pahrump Campus, the week of January 26th through 31st 2009
· Senator Jessica Johnson moved to approve the request of the sum of $300 for Spring Orientation activities and welcome back week on the Pahrump Campus.
· Senator Somers seconded the motion.
· Senator Batayola stated they will provide pizza for their welcome back.
· Motion passed unanimously.
H. Movie Night Information/Action
· President Eron Sanchez requests the sum of $150.00 to purchase
refreshments for movie night to be held on January 28th on the Elko Campus.
President Sanchez vetoed this item.
I. Welcome Back Taco Feed Information/Action
President Eron Sanchez requests the sum of $900.00 to purchase food for the
Welcome Back Taco Feed to be held on January 26th 2009 on the Elko Campus.
· Senator Ramsay moved to approve the request of $900.00 to purchase food for the Welcome Back Taco Feed to be held on January 26, 2009.
· Senator Muir seconded the motion.
· President Sanchez explained there is and extra $100.00 added to last year’s amount due to the cost of food items.
· Motion passed unanimously.
H. Spring 2009 Orientation Information/Action
President Sanchez requests the sum of $550.00 to purchase refreshments and
supplies for the orientation to be held on the Elko Campus on Saturday January
24, 2009.
· Senator Somers requests the sum of $550.00 to purchase refreshments and supplies for the orientation to be held on the Elko Campus on Saturday January 24, 2009.
· Senator Muir seconded the motion.
· President Sanchez explained there will be pizzas served that day as Café X will not be open.
· Motion passed unanimously.
XIV. Public Comment Information
· President Sanchez thanked everyone for making the meeting today, and stated that he is looking forward to the luncheon on Monday. He also thanked Carl Diekhans for speaking today.
President Sanchez adjourned the meeting at 12:40 pm.
*Note: The tape recorder was not working at the beginning of the meeting. Problem corrected. It again malfunctioned during the meeting. The problem will be corrected by the next meeting.