Note: See EEG “Guidelines” ( for eligibility, supporting documents, and mailing instructions. Please provide the following information:

Official FirstName:




OrganizationalUnit: Base ofAssignment

CurrentMailing Address


Commercial DutyPhone()Home/MobilePhone:(_____) ______

Email Address: ______


University/College & Campus CurrentlyEnrolled

Current DegreeProgram

Course Title

Course Dates (transcript must show actualdates)

Note to all Applicants: Please ensure the following before submitting this application to Airlift/Tanker Association:

1.Provide proof of course completion, i.e., a transcript from an accredited school for a program leading to a baccalaureate or post-graduate degree, with proof of a “C” orbetter for undergraduate programs and a “B” or better for graduate programs). TRANSCRIPT MUST SHOW COURSE START AND COMPLETION DATES (not just semester or quarter)

2.Applicant must obtain a signature from their organizational Commander recommending approval and been assigned to an Air Mobility Operational or support function during course duration.

3.Complete the below “Statement of Understanding/Privacy.

4.Applicant must be a current member of A/TA and a member during the duration of the course the grant is based.

5.Application must be mailed and postmarked within three (3) months of course completion. Signed and scanned PDF files will also be accepted at:

**There can be no exceptions to the aboverequirements.






Enlisted Education Grant (EEG) Statement of Understanding/Privacy

1.In accordance with the privacy act of 1974, I agree that my signature on this form will authorize the release of my education transcripts to the education grant selection committee. I further understand that the information requested is considered relevant and necessary to select a recipient of the education grant for which I haveapplied.

2.If I am selected to receive an education grant, I give permission for the use of my name and likeness/photograph for purposes of publicity regarding receipt of the education grant and advertising for future promotion of the education grantprogram.

3.I understand that to apply for and/or receive an educational grant, I must be a member of A/TA in good standing serving on active duty, the Air National Guard, or the Air Force Reserves in the grades of E-1 through E-9. I also understand that I must have been a member of A/TA during the entire course my grant application was based on.

4.Iunderstandthatifselected,Imustprovideproofofsuccessfulcourse completion(agrade of C or better for undergraduate degrees and a B or better for graduate degrees) from an accredited university to receive the education grant funds.

5.I understand that only one A/TA Enlisted Education Grant may be granted in a rolling 12-monthperiod. (EXCEPTION: Three-year (3) A/TA membership applicants/members are permitted to request and receive one (1) education grant per semester and two (2) per calendar year. Lifetime members are also eligible for two educational grants per calendar year).

6.For information concerning the association, e.g., membership, goals and this program, see the website:

Please provide a short summaryexplaining how you (in your current job position) support the Air Mobility (Airlift/Tanker) mission. Limit summaries to 250 words or less. If necessary, an attachment is permissible if space below is not adequate.

Applicant Signature

Applicant Name, Rank


(Revised: 12/20/2017)