Individual Career Plan
NAME: GRADE (CHECK ONE): 9 10 11 12
Holland Code: (Realistic – Enterprising – Artistic – Social – Investigative – Conventional)
Circle all career explorations / assessments / surveys completed
COPS / CAPS PLAN PSAT ACT SAT OWE OWA CBI College Visitation Job Shadowing CVCC IDL CEO-Career Field Trip ASVAB ECOS OCIS Career Key Personality Mosaic
Career Day Speakers
1. After High School, I plan to: Work Full time Enter the Military Attend an apprenticeship program
Attend a technical / trade school Attend a 2 yr community college
Attend a four –year college
2. The Career Cluster that best supports my career plans at this time:
Arts and Communication (ex. performing visual and media arts, interior design, broadcasting, culinary, graphic design
photographer, advertising, public relations, writer, cartoonist, journalist, architect)
Business and Management (ex. Accountant, banker, financial analyst, lawyer, bookkeeper, sales, stockbroker, buyer
entrepreneur, Office manager, politician, urban planner, retail store)
Environment and Agricultural Systems (ex: Archaeologist, forest ranger, landscape architect, outdoor recreation, florist
chemist, landscaper, park naturalist, surveyor, farm manager, forester horticulturist)
Health Services (ex: Anesthesiologist, nutritionist, therapist, Surgeon, athletic trainer, medical assistant, physician,
nurse, dentist, veterinarian, pharmacist, psychologist, x-ray technician)
Human Services (ex: teacher, librarian, counselor, hospitality manager, flight attendant, fire fighter, police officer, social
worker, religious, coach, trainer, realtor, lawyer)
Industrial and Engineering Systems (ex: airline pilot, automotive, carpenter, engineering, webmaster, computer tech,
building inspector, construction manager, electrician, surveyor, industrial arts)
- If you have a specific career interest, please indicate.
- Check the skills that you possess in each area.
Communication:Writing Public Speaking Presenting Negotiating Persuading
Planning:Creativity Designing Conceptualizing Initiating Implementing
People Skills:Tact Coping Diplomacy Motivating Team Building Advising Teaching
Leadership:Directing Managing Motivating Supervising Delegating Problem Solving
Organizational:Gathering Data Developing Coordinating Scheduling Prioritizing
Financial:Budgeting Forecasting Auditing Managing accounts Assessing
- Select the work values that are most important to you
Achievement Challenge Creativity Environment Fairness Independence Leadership
Security Status Variety Wealth Social Interest
- Select the elective classes you will need to attain your goal:
Art/Music Business English Family / Consumer Science Foreign Language Math Science
Social Studies Technology Education Industrial Arts CVCC Program
7. What training will you need for your chosen career? On the Job Associate Degree Technical Certification
Bachelor’s degree (4 yr) Advanced degree (Masters/Law/Medical) State Licensure
- List all activities you have been involved with during your High School years (clubs, athletics, part–time
employment etc.)
9. Has your career goal(s) changed since last year: Yes No