Student Materials:
1. Answer sheet.
2. Number 2 pencil.
3. DTAS Functional Guidance v3.6.6 dtd 22 Feb 16
4. DTAS Mobile Application User Manual v.3.6.6
5. DTAS Training Database
6. The instructor will provide you the eMILPO files to upload and UICs
Special Instructions:
a. Ensure that your name, social security number, course number, class number, and date are on the answer sheet.
b. This booklet contains 25 multiple choice and scenario based questions. You will have one class period (50 Minutes) to complete this practical exercise. You must correctly answer 20 of 25 questions to receive a GO. Count and check each question now. If you are missing a question or a portion of it is illegible, obtain a new practical exercise booklet from your Instructor.
c. All questions have only one correct answer. Make responses clear and legible on the answer sheet. Ensure that the question number in the booklet corresponds to the question number on the answer sheet. Read questions carefully, but move on so that all questions may be answered in the time allotted. If you make a mistake or if you have to change an answer on the answer sheet, erase it completely and then mark your correct answer.
d. All work on this practical exercise must be your own. You may not communicate with other students, give or receive assistance, make record of your answers anywhere but on your answer sheet, or pass on information about this practical exercise to other students. Failure to follow these instructions will result in the appropriate disciplinary action being taken.
e. Log-in to the “Live” Mobile System on your desktop to answer the scenario questions. The Instructor will provide you with Log-in credentials.
NOTE: Do NOT use any files previously created in eMILPO or TPS to complete this PE. Use ONLY the files provided by your Instructor.
f. Upon completion of this practical exercise, turn in your booklet, answer sheet, scratch paper, and other issued materials to the instructor. You will receive further guidance at that time.
1. What does the acronym DTAS stand for?
a. The Defense Theater Accountability System
b. The Defense Tactical Accountability Software
c. The Deployed Theater Accountability System
d. The Deployed Tactical Accountability Software
2. Which DTAS level contains information on the Soldier’s current location and duty status as well as a mini-record?
a. Mobile system
b. Enterprise system
c. Major Command Level system
d. Administrative Command system
3. What DTAS function allows users to add various types of personnel to the system?
a. Assign Personnel
b. Update Personnel
c. Update Duty Status
d. Change Tour Status
4. Which of the following Mini-Record status codes will the user use to update an SSN/DoD ID#?
a. U (Unverified) (ONLY)
b. P (Pending) (ONLY)
c. D (Downloaded)
d. Both a and b
5. Which of the following require the user to enter a reason code when updating a Soldier’s Duty Status?
a. Death Other (DO)
b. Killed in Action (KIA)
c. Wounded in Action (WIA)
d. Rest and Recuperation (RR)
6. Which DTAS function allows the user to update the assigned and physical location for a selected individual?
a. Change Tour Status
b. Update Personnel
c. Assign Personnel
d. Update Location
7. Which section of the PERSTAT Report shows a break-down of the different personnel types and a count of assigned and operating strengths for each UIC?
a. Gains Summary
b. Personnel Daily Summary
c. Daily Situational Summary
d. Personnel Requirements Summary
8. Which DTAS function provides an abbreviated personnel record for the selected individual?
a. View Mini-Record
b. Management Tab
c. PERSTAT Report
d. Reports Tab
9. Which DTAS function allows the user to reset their system?
a. Mobile System data re-synchronization
b. Mobile System Synchronization
c. Mobile System Deactivation
d. Mobile System Installation
10. Which of the following IS NOT a Reason Code for the Redeployed (RED) Duty Status?
a. Detained (DTN)
b. Temporary Duty (TDY)
c. Erroneously Added (ERR).
d. Hospitalized (Non-Battle Incurred) (HOS)
Three US Army Soldier replacements just arrived to your unit and are NOT in your DTAS Mobile System. Add these individuals to your DTAS Mobile System.
