Purpose: The Madison Memorial Student Support Foundation (SSF) does hereby open our arms and our funds to support the students of the Madison Memorial High School Community. We are an organization of students committed to assisting the student body by providing grants of money to students, programs and faculty at Madison Memorial High School.

We encourage you or your organization to consider applying for a SSF grant in order to develop new projects or to expand existing projects. Applications for Semester 1 are due by October 14; if there are still funds after the Semester 1 Round, we will open up for a Semester 2 Round. SSF will notify all applicants of the Semester 1 Round about grant decisions in late October.

Grants are evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Will the project satisfy the purpose of Madison Memorial Student Support Foundation?
    "assisting the student body by providing grants of money to students, parents, programs, and faculty at MMHS."
  • Will the project enhance the educational experience at Madison Memorial High School?

For the Madison Memorial Community…

  • Will the project create a measurable impact?
  • Will the project serve a diverse and large number of students?
  • Will the project address a real need?

To apply for a grant, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the grant application.
  2. Keep a copy for you or your group, and return a separate copy to Jay Affeldt’s mailbox.
  3. All applicants will be notified of the decision to fund or not to fund their projects.
  4. If the grant is approved, funds will be allocated and available for immediate use.

Guidelines and regulations:

You may request a grant for any amount; SSF’s total budget this year is $4,000.

The details of the grant request will remain confidential

If funded, you will work with Elizabeth Contrucci to access funds.

If grant funds are not used within the current school year for their intended purpose, they must be returned.

After funds have been spent, a brief report and thank you letter with photographs must be presented to SSF describing the specific use of the funds and the impact of the project on the Madison Memorial High School Community. This is required for our year-end reporting to our benefactors.

Questions? Jay Affeldt,

Madison Memorial Student Support Foundation Grant Application
Name(s) of the individual(s), organization or departmentthat would receive the grant funds:
Please write a one-sentence summary of your project.
Total amount requested:
$______/ Date funds are needed:
Student Contact Person: / Madison Memorial Staff Contact Person:
*Please tell us in detail about the project:
Explain how the school community will benefit from the project:
Describe any other planned fundraising efforts and/or donations already received:
*Please detail how the funds will be spent using the format below, and include proposed vendors, if relevant.
Item / Specific $ amount / Purpose
*You are welcome to attach additional information as necessary.

Return your completed application to the mail box ofJay Affeldt, acting SSF Advisor.

Thank you for applying!