Grade Level: _9-10_ Name: Beth Lattime

Social Studies Unit: _Source Credibility

The completed unit must be sent electronically.

Ohio Standards Connection: Identify which ones will be emphasized.

Lesson Plan – continued2

Lesson Plan – continued3


Lesson Plan – continued4

Lesson Plan – continued5

Lesson Plan – continued6

*Required Components

Attachment A


Source / Material Being Analyzed______

Have I heard of the source or know the source? / A.)
Does the information in the source contain a bias toward something? / B.)
Does the author/creator have credibility and reliability? / C.)
Is the source a primary or secondary source? / D.)
Is persuasion/ propaganda being used? How can you tell? / E.)
Why is propaganda being used? / F.)
What propaganda technique is being used? / G.)
If the point of view changed, how might your information change? / H.)
Is persuasion/ propaganda being used to harm or influence others? How? / I.)
Am I confident that my information is credible and reliable and comes from a credible and reliable source? / J.)

**If you need to take more notes and need more room, staple additional notebook paper to the back of the worksheet and label your answer with the letter in the last row.


Source / Material Being Analyzed____Articles on Iraq in Time magazine issues

Have I heard of the source or know the source? / A.) Time magazine-good rep. Extensive website. Provide plenty of contact info. Published weekly out of NYC. Existed for a long time.
Does the information in the source contain a bias toward something? / B.) Writer recap of time in Iraq
Primary source
Expresses fears and details from trip
Bias against current conditions and appearing foreign to Iraqis---writer is Indian/American.
Does the author/creator have credibility and reliability? / C.) Senior correspondent for Time. Written several accts. Of time in Baghdad
Is the source a primary or secondary source? / D.) Primary-living the actual accts written
Is propaganda being used? How can you tell? / E.) Articles focus on the life of Iraqis
No focus on American wrongdoings in Iraq. Fear used a lot through vocabulary and headlines…need to look deeper at writers overall initial viewpoints of conditions in Iraq.
Why is propaganda being used? / F.) Possible rationale for existence of war
What persuasive/ propaganda technique is being used? / G.) Stereotypes described, possible card stacking and stereotyping. Overall, writer describes personal experiences in Iraq.
If the point of view changed, how might your information change? / H.) Point of view from Iraqi ---may include mistreatment of people by American’s…may include customs and traditions unknown to writer
Is propaganda being used to harm or influence others? How? / I.) Influences thoughts on overall life in Iraq. Thoughts of what are needed to promote freedom where it does not exist.
Am I confident that my information is credible and reliable and comes from a credible and reliable source? / J.) Time is a well-respected magazine. The author also has credible and reliable credentials and reports on his experiences. Opportunities exist to question writer on his writings-interactive.

**If you need to take more notes and need more room, staple additional notebook paper to the back of the worksheet and label your answer with the letter in the last row.


**Use another piece of notebook paper if you need more room

Teacher Resources

Killoran, J., Zimmer, S., Jarrett, M. (2004). Mastering the Ohio Graduation Test in Social Studies. New York: Jarrett Publishing Company. ISBN 1-882422-81-3

(political cartoons)

Yahoo images (public figures)

Time Magazine---great source for current events, advertisements

Patricia Clayton: SummitCounty (SERRC-3)9-2-06