The next WPPG meeting will be the AGM held in the Wheathampstead Memorial Hall on Thursday 7th July at 7.30 pm. At that time, you will be entertained by a presentation from the Wiltshire Farm Foods company involving a tasting of some delicious nutritious meals. This will be followed by a break for drinks including a free glass of wine and of course soft drinks and then the AGM and we do invite input from members at this meeting. Although organised by the WPPG primarily for its members, everyone is welcome. Why not invite neighbours or a friend to come along with you.

'AAA Screening Programme - for men over 65

So what is AAA? It's Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - a weakening and expansion of the vital aorta - the main vessel that supplies blood from your heart to your body. If it were to rupture, the fatality risk is 85%! The good news is that only 1 in 70 men screened has an aneurysm - but the centre has found one example so serious that he was operated on immediately.

Such a risk is highest among older men (many times higher than for women) and the screening is now automatically offered to men reaching 65. It is, however,also available to older men who missed out - but the programme is finding it difficult to make contact with enough men.Hence this message - as some of you may qualify and, now you know, wish to participate.

Most men will screen as normal and NEVER need to be screened again. Some will need to be kept under observation and a very few will need treatment. It seems that the result is either good news - or better news.

Their phone number is 01727 897719and the email address is :

Hopefully, some of you will take advantage of this invaluable service.'


The media is reporting the increasing problem of obesity and diabetes in the general population. The Department of Health has brought out a new "portion plate" diagram to help us eat the right foods. It does not include the section with high sugar and fats. The section for protein vegetables etc gives a % of what should be eaten. As this can be difficult to judge a helpful way of doing this is as follows.
Fruit/cereals/ starch: choose the size of your fist as a portion size for each of these items.

Vegetables: 2 handfuls of vegetables.

Meat and alternatives: the amount that would cover your palm and the thickness of your little finger.

Fats: limit the amount to the size of the tip of your thumb.

Remember to drink 6-8 glasses of fluid a day. Choose low fat milk to drink.

This is just an approximation, but may help to decide how much to have on your plate at meal times.

New Doctor starts in June

We are pleased to announce that Dr HåvardMolvik will be joining the practice as a partner on the 1st of June. Dr Molvik comes from Norway. He has been working in the UK for 10 years and lives with his family in St Albans. He will be working in Harpenden and Wheathampstead.

WPPG Membership

Note: renewal is due on 1st April 2016

Membership is just £5 per year and this covers membership for everyone in your house.

WPPG is open to all ages to assist in promoting good health locally.

We need your help to encourage new members to join. Once you have read your WPPG Newsletter, please do pass it on to a friend or a neighbour and suggest they may like to join the WPPG.

Benefits include:

  • Three health talks each year by professional consultants or physicians
  • Your personal copy of the WPPG Newsletter every three months
  • We inform you about key NHS issues
  • We will take up concerns on your behalf with the Wheathampstead Village Surgery

Please help us to sign up new members.

The WPPG is affiliated as a member ofNAPP (National Association for Patient Participation)

Easter pressures: Easter is always a particularly busy time of year andthe surgery is sorry if appointments have been harder to book than usual. They have tried to address this with several of the GPs and nurses carrying out extra surgeries.