11. Soldier # 1
SSN/GUID: 1999999xx (xx= your student number)
Birth Date: 8 Aug 1983
Sex: Female
Last Name: Lloyd
First Name: Nicole
Middle Name: Marie
Deployed UIC: Assign to a UIC (Provided by your Instructor)
Arrival Date/Time: Today’s Date
DoD Component Code: Army
Military Svc Comp Code: Reserve
Rank: PV1
Operation: Operation Enduring Freedom
Duty status: Present For Duty
Reason: No REASON for Present For Duty
Tour Status: Permanent Party
Tour Status Subtype: Individual Augmentee
Number of Days: 365
Assigned Country: Iraq
Location: Camp Victory, IZ, Theater 1
Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location
12. Soldier # 2
SSN/GUID: 2999999xx (xx= your student number)
Birth Date: 31 Oct 1964
Sex: Male
Last Name: Johnson
First Name: Spaz
Middle Name: Dewayne
Deployed UIC: Assign to a UIC (Provided by your Instructor)
Arrival Date/Time: Today’s Date
DoD Component Code: Army
Military Svc Comp Code: National Guard
Rank: SPC
Operation: Operation Enduring Freedom
Duty status: Present For Duty
Reason: None
Tour Status: Permanent Party
Tour Status Subtype: Individual Augmentee
Number of Days: 365
Assigned Country: Afghanistan
Location: Bagram Airfield, AF, Theater 1
Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location
13. Soldier # 3
SSN/GUID: 3999999xx (xx= your student number)
Birth Date: 3 Mar 1964
Sex: Female
Last Name: Powell
First Name: Jeanette
Middle Name: Luanne
Deployed UIC: Assign to a UIC (Provided by your Instructor)
Arrival Date/Time: Today’s Date
DoD Component Code: Army
Military Svc Comp Code: Reserve
Rank: SGM
Operation: Operation Enduring Freedom
Duty status: Present For Duty
Reason: None
Tour Status: Permanent Party
Tour Status Subtype: Individual Replacement
Number of Days: 150
Assigned Country: Afghanistan
Location: Kandahar Air Base, AF, Theater 1
Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location
14. What is the grid locations zone designator, grid square identifier, and the grid coordinates that populated for PV1 Lloyd?
a. 03Z, IZ, 09090909
b. 03Z, IZ, 09090911
c. 42A, AG, 42022402
d. 42A, AG, 42222042
15. What is the grid locations zone designator, grid square identifier, and the grid coordinates that populated for SPC Johnson?
a. 03Z, IZ, 09090901
b. 03Z, IZ, 09090912
c. 42A, AG, 42042042
d. 42A, AG, 42222043
The MPs detained SGM Powell for illegal contraband in Bagram Afghanistan. Change SGM Powell’s duty status to Confined by Military Authority.
16. What is SGM Powell’s new duty status on the Mini-Record?
a. PDY
b. CAP
c. CMA
d. DET
17. When creating the XML File, what is the quickest way to choose Soldiers for the roster?
a. Click the “individual Soldiers”
b. Click the “deselect” option
c. Click the “select” option
d. None of the above
18. Which file cannot be uploaded into the MASS Assign Wizard?
a. Excel Spreadsheet File
b. TPS File
c. CSV File
d. XML File
19. What file format does TPS produce for use with the DTAS database?
a. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
b. Markup Extensible Language (MXL)
c. Comma Separated Values (CSV)
d. Transfer File (TRN)
20. You have just activated your Mobile System in the deployed theater. You had the foresight to bring an eMILPO extracted file with all of your unit’s personnel records. All of the personnel on the file deployed successfully. Complete a MASS Assign transaction in the DTAS Mobile System using the below information. Your Instructor will verify that you have properly uploaded the file.
File Name: Provided by Instructor
File Location: Provided by Instructor
Deployed UIC: Provided by Instructor
Operation: Operation New Dawn
Effective Date/Time Arrived to Assigned Location: 0100 Yesterday
Assigned Location: Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
Physical Location: Same as Assigned Location
21. You have learned that PV1 Lloyd missed movement and was not on the manifest. You are required to remove her from DTAS. What duty status would you use to remove PV1 Lloyd from DTAS?
a. Redeployed-erroneously added
b. Convalescent Leave
c. Rear Detachment
d. Deleted
22. While viewing PV1 Lloyd’s Mini Record, what field can you update?
a. Deployment Start Date
b. Unit of Assignment
c. Operation
d. None
23. What two systems does the Major Command System communicate with?
a. Enterprise System and DTAS Management Tool
b. Enterprise System and Mobile System
c. APOD Module and Dashboard
d. eMILPO and TPS
24. What does the DTAS Major Command System Level consist of?
a. Major Command Data Store, Major Command Manager Application, and APOD Tool
b. Major Command Level Manager Application, APOD Module, and Enterprise System
c. Mobile System, Enterprise System, and eMILPO Datastore
d. Mobile System, APOD Module, and Enterprise System
25. What are the four major groups of reports within the Mobile System Reports Tab?
a. In Transit, PERSTAT, Unit Roster, Gains/Losses
b. JPERSTAT, APERSTAT, Location, Exception
c. Exception, Search, JPERSTAT, APERSTAT
d. Search, APERSTAT, IRAQ, Exception