General Information:

  • The Final Exam will have a map as well as multiple choice / matching questions
  • Know real-life examples of terms and concepts!
  • The Final Exam is CUMULATIVE and will cover all elements of the course since Day 1
  • In addition to the materials from lecture / class discussion, also be sure to know the issues / concepts, etc. from:
  • All 3 exercises
  • All assigned articles
  • All videos and readings
  • Current events since Exam II


Why does geography matter?


Conservation of the Environment

  • Definition
  • Differences between Gifford Pinchot and John Muir
  • Others’ Roles / Contributions toward Conservation:
  • Aldo Leopold
  • Gaylord Nelson
  • Rachel Carson

Study of Environmental Science

  • When did it generally begin?
  • What prompted its creation?
  • Where do most environmentalists come from in the world and within the U.S.?
  • Science vs. Politics

World Population

  • Current world population estimate
  • Impact of last ~100 years in terms of population
  • Issues related to this population growth
  • “The World Village”
  • What is it?
  • What are some general observations about the World Village?
  • “80 / 20 Rule”
  • Ratio of rich to poor
  • Ratios of ownership / consumption vs. actual population
  • Percentages of income / income of women and girls
  • United States percentages of consumption, pollution, vs. population
  • World Divisions
  • “Global North vs. Global South”
  • Core, Periphery, and Semi-Periphery
  • “Rich” vs. “Poor” countries / MDC’s vs. LDC’s / Developed vs. Developing Countries
  • First World, Second World, Third World, Fourth World
  • Who exploits whom and is this good or bad?
  • “Golden Rule” economic system around the world
  • World Demographics
  • General global trends of Birth Rate, Death Rate, IMR, Life Expectancy, etc.
  • Rate of Natural Increase
  • Doubling Time and the “Rule of Seventy:” Can you calculate the Doubling Time using the “Rule of Seventy?”
  • Why does “doubling time” matter?
  • Where is the world’s population growing the fastest?
  • J-curve vs. S-curve: why might this change?
  • Overpopulation Theorists / Theories
  • Thomas Malthus
  • Theory: population growth will outpace food production
  • Impacts: Famine, Disease, War
  • Paul Ehrlich and his theory
  • How can overpopulation be a symptom of poverty? (as opposed to the other way around)


Energy and Matter

Where does most of Earth’s energy come from?

Biosphere (Ecosphere):

  • Lithosphere
  • Hydrosphere
  • Atmosphere

1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics

Material Cycles:

  • Hydrological Cycle
  • Carbon Cycle
  • Since we know matter cannot be created or destroyed, how can more carbon now exist in the atmosphere than in the past?

Components of the Ecosphere (Biosphere)

  • Abiota vs. Biota and examples
  • Autotrophes vs. Heterotrophes (definitions)
  • Types of Heterotrophes
  • Detritivores vs. Decomposers

Ecosystem: Definition

Ecology: Definition

Climatological Regions: Frigid, Temperate, Torrid

Impacts on Biomes

  • Sunlight
  • Latitude

Biome vs. Climate

11 Biomes / Ecosystems: Know descriptions, locations on a map, examples

  • Altitude: Altitudinal Zonation—and how it affects plants / animals:
  • Tierra Caliente
  • Tierra Templada
  • Tierra Fria
  • Tierra Helada
  • Snow Cap

Case Study: Deforestation: The Amazon

  • What is the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon?
  • Why does a decline in deforestation in the Amazon not necessarily indicate “progress” in terms of better conservation practices?
  • Cerrado: Definition and Location
  • What type of biome is the Cerrado?
  • What are the biggest threats to the Cerrado?
  • Why is the Cerrado arguably at more risk than the Amazon?

General Economics vs. Environment questions and issues:

  • Is the destruction of the environment a supply or a demand issue?
  • How is environmentalism related to the “Golden Rule?”


