Library Media Specialist: / Date:
School: / Grade/Subjects:
Carroll County Public Schools
Library Media Specialist Evaluation Instrument
Key: U = Unsatisfactory B = Basic P = Proficient D = Distinguished
Domain 1: Planning and Instruction / U(0) / B(1) / P(2) / D(3) / Domain 3: Delivery of Services / U(0) / B(1) / P(2) / D(3)
1a. Applies knowledge of current trends in library media including literature, information technology, and resources. / 3a. Builds and maintains the library collection in accordance with the school’s needs and culture
1b. Teaches information skills, literature appreciation and uses technology in instruction / 3b. Collaborates with teachers in the design of instructional lessons and projects
1c. Applies and integrates knowledge of the school’s instructional programs and diverse student population / 3c. Promotes reading and literature appreciation to the school community
1d. Uses questioning and discussion techniques to promote higher level thinking / 3d. Supports students and teachers in the use of technology
1e. Motivates and involves students in the learning process / 3e. Promotes services and demonstrates responsiveness
1f. Uses assessment in planning and instruction / Total Domain: Score Rating Points
Key: Rating U = 0-3 B = 4-7 P = 8-12 D =13-15 Points: U=0 B=1 P=2 D=3
Total Domain: Score Rating Points
Key: Rating U = 0-3 B = 4-8 P = 9-14 D =15-18 Points: U=0 B=1 P=2 D=3
Domain 2: The Media Center Environment / U(0) / B(1) / P(2) / D(3) / Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities / U(0) / B(1) / P(2) / D(3)
2a. Creates an inviting environment of respect and acceptance / 4a. Reflects on practice and program effectiveness
2b. Establishes a culture for information seeking and/or problem solving / 4b. Maintains accurate records
2c. Establishes and maintains media center procedures and staff (clerk, volunteers, and/ or student aides) / 4c. Communicates with parents and/or the larger community
2d. Manages student behavior / 4d. Participates in a professional community
2e. Organizes media center efficiently / 4e. Grows and develops professionally
Total Domain: Score Rating Points
Key: Rating U = 0-3 B = 4-7 P = 8-12 D =13-15 Points: U=0 B=1 P=2 D=3
Comments: / 4f. Shows professionalism and leadership
Total Domain: Score Rating Points
Key: Rating U = 0-3 B = 4-8 P = 9-14 D =15-18 Points: U=0 B=1 P=2 D=3

overall effectiveness of teacher

Highly Effective / Minimum of 10 points with no domain point of 1 / Re-employ
Effective / Minimum of 6 points with no domain point of 0 / Do not re-employ
Ineffective / Any domain point combination that includes a 0

Library Media Specialist: Principal: Supervisor:

Employee’s signature does not necessarily indicate agreement

Assistant Principal: ______