Granger Public Library Board Meeting Minutes: February 7, 2015 – 9:00 a.m. (8:00 – 9:00 Trustee Training with Maryann Mori)

In Attendance: Pam C., Deanna B., Melissa M., Renita L., Kelli A., Janette F. – Library Director

Approval of Minutes from January Board meeting: Kelli motioned, Renita seconded. Approval of Minutes from Special January Budget meeting: Renita motioned, Pam seconded.

Library Director’s report: Patron count and circulation count down a bit from last year – perhaps due to weather? Budget was presented to the city council for 2015-2016, meeting went well and all council members were invited to the library. Crocheting with Tish still met every week, with lower attendance due to illness. Book Club members are reading “Calico Joe” by John Grisham. Next month will be “Killing Lincoln” by Bill O’Reilly. After school program has had average attendance for the month, of about 32 kids per week. Charades during the last week was not a hit – 10 participated, 30+ didn’t want to participate. May look to provide weekly updates on programming for students to gauge interest before coming to library. All public preschool classes attended library and both sections of preschool were visited at Assumption. Morning story time is going well – attendance of 10-12 per week. Princess Tea Party was a huge success. 44 participants with lots of great feedback. Looking to offer a pirate party in April. May consider Community Center next year to better accommodate that many participants. New volunteers: Hunter and Nathan Roberts, Tish Simons, Madisyn Mann, Aaron Ruggles and Tessi Limoges. Dr. Seuss birthday party in March. Stuffed Animal Story time March 27and March 28. Dan Wardell has chosen Granger as one of his stops on his Reading Road Trip! Date to be determined. The Magic of Rick Eugene has been booked for the Summer Reading Program Kickoff on June 3.

Financial Report: Bills for December paid in January were motioned to be approved by Renita, Kelli seconded. Bills for January to be paid in February were motioned to be approved by Deanna, seconded by Melissa. All in favor. TNA account balance is $10913.52

Old Business: Cabinets for bathroom and kitchen areas have been purchased. Install was set for Friday – will follow up. Tool kit will be purchased from Walmart or True Value in Grimes. Kitchen accessories will be purchased once cabinets are installed. Children’s furniture is in, Teen is not. Waiting for both to come in before delivered. Pictures of old furniture were sent to Mayor to sell.

New Business: $50 to Friends of the Adel Public Library Foundation for promotion of Toddlerfest in May – request being sent to Friends of the Granger Public Library. $125 United Way funds and $150 private donation are being moved to City General Fund. County Funding of $3265.42 moved from TNA to City General Fund. WG- Yearbook advertisement – following up with Eric for additional information. New vacuum was requested by janitor. $500 coming out of Minor Equipment budget. Request to install a baby changing station in the restroom. Melissa motioned to approve this expenditure, Renita seconded. All in favor.

Discussion of Other Matters: Friends of Granger Public Library – updates were made to 501c3 status – they are current. Janette to draft a volunteer policy for our review. Need to create a director evaluation form. Janette is going to send some Google Doc examples. Board needs to review a copy of Library Ordinance.

Melissa motioned to adjourn, Renita seconded.