Temperature Effects on a Population


  • Number of Species
  • Genetic Diversity of Species
  • Diversity of Ecosystems

Species’ Roles: Niche

Specialists vs. Generalists

  • Differences between them
  • Examples of each

Niche Overlap

  • Fundamental Niche vs. Realized Niche

Native Species vs. Exotic (Invasive) Species

  • Why do Exotic Species have such an advantage?
  • Examples
  • Asian Carp
  • Where are they?
  • What major city is the “last chance” to stop their spread
  • What is the biggest concern about them?
  • Role of the Illinois Sanitary and Shipping Canal in the possible future distribution of Asian Carp

Indicator / Keystone Species

  • What are they?
  • Why are they so important?
  • Example: Wolves—and their impacts
  • Wisconsin’s Wolf Recovery Act
  • Depredation
  • Issues with cause and effect

Case Study: Galapagos Islands

  • What makes the Galapagos Islands so unique?
  • According to Darwin, why is this the case?
  • Role / Impact of Exotic Species
  • Examples of exotic plants and animals
  • Role of humans as exotic species
  • Major threats to animal / plant life
  • Solutions
  • Sustainability: both economically and environmentally
  • How does one measure “sustainability?”
  • What are some of the issues of measuring / defining “sustainability?”
  • “Environmental Ethics”

“Cultural Sustainability:”

  • Sea Turtles and Catholicism
  • What’s the issue?
  • Where is it an issue—and why?


Natural vs. Human Modified Systems: what’s the issue?

  • Where do we find the greatest biodiversity?
  • Why does biodiversity matter?

Laws of Human Ecology:

  1. 1st Law:
  2. 2nd Law:

Ecosystem Complexity and Resilience (“Natural” Evolution)

Ecosystem Simplification (Human Impact)

  • Overuse of Pesticides
  • DDT: What’s the controversy?
  • Purpose / Impact of Silent Spring (Rachel Carson)
  • Why is DDT used elsewhere in the world and in which parts?
  • Elimination of Predators (Keystone Species)
  • Impacts
  • Trophic Cascade
  • Example: Yellowstone National Park
  • Deliberately or Accidentally Introducing New Species
  • Over-Harvesting Potentially Renewable Resources
  • Examples and impacts
  • Species Response to Change
  • Homeostasis vs. Sustainability

•Stability and Resistance




  • Population Dynamics
  • Carrying Capacity
  • Dieback
  • Population Size Controls (examples)
  • Abiotic and Biotic
  • Idealized Population Change Curves Found in Nature
  • Stable
  • Cyclic
  • Irruptive
  • Interfering with the Normal Chemical Cycling and Energy Flows
  • Colorado River and Lake Mead
  • What is happening to the Colorado River—and why?
  • How was Lake Mead formed?
  • How can we tell something negative is happening?
  • Why is it dammed?
  • Role of Las Vegas in the damming of the Colorado River
  • What are the impacts if water levels drop significantly?
  • “Garbage Island”
  • What and where is it?
  • What is / are the main problem / issues with the disposal of plastics?
  • Photodegradable vs. Biodegradable


Soviet Union (USSR) vs. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) vs. Russia

Russian Revolution:

  • Why did Russia want to industrialize / revolt against their government in 1917?
  • Role / Impacts of Josef Stalin on the USSR
  • Stalinization / State Socialism
  • Command Economy
  • Industrialization: Planned Cities:

•Type of industries

•Examples: Magnitogorsk, Bratsk, Chernobyl

  • Aral Sea: Cotton


•What’s the problem and why is it happening?

•How do conservation and sustainability relate to the Aral Sea?

  • Chernobyl

•What happened at Chernobyl?

•What country did Chernobyl occur in?

•What country is it in today?

•Why does no country take responsibility for what happened?

  • Legacy of Stalinization

•Life Expectancy in the former USSR

•Was it worth it?

