
Course Syllabus

Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for success in the high school setting and beyond. The curriculum is partially based on Sean Covey’s book The Six Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make. Organizational skills, decision-making, time management, citizenship, and ethical behavior are a few of the themes emphasized in this course. Among the varied activities in this course, students will research and present a project on a college or university, write a personal mission statement, research personality types, analyze their own academic strengths and styles of learning, and perform 6 hours of community service outside of school hours. We watch numerous motivational/informational videos throughout this class. We will also have numerous guest speakers from around the community that come to speak to the class.

Credits: 1 Unit

Materials Needed Daily:

3-ring binder (This may be a shared binder with other classes.)

loose-leaf lined paper

at least two black or blue ink pens

at least two sharpened pencils

reading material of your choice (book, magazine, newspaper, etc)

Recommended*** Headphones/ear phones for a program to be used at the end of the semester. These are not needed at the beginning of the year. We will use a computer program that requires sound in Unit 7: Financial Literacy.

NOTE: Students must have all materials ready and in class by Monday, August 25th for a grade.

Course Outline:

1.  High School 101

a.  Classroom Procedures

b.  School Rules

c.  Graduation Requirements

d.  Westside History

e.  Introduce Service Learning Project

2.  How to Study

a.  Note-Taking

b.  Studying

c.  Organization

d.  Learning Styles

3.  Schools, Colleges, & Careers

a.  High School Drop-Outs

b.  Goal Setting

c.  Careers/Colleges/Military

d.  Job Application/Mock Interviews

4.  Friends

a.  Personality Traits

b.  Bullying

c.  Surviving high school drama

d.  Peer Pressure

e.  Relationships

5.  Digital Literacy

a.  Social Media

b.  Digital Footprint

c.  Drama

6.  Addictions

a.  The realities of drug, tobacco, and alcohol addiction

b.  How to say no

c.  Overcoming addictions

7.  Financial Literacy

a.  Budgeting

b.  Investing

c.  Credit & Debt

Grading Breakdown:

15% - Daily Assignments: These include in-class work, journals, homework, and participation in classroom discussions and team-building activities.

15% - Quizzes: Quizzes will be given periodically throughout the semester.

30% - Tests: Tests will be given at the end of most units to assess the progress of students.

30% - Projects: A number of projects will be assigned throughout the year. These include –

Create A School Project

Learning Styles Research Project

College Research Project

Personal Mission Statement Essay

Service Learning Project

Other projects throughout the year.

10% - Exams: There will be a final exam covering topics from the entire course.

***Syllabus may be adjusted throughout the year to fit the needs of the class.

Please fill in the information and return to Mr. Linder.

Student Name (please print)______

Parent or Guardian Name ______

I have read and understand the policies and expectations for Mr. Linder’s Keystone Class.

Student signature:______Date______

Parent signature:______Date______

Parent phone:______

Parent email:______

Do you regularly check this email?

Is it ok to contact you via email regarding your child’s performance, and for regular class updates?

Please fill in the information and return to Mr. Linder.

Student Name (please print)______

Parent or Guardian Name ______

I have read and understand the policies and expectations for Mr. Linder’s Keystone Class.

Student signature:______Date______

Parent signature:______Date______

Parent phone:______

Parent email:______

Do you regularly check this email?

Is it ok to contact you via email regarding your child’s performance, and for regular class updates?

Please fill in the information and return to Mr. Linder.

Student Name (please print)______

Parent or Guardian Name ______

I have read and understand the policies and expectations for Mr. Linder’s Keystone Class.

Student signature:______Date______

Parent signature:______Date______

Parent phone:______

Parent email:______

Do you regularly check this email?

Is it ok to contact you via email regarding your child’s performance, and for regular class updates?

Please fill in the information and return to Mr. Linder.

Student Name (please print)______

Parent or Guardian Name ______

I have read and understand the policies and expectations for Mr. Linder’s Keystone Class.

Student signature:______Date______

Parent signature:______Date______

Parent phone:______

Parent email:______

Do you regularly check this email?

Is it ok to contact you via email regarding your child’s performance, and for regular class updates?