Serving with: Contact Information:

The Association of Baptists C. Londres, 26

for World Evangelism E-28510 Campo Real (Madrid) SPAIN

PO Box 8585 Phone:34-91-876-5104

Harrisburg, PA17105-8585 Cell: 34-620-218-288



March 12, 2013

Dear Supporting Churches and Friends,

For several months you have been praying with us that God would lead us to just the right place to begin the “Centro Torre Fuerte” ministry in Torres de la Alameda. About a month ago we called about a place right on the main street of town. After several phone calls and visits, it looks like we may be able to rent this location. It’s about 800 sq. ft. so it will be a good place to start. Even though it’s in pretty good shape, because of the city’s requirements, we’ll have to invest about $15,000 just to get it up to code. We are excited about the possibility of beginning activities there. In the photo above, our center will be the first storefront with the 2 large windows. The second photo shows what it looks like in the interior. We have to install ahandicapped bathroom on the stage as it’s the only place where it will fit without taking up a lot of space for our activities. The architect still needs to present our plans to the city and then the contractor has to do the actual remodeling. We will be signing a 5-year lease the week of March 25 and then hopefully in April the remodel can begin. The rent will be around $1,000 a month so, as you can see, this is a big leap of faith but we believe that God has many people in this city and we want to be used of Him to reach them. Thank you for having a part with us in this project.

As we told you in our last letter, we have become good friends with Isabel,the Campo Real librarian. About a month ago she told us that she and her boyfriend, Eyad (from Syria), wanted to visit the church in Coslada. They came (!!) and had a great time. They were going to visit again the next Sunday but something came up. Much to our surprise, even though we were not at church last Sunday, they went anyway. Afterwards Isabel attended a baby shower for one of the ladies and Eyad went with the men to the mall. Even though they both have a Christian background they are not believers. Isabel commented that even though she’s a librarian, she had never read one of the most read books in the world-the Bible. We are praying that God will use the Word in their lives. We can see that He is working already. We finished our “Way of Hope” Bible Study with Julio and Maria and since we will be gone for two weeks and then Maria will be leaving for Ecuador, we won’t be studying again until April. We pray that the things they are hearing will have an impact in their lives. Continue to pray for the Bible studies with Antonio and his mother, Isabel, and with Paula. We are thankful for the ministry opportunities we have in Campo Real.

Thank you for praying for our Valentine’s Banquet. Thirty-three people attended with three unsaved couples and two unsaved ladies. Giovanni and Yomar went with us. Our friend, Santi, did a great job with the music and shared a great message of God’s love for us. You can see photos of this event on our website. Click on “Valentine’s Banquet-February, 2013". Our next activity will be an Easter Egg Hunt near the Hudaks’ home. We continue to look for special activities until we are able to open up the new ministry center. The Hudaks and we also continue to make contacts through teaching English.

This letter is being written from Keith and Debby’s apartment in Italy. Every year around this time we try to visit them. Debby usually attends a conference for a week where she serves as interpreter, so we come over to enjoy some special times with them andhelp out. What a joy it is for us to attend the “Veritas” church that they have started here in Rozzano outside of Milan. There is a small but solid group of believers here and leadership is developing as well. We praise the Lord for what He is accomplishing. Keith and Debby will be going on furlough this summer and would appreciate your prayers for the church as they leave it for three months.

God continues to work and bless. We are thankful for the opportunities we have to share our faith and to have a part in people’s lives. Life in Spaincontinues to be complicatedbecause of the economy. Unemployment remains over 25% and over 50% for young people. We have several friends who have been without work for some time. Pray especially for Isabel, (the young woman who lives with us), and Martin, a young man in the Coslada church. They have both been without work for over a year now.Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. We are grateful for each and every one of you.

In His Service,

Roy & Nancy Jones