RAF Nursing - Curriculum Vitae (CV)

* Indicates mandatory fields

I am interested in* Tick as appropriate

Regular Service / Reserve Service
Nursing Officer / Registered Nurse (NCO)

Name and Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, etc)*

Full Name: Maiden Name:

Date of Birth*

Day: Month: Year:

Address* Full postal address required

Nationality and number of years resident in UK* As listed on passport

(Applicants must have been resident in UK for the last 5 years)

Telephone No.* Use number you are content to be contacted on

Email* Use personal email account

NMC Number* Found on NMC card

Profile* Maximum 100 words

Highlight reasons for application to the RAF Nursing Service, leadership experience to date and what you would bring to the service. Include career aspirations if desired.

Education qualifications*

Include qualifications such as the following:

1995 – 8 GCSE’s A-C including English and Maths

1997 – A-C English C

2003 – Dip HE (Nursing Studies

2006 – 2 x Level 6 modules; Principles and Practice of surgical Intervention, Fundamentals of Anaesthetic Practice

2007 – 1 x Level 6 module; Enhanced Anaesthetic Practice

Military qualifications (if applicable)

Employment history* (limit to last 10 years)

In reverse order, starting with the most recent, include employment descriptions such as the following:

Date-Date Job title, location (Include a brief Description of Responsibilities)

For serving or previously serving military personnel only include the following:

Date-Date OOA Role, Location, operational duties included

Date-Date Student Nurse Training, Location

Date-Date Recruit Training, RAF Halton

Professional development

List what professional development you have undertaken since qualifying

Hobbies, interests and achievements*

List any relevant hobbies you have – include all sporting achievements, adventurous training and any community/ charity roles you undertake on a regular basis


If you further assistance please contact the Nursing Services Liaison Team on

01400 266782

On completion please email: