Project No: ______


Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association

101 – 2255 13th Ave.

Regina, SK,S4P0V6

Phone: (306) 585-2333

Fax: (306) 585-2334


SCAIDFGraduate Student Research Application Form 1

Project No: ______

Graduate Student Research Project Application Form – SCAIDF

(If more space is required, please attach a blank page. Application Form should be no more than 6 pages.)

Applicant Information
Project Leader: / Position:
Address: / City:
Province: / Postal Code:
Phone Number: / Email:
Co-Applicant(s) Name(s) & Organization(s):
Project Information
Project Title:
Start Date: / End Date:
Funding Requested from SCAIDF:
SCAIDFYear One: / SCAIDFYear Two:
Research strategy objectives – choose as many as appropriate
Economic Sustainability
Animal Health and Welfare
Environmental Sustainability
Forage and Feed Grains
Producer/Consumer Awareness
Technology Transfer
Other – please explain
Project Summary (objectives and deliverables):
Project Description:
Please address all the following items in the order specified
1)How the research addresses the of project’s objective(s)
2)Background & Brief Literature Review
3)Identify how this project builds on other research and/or how it is unique from other research that has been completed or is currently in progress
Expected Benefit of the Proposed Project:
  • To Saskatchewan beef producers
  • To the SCA
  • To beef product, in particular the Saskatchewan beef product
  • Do all funds generated stay in Saskatchewan and/or Canada?

Impact of Research on the Environment, Human & Animal Subjects
Estimated Project Budget
Year One / Year Two
Salaries & Benefits
Technical/Professional Assistants
Other (Specify)
Equipment & Facility
Purchase or rental
Operation & maintenance costs
User Fees
Materials & Supplies (If over $1,000 itemize expenditures in budget commentary)
Materials & Supplies
Technology Transfer
Industry Meetings/User Workshops
Other (Specify)
Eligible Overhead/Administration Fee (Maximum of 15%)
Plan for Technology Transfer (Pertinent if the application is for a research project)
Type of Tech Transfer / Yes/No / Plan
Industry Factsheets
Industry Presentations
Journal Publications
Research Papers
Identify any other extension and technology transfer plans not listed above:
A condition of project approval will be that researcher(s) agree to cooperate with the SCA’s Communication’s staff to develop a 2-4 page industry-based factsheet.
If the desired outcome is achieved, briefly describe how you expect these research results could benefit the sector(s) identified above by:
What production cost will be reduced?
What product value attribute(s) will be improved?
Potential Reviewers
Identify up to three individuals who could peer review this project proposal
Complete Address (Include postal, phone, fax, and email):
Complete Address (Include postal, phone, fax, and email):
Complete Address (Include postal, phone, fax, and email):
I agree to the above termsand hereby declare that the information provided herein is accurate, valid and a full disclosure of requested information.
Name (print) Title
Date Signature

SBIDF Application Form1