•Economics vs. Environment: Issues and Discussion

•How does Stalinization connect to many of the most polluted places on Earth today?


  • Following the industrialization model of the USSR
  • “Industrialization at any cost”
  • Now leads the world in CO2 production
  • Who is #2?

Kyoto Protocol

  • What was it and what was its goal?
  • What is the only major industrial country that never signed it—and why not?

The Future:

  • Why might it be difficult for core countries to cut their CO2emissions?
  • What companies might resist cutting CO2emissions in the U.S.?
  • What is your and my role in cutting the U.S.’s CO2emissions?


What is the U.S.’s single greatest pollutant?

What are the primary sources of this pollutant?

When did this become this way?


  • Why are there so many cars in the U.S.?
  • How do we know that gas in the U.S. is relatively cheap?
  • How did most Americans travel prior to World War II?
  • The Great Streetcar Conspiracy:
  • What is it?
  • Who was behind it?
  • Why did it happen?
  • What were the results and do they still impact us today?


  • Why does every major core country except the U.S have a major passenger rail system?
  • Pros and Cons of passenger trains
  • Role of High-Speed Rail


  • What is the connection between the rise of the automobile and the growth of suburbs?
  • Why did this happen after World War II?
  • What are the pros and cons of suburbs?
  • Urban sprawl
  • Types of pollution
  • Water shortages
  • Fastest growing region of the United States
  • Issues
  • Role of Hoover Dam

Why does nearly every major city in most core countries have a passenger rail link between its airports and downtowns, but yet this is far less common in the United States?

Legacy of the Auto Industry:

  • Pros: Independence, Individuality, Convenience
  • Cons: Environment, Economical, Safety, and Political Influence


  • Impact of Rudolf Diesel / Diesel Engine
  • Sources of Biofuels: Types, locations, pros and cons of each
  • Corn: why so commonly used in the United States?
  • Sugar cane: why so commonly used in Brazil?
  • Cellulosic Biomass: Definition and examples
  • Switchgrass
  • Blue Agave
  • Cellulosic Ethanol: Pros and Cons

Alternative Fuels:

  • Electric Car:
  • Pros and Cons
  • Current issue in Michigan
  • Hydrogen Car:
  • Pros and Cons
  • Current status


What can a “poor” college student do to make difference?

  • Reduce consumption
  • Impacts on landfills
  • Eliminate single-use / “disposable” items
  • Share resources
  • Reuse resources
  • Recycle
  • Get Involved


“The Wilderness Idea”

  • When did the “Conservation” movement begin and why?

“An Inconvenient Truth”

  • Global Warming / Greenhouse Effect
  • How does it work?
  • What role does CO2play in Global Warming?
  • Relationship of CO2 to Earth temperature
  • If the total amount of carbon hasn’t changed over time, then how can Earth’s temperature be increasing?
  • Why do CO2 levels rise and fall every year?
  • Earth’s temperature has always cyclically ranged from colder periods to warmer periods over its entire history. Since this is true, what makes today any different?
  • What are the two “canaries in a coalmine?”

“Bag It!”

  • What is the issue with plastics?
  • What are plastics made out of?
  • Why is it better to use paper bags than plastic bags?
  • What is the connection between politics and the use of plastic bags, BPA, and phthalates?
  • What is the major difference in policy between Europe and the U.S. in terms of the testing of chemicals?
  • How much garbage does every American produce each year?

“Report from the Edge” (about Bratsk, Russia)

  • What happened in Bratsk?
  • Why do people tolerate it?
  • How is this reflective of what is happening in China today?

“Who Killed the Electric Car?”

  • Explain who killed the electric car according to the various perspectives:
  • Consumers:
  • Technology:
  • Big Oil:
  • Car Companies:
  • U.S. Government:
  • What is the connection between politics and the end of the electric car?

Article: “Frac Mining’s Pros and Cons?”

  • What state has the highest amount of fracking activity?
  • What is fracking?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?