Grading Option Change, Section Type Change or Course Attribute Removal Form Proposal Review Guide

Form Completed and signed by appropriate persons. (faculty submitter/proposer and Department Chair)
  1. Sign off by the Assessment office – Dr. Kris Hogarty (if needed)
  2. Sign off by the SAS Office – Dr. Jeany McCarthy (if needed)
  3. IF there is Concurrence/Consulting Departments/Units:(if needed)
  • Head of consulting Departments signed the Signature/Cover page
  • A signed Memo/email from the consulting unit/department either granting or denying concurrence if they are outside of the College of Education.
  • This submission still needs approvals by the Chair, Program Coordinator, Assessment Office, SAS (if teacher preparation or exercise sciences) before it is sent forward to the appropriate committee (UPC or GPC), Faculty Policy Council, Dean’s designee before the college sends it forward to the appropriate council (Undergraduate or Graduate).

Grading Option Change, Section Type Change or Course Attribute Removal Form
  1. Department and Contact Information

  1. This section must be completely filled out

  1. Course Information

  1. This section must be completely filled out

  1. Change Grading Option (if checked)

a.Make sure something from the left column is checked, something from the right column is checked, and they are not the same.
  1. Change Section Type

  1. Make sure something from the left column is checked
  2. Make sure something from the right column is checked.
  3. To add an online option:
If they are adding a type to the current type such as the course is currently a class lecture (face to face) and they are wanting to be able to teach this course online then in the second column, they should be checking BOTH class lecture and Other.
  1. If they are wanting to convert a current course from class lecture (face to face) to ONLY be taught online then in the second column, then only “other” should be checked.
  2. Percentages:
  3. If this course is to only be taught online and never ever again face to face then 100% distance learning is correct.
  4. If this course is to be taught one semester face to face and another semester online, then Primarily Distance Learning is correct.
  5. If this course is taught both face to face and online during the same semester then hybrid would be correct.

  1. USF System Policy 10-1065 Section

  1. All questions 1-4 must be answered if “OTHER” is checked in the second column under Change Section Type.

  1. Remove Course Attribute (only applies to Undergraduate Gen Ed/FKL Courses)

  1. This section has three columns and drop down menus.
  2. This section is only for Undergraduate Courses.
  3. Gordon Rule, Writing Intensive, Capstone, Foundations of Success

  1. Justification for Change

  1. Make sure the brief description matches the way the form has been completed.

  1. Review and Print

  1. Needs signature (original) of the proposer
  2. Needs printed name of the chair/director
  3. Needs original signature of the chair/director
  4. Other required signatures will be the appropriate Dean’s Designee

Recommendations from the Sub-Committee review:

Sub-Committee Member:Date:

Revised on 11/30/2018 10:51:04 AM