Grades K-5 Uniform 2017-2018

Summer Uniform May 1 – October 14

Boys:St. Peter’s white knit shirt, navy twill walking shorts

Navy, white,or black socks, black shoes or white sneakers

Girls:St. Peter’s white knitshirt, navy skort

Navy, or white socks, navy or black shoes or white sneakers

Gym Uniform:St. Peter’s white knit shirt, navy mesh shorts to the knee, white socks and


*Sneakers may only be white, black, grey, red or blue. Fluorescent colored sneakers are NOT permitted

High-tops, flashing lights, wheelies or sparkled sneakers are not permitted.

Ugg shoes, boots, flip-flops or any type of boat loafers are not to be worn during the school day.

Students may wear the winter uniform at any time.

Winter Uniform Oct. 15–April 30

Winter uniforms must be worn on all days except when the students have Phys. Ed class or when they would use a NUT Card.

Boys: White uniform shirt (long or short-sleeve), uniform plaid tie, navy twill pants, black shoes,

black or navy socks, black belt. The navy uniform cardigan sweater is optional; no other

sweater may be worn during the school day.

Girls: Uniform plaid jumper, white Peter Pan collar shirt (long or short-sleeve), criss-cross tie,

navy knee socks or tights,black or navy shoes (max 1 inch heel). The navy uniform

cardigan is optional; no other sweater may be worn during the school day.

Ugg shoes, boots, flip-flops or any type of boat loafers are not to be worn during the school day.

Phys. Ed Uniform:

Uniform navy sweatshirt andnavy sweat pants, white uniform knit shirt,

white socks and sneakers* . Navy mesh gym shorts to the knee must be

worn under sweatpants.

St. Peter’s navy sweatshirt may only be worn on Phys. Ed days. No other sweatshirts are to be worn.

*Sneakers may only be white, black, grey, red or blue. Fluorescent colored sneakers are NOT permitted.Hi-tops, flashing lights, wheelies or sparkled sneakers are not permitted.

On all School Liturgy Days, students must wear the correct seasonaluniform for Mass.Students having Phys.Ed. on the School Liturgy day will be given the opportunity to change into gym attire after the Liturgy.