Grease Interceptors
Schier Products provides the specification language below to assist in the specification of our grease interceptor products.
Black: Insert directly into project specification Section 22 40 00 - Plumbing Fixtures or where appropriate.
Blue: Included in this document to assist you and is not to be included in the specification language.
Red: Optional accessories or equipment applicable to the product and available to specify at your discretion.
Insert the following paragraphs under “Submittals”:
A. Review Submittals:
1. Product Data: Manufacturer’s standard data sheets describing components including materials, dimensions, relationship to adjacent construction, and attachments.
Insert the following under “Manufacturers”. Edit to indicate whether or not substitutions will be permitted for the products in this section.
A. Contract Documents are based on products by Schier Products Company, Edwardsville, KS USA
B. Substitutions: [Under provisions of Division 01.] [Not permitted.]
Insert the following under “Components.” Refer to the Schier Products catalog or website for part numbers (latest part numbers and specifications are always on the website), then select and edit the following paragraphs accordingly. All red text represents optional items, include as necessary.
Include the following for a low profile hydromechanical grease interceptor for indoor, above or below grade applications.
A. Grease Interceptor:
1. Model: Great Basin™ low profile indoor series model GB1, GB2, GB3
2. Description: Schier Great Basin™ low profile hydromechanical grease interceptor model # _____ shall be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, rotationally-molded polyethylene with minimum 3/8" uniform wall thickness. Interceptor shall be furnished for above or below grade installation. Interceptor shall be built in accordance to ASME A112.14.3 (type C) and CSA B481.1, with field cut riser system, built-in flow control, built in test/sealing caps and three outlet options. Interceptor flow rates shall be ____ GPM and ____ GPM. Interceptor grease capacities shall be ____ lbs. at ____ GPM and ____ lbs. at ____ GPM. Cover shall provide water/gas tight seal and have minimum 450 lbs. load capacity. Interceptor shall be furnished with pumpout port kit model #PP1 to enable remote pumpout.
Include the following for a hydromechanical grease interceptor for all applications – indoor or outdoor, above or below grade.
A. Grease Interceptor:
1. Model: Great Basin™ series model GB-50, GB-75, GB-75-FO, GB-250, GB-250-FO, GBHF-250-200 or GBHF-250-250
2. Description: Schier Great Basin™ hydromechanical grease interceptor model # _____ shall be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, rotationally-molded polyethylene with minimum 3/8" uniform wall thickness. Interceptor shall be furnished for above or below grade installation. Interceptor shall be built in accordance to ASME A112.14.3 (type C) and CSA B481.1, with field cut riser system, built-in flow control, built in test/sealing caps and three outlet options. Interceptor flow rate shall be ____ GPM. Interceptor grease capacity shall be ____ lbs. Cover shall provide water/gas tight seal and have minimum ____ lbs. load capacity. Interceptor shall be furnished with pumpout port kit model #____ to enable remote pumpout.
Include the following for a gravity grease interceptor for outdoor, below grade applications.
A. Grease Interceptor:
1. Model: Big Foot™ series model GGI-750, GGI-1000 or GGI-1500
2. Description: Schier Big Foot™ gravity grease interceptor model # _____ shall be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, molded polyethylene with minimum 3/4" uniform wall thickness. Interceptor shall be furnished for below grade installation with field cut riser system. Interceptor flow rate shall be 314 GPM. Interceptor grease capacity shall be ____ lbs. Cover shall provide water/gas tight seal and have minimum 16,000 lbs load capacity.
Include the following anywhere visual or sampling access is required to monitor effluent water quality before entering the public sewer.
A. Sampling Port:
1. Model: Sewer Viewer™ series model SVXX-XX
2. Description: Sewer Viewer™ sampling port model #____ shall be manufactured by Schier Products, Edwardsville, KS. Port shall be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, rotationally molded polyethylene with minimum 3/8" uniform wall thickness. Port shall be built in accordance with the Water Environment Federation’s “Standard methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater” with sealed top access port and highway rated composite cover and field cut riser as required when buried.
Include the following anywhere there is a requirement for grease or oil separator systems that require a flow rate greater
than 100 gpm.
A. Flow Distributor:
1. Model: Flow Splitter™ series model FS-XXX
2. Description: Flow Splitter™ flow distributor model #____ shall be manufactured by Schier Products, Edwardsville, KS. Port shall be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, rotationally molded polyethylene with minimum 3/8" uniform wall thickness with sealed top access port and highway rated composite cover and field cut riser as required when buried.
Include the following under “Installation”:
A. Install components in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved product data submittals.