MIAHEAD Executive Board Meeting Minutes from June 17, 2005
Cooley Law School—Goldie Adele
Glen Oaks Community College—Cheryl Hayden
Grand Valley State University Kathleen VanderVeen (President)
Lansing Community College Kim Cory
Lansing Community College Jennifer Lock (Secretary)
Madonna University David Stokes (Treasurer)
Michigan Rehabilitation Services Rosanne Reneauer
Michigan State University Elaine High (Four-Year School Rep)
Oakland University Linda Sisson
Schoolcraft College Carl Monroe
University of Michigan Virginia Grubaugh (Past-President)
Washtenaw County Community College Deb Guerrero (Two-Year School Rep)
Meeting called to order at 11:13 am.
Secretary’s Report—website has been updated and now includes the MIAHEAD brochure to allow prospective members to join.
Treasurer’s Report—ending balance of $8667.52 following all conference expenses and income. Discussion held regarding the possibility of holding a Fall mini-conference at no cost to members because of the large balance in the account at this time.
Conference Committee Report—
· Some felt that one speaker for the entire day was a bit much and would like to see a variety of speakers for upcoming sessions. Attendees felt that the style should have included overheads and included more interaction with the members throughout the day to keep people involved. Members would be interested in breakout sessions, and the inclusion of vendors. Prizes should be left until the end of the conference to keep attendees at the conference for the entire day. Attendees would like the option of being able to pay for the conference on a VISA/Mastercard through a PayPal account on the MIAHEAD website. Members liked the room/table organization for both the sessions and the luncheon. Overall, group would like to consider holding two different conferences throughout the year to include a variety of styles.
· Committee members will be visiting the Radisson hotel this afternoon (6/17) to determine if it is a site that would work well for future conferences or meetings.
Web Committee Report—Members would like to continue to use Veith Consulting to host the MIAHEAD website for the upcoming year.
Advocacy Committee Report—Michigan Career and Technical Institute (near Kalamazoo) visit took place on June 2—Transition Network Team chaired by Rosanne Renauer sponsored the visit. MIAHEAD presentation was made by Lois Baldwin and Elaine High. Visit was helpful for MCTI staff to meet the MIAHEAD members to discuss similarities between MCTI and higher education disability services staff.
Legislative Committee Report—
· Goldie Adele, Rosanne Renauer, David Stokes and several students made a presentation regarding MIAHEAD and disability services provided in higher education to the Legislative group on June 1, 2005. Sam Gooden also made a presentation regarding the MOU which was recently developed by MIAHEAD members between MRS/IHE/and MCB. Follow-up should be made from the MIAHEAD group, possibly to discuss the Barbara Bill for technology access for students with disabilities, and to remind them that MIAHEAD is available to make ongoing presentations to the legislature.
· There is currently a bill that may have an addition made that would remove funding from schools that do not adhere to accessibility laws.
· Rosanne has received the revised MOU from Sam Gooden and Lois Baldwin, and she is in the process of reviewing the revisions. Rosanne feels that cost-sharing will not be able to take place as MRS is not in the position to be able to do that at this time due to funding issues. She would like to clarify the language in the MOU, and she’ll try to get the agreement finalized and sent out. The MOU will be brought back to the MIAHEAD group for a forum discussion with members to notify the membership of the finalized document that will be sent out to college administrators across the state. New version will be sent out to the membership via the website, and will be discussed at the July or September meeting, or at an additional meeting (date to be determined).
Round Table
· Rosanne Reneauer accepted a new position within MRS as the Lansing-area District Coordinate, to begin on Monday, June 23. Rosanne would like to continue to be a member, but there may be other representation from MRS in the future.
· Grand Valley State University has a new board member who has a disability (Kay P. Walters from Steelcase). GVSU’s student disability group has recently created an accessibility review survey of the campus and has expressed concerns with building and transportation access, and plans to present the information to the new board member. The group has already sent the survey to GVSU administration and the campus is responding to the concerns.
· Release of information form—asking students to allow for permission to share FERPA information with other faculty—are schools using this type of approach? Many schools will not share disability-related information with faculty, considering it confidential unless the student chooses to share it with instructors. Other schools do have an additional form that allows DSS staff to disclose information to faculty members.
· Real-time captioning/C-Print cost concerns at one institution, in addition to a lack of staff available who have this type of training. Members suggested that the person who had been providing the service to the student in high school be approached to see if he/she would be available to assist at the college. The student has received this service since the fourth grade, so this may be the most-appropriate accommodation for her. There is a school in Clawson that trains people to become real-time captioners.
· Student who uses sign language interpreters who requested to have the tests interpreted. Some schools do this on a regular basis, while others rarely provide this type of accommodation.
· Assistive technology grant resources—are there any special funds available? Members will research this further to discuss staffing options. OCC, GVSU, and MSU have technology resource staff available who may be able to be a resource to other schools.
· AHEAD conference is August 2-6 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A major focus for the 2006 AHEAD conference will be transition issues—either from high school or out of college into the workforce. 2006 AHEAD conference will be held in San Diego.
Next MIAHEAD meeting will be held on Friday, July 15, 2005 at the Sheraton Hotel.