GraduateApplicationForm Trainee Patent Attorney

Please note that all information should be supplied on this form. There is no need for a covering letter.

Your personal details:



Contactingyou: Address:




What are your preferred areas of specialization?

Please tick all that apply

Automotive & Mechanical EngineeringClean Tech & Energy

Consumer Products & ManufacturingMedical Devices

Inorganic Chemistry & MaterialsBiotech

Organic Chemistry & PharmaceuticalsComputer & Software

Electronic & Electrical DevicesFinancial Services & Business Methods

Telecommunications & BroadcastingPhysics

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Education - School:

Secondary school(s) attended:Dates:

GCSEs (or equivalent) obtained: GCSEs (or equivalent) obtained:


A Levels (or equivalent) obtained – NB if not A Levels please indicate the nature of qualification:

Subject YearGrade

Other qualifications obtained during school years:

Other interests pursued during school years:

Positions of responsibility held:

Other achievements:

Education – University:

University attended: Start date:

College (where appropriate): Date of graduation:

Title of course:

Individual papers sat/modules undertaken:

First yearSecond year

Paper/moduleGrade obtainedPaper/moduleGrade obtained

Third yearFourth year (as appropriate)

Paper/moduleGrade obtainedPaper/moduleGrade obtained

Overall degree class obtained (or expected):

University project work undertaken:

Any post graduate study and/or qualification obtained:

Other interests pursued and/or activities undertaken at university:

Positions of responsibility held:

Other achievements:

Please provide details of any research or other work you have had published:

Outside interests:

Please provide details of any work experience you have undertaken:

DatesName of employerNature of work undertaken by youNature of position – job title and whether paid and whether internship or equivalent

Please provide details of any voluntary work undertaken by you:

DatesName of organizationBrief details of roles

Please provide details of any sports, hobbies or other interests pursued by you:

Language skills:

Language Degree of proficiency

IT skills:Please provide details of level of IT proficiency including software with which you are familiar:

Please provide details of any other qualifications or achievements you consider relevant to your application which are not covered elsewhere on this application form:

Intellectual Propertyknowledgeand aptitude:

What is your understanding of the role of a patent attorney?

Howandwhen didyoufirstlearnaboutpatents?

Whatattractsyoutoa career inIntellectual Property?

DataProtectionAct1998 & Declaration

Personal informationcontainedwithinthisapplicationmaybeprocessedelectronicallyorstored withinadatabasefor thepurposeof dealingwithyourapplicationforemployment. Insubmitting thisapplication,youaccept thatsuchprocessingisnecessarybutunderstandthatinformation heldwill notbeheldforotherpurposesordivulgedtothirdparties.

Iconfirm that theinformationcontainedinthisapplicationisaccurateand complete.Iunderstand thatshouldIbeofferedaposition, thisinformationwillbecheckedand anyfalse, incompleteor misleadinginformationthatIgivemayresultinan offerof employmentbeingwithdrawn.

Digital signature:
