Trenton Public Schools

Grade 5 Health and Physical Education


Standard2.1: WELLNESS
All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Personal Health
By the end of Grade 6, students will:
  • Identify the components of personal health.
  • Explain the importance of good personal health.
  • Identify changes that occur during the human life cycle.
  • Understand that all people mature at different rates of speed and in different ways.
  • Discuss the importance of proper nutrition, especially during adolescence to ensure proper growth and development.
  • Identify healthy foods and explain the factors that determine the healthfulness of that food.
  • Create a healthy meal plan.
  • Explain and demonstrate proper precautions for preventing the spread of disease (washing hands, not sharing personal hygiene products or food/ drinks.)
  • Identify and discuss various health conditions, their symptoms and their impact on society/ everyday life.
  • Promote tolerance for those with disabilities or other health conditions.
  • Identify potential safety hazards
  • Demonstrate or explain basic first aid for minor injuries
  • Demonstrate or explain what to do if you or someone you are with is injured or in danger.
  • Explain safety precautions for the home, school and while in public.
  • Identify healthy social and emotional behaviors
  • Demonstrate appropriate conflict resolution skills
  • Discuss factors that influence social and emotional health.

Enduring Understandings
  • Current and future personal wellness is dependent upon applying health-related concepts and skills in everyday lifestyle behaviors. .
  • It is important to research health issues carefully before making any health related decisions.
  • Health can be assessed by measuring and tracking fitness and vital statistics. (Fitness Testing, Height, Weight, Body Mass Index and Target HR).

Essential Questions
  • What are the consequences (especially unforeseen) of our choices in terms of wellness?
  • How do I know if I am healthy?
  • Who can I talk to about health care issues?

Refer to Section 5 for
Assessment Options / Refer to Section 7 for
Differentiated Strategies / Refer to Section 8 for
Technology Support / Refer to Section 9 for
Instructional Resources and
Cross-Curricular Integration
Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) / Objectives: Students will be able to… / Content
2.1.6.A.1 Discuss the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of wellness /
  • identify how each dimension of wellness contributes to good health.
  • discuss the relationship between physical, social, emotional and intellectual wellness.
  • Components of health
  • Physical Health
  • Social Health
  • Emotional Health

2.1.6.A.2 Describe the appropriate use of healthcare and personal hygiene products. /
  • identify and assess various healthcare products for safety and effectiveness.
  • demonstrate age appropriate hygiene habits.
  • Deodorant/ antiperspirant
  • Facial Soaps
  • Hygiene
  • Feminine care products

2.1.6.A.3 Discuss how health data, such as blood pressure, body composition, and cholesterol, can be used to assess and improve wellness. /
  • define health data vocabulary.
  • explain the procedures and technology used to assess blood pressure, body composition and cholesterol.
  • use health data to assess personal fitness.
  • develop and implement a health goal using health data.
  • Health data
  • Blood Pressure Cuff
  • Stethoscope
  • Skin Caliper

2.1.6.A.4 Discuss how health knowledge, health choices, self-control, resistance, and self-management skills influence wellness. /
  • discuss how health knowledge, health choices, self-control, resistance, and self-management skills influence wellness.
  • Health knowledge
  • Health Choices
  • Self-control
  • Resistance
  • Self Management

2.1.6.A.5 Discuss how technology impacts wellness. /
  • identify technologies that can be used to track and maintain personal fitness.
  • use technology to plan, track and assess a health/ fitness plan.
  • Technology in health care i.e. x-rays, CAT Scans, Pedometers, Heart Monitors, Skin Calipers
  • Technology Advances

B. Growth and Development
Enduring Understandings
  • An individual’s health at different life stages is dependent on heredity, environmental factors and lifestyle choices.
  • Poor health decisions can effect how a person grows and develops.
  • Regular check-ups, proper diet, hygiene and exercise can help ensure healthy growth and development.

Essential Questions
  • Why do different people grow at different rates?
  • How can the choices that I make affect my growth and development?
  • What can I do to make sure I grow and develop in a healthy way?

Refer to Section 5 for
Assessment Options / Refer to Section 7 for
Differentiated Strategies / Refer to Section 8 for
Technology Support / Refer to Section 9 for
Instructional Resources and
Cross-Curricular Integration
Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) / Objectives: Students will be able to… / Content
2.1.6.B.1 Compare and contrast body systems, their parts and functions, and explain that body systems must work together to ensure wellness. /
  • identify the body systems and the function of each system.
  • explain how body systems work together in healthy individuals.
  • explain factors that influence the health of each body system.
  • Body Systems i.e. circulatory, nervous, digestive.

2.1.6.B.2 Compare the rate of physical, social, emotional, and intellectual change during various life stages and discuss ways to foster healthy growth. /
  • discuss how the body changes throughout puberty.
  • discuss the social, emotional and intellectual changes that occur during puberty.
  • discuss how the choices we make can affect our growth and development.
  • Typical Maturation
  • Primary Sex Characteristics
  • Secondary Sex Characteristics
  • Healthy decisions making

2.1.6.B.3 Discuss how heredity and physiological changes contribute to an individual’s uniqueness. /
  • discuss how heredity and physiological changes contribute to an individual’s uniqueness.
  • What makes us different
  • What makes us the same
  • Uniqueness

C. Nutrition
Enduring Understandings
  • There are many short and long term health benefits and risks associated with nutritional choices.
  • Nutritional information can be found on food packages and can help in determining a foods healthfulness.
  • Your age, sex, height weight, and activity level are factors that determine the amount of food you should eat each day.

Essential Questions
  • What makes a food healthy?
  • How do I know if a food is healthy?
  • How much should I be eating each day?
  • What will happen if I eat unhealthy foods?

Refer to Section 5 for
Assessment Options / Refer to Section 7 for
Differentiated Strategies / Refer to Section 8 for
Technology Support / Refer to Section 9 for
Instructional Resources and
Cross-Curricular Integration
Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) / Objectives: Students will be able to… / Content
2.1.6.C.1 Discuss factors that influence food choices. /
  • identify the factors that influence food choices
  • discuss the importance of making healthy food choices.
  • Healthy Foods
  • Junk Foods
  • Healthy Food Choices

2.1.6.C.2 Compare food choices based on nutrient content and value, calories, and cost and create a healthy meal plan. /
  • identify the nutrient content, value and calories in foods.
  • create a healthy meal plan based on nutrient contend and value, calories and cost.
  • Food Labels
  • Nutrient content
  • Calories
  • Meal Plan

2.1.6.C.3 Analyze nutrition information on food packages and labels. /
  • identify the components of a food label.
  • identify the nutritional value of a food using food labels.
  • Food Labels
  • Ingredients
  • Recommended % Daily Value
  • Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat
  • Serving Size

2.1.6.C.4 Discuss the short- and long-term benefits and risks associated with nutritional choices /
  • identify the short and long term consequences/ risks associated with unhealthy food choices.
  • identify the short and long term benefits of making healthy food choices.
  • Healthy Food Choices
  • Unhealthy Food Choices

D. Diseases and Health Conditions
Enduring Understandings
  • Doctors are able to use specialized tests to diagnose and treat diseases.
  • Regular check-ups, proper diet and hygiene, exercise and common Body Substance Isolation practices can help to prevent disease.
  • Age, heredity and lifestyle can affect a persons health.

Essential Questions
  • How do you know if you have a disease or health condition?
  • How can I prevent diseases?
  • Am I at more at risk for certain diseases than others?

Refer to Section 5 for
Assessment Options / Refer to Section 7 for
Differentiated Strategies / Refer to Section 8 for
Technology Support / Refer to Section 9 for
Instructional Resources and
Cross-Curricular Integration
Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) / Objectives: Students will be able to… / Content
2.1.6.D.1 Compare and contrast methods used to diagnose and treat diseases and health conditions. /
  • compare and contrast methods used to diagnose and treat diseases and health conditions.
  • Medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Blood Tests
  • Tissue Cultures

2.1.6.D.2 Differentiate among communicable, non-communicable, acute, chronic, and inherited diseases and health conditions. /
  • define communicable, non-communicable, acute, chronic and inherited diseases.
  • identify different health conditions as communicable, non-communicable, acute, chronic and inherited.
  • Communicable i.e. the flu, AIDS
  • Non-communicable i.e. ALS, Cancer
  • Acute i.e. the flu, broken bones
  • Chronic i.e.AIDS, Hepatitis
  • Inherited i.e. sickle cell anemia

2.1.6.D.3 Compare and contrast diseases and health conditions prevalent in adolescents, including asthma, obesity, diabetes, Lyme disease, STDs, and HIV/AIDS. /
  • compare and contrast diseases and health conditions prevalent in adolescents, including asthma, obesity, diabetes, lyme disease, stds, and hiv/aids.
  • identify risk factors for diseases that are prevalent in adolescents, including asthma, obesity, diabetes, lyme disease, stds, and hiv/aids.
  • identify precautions and preventative measures that can help prevent diseases and health conditions prevalent in adolescents, including asthma, obesity, diabetes, lyme disease, stds, and hiv/aids.
  • Asthma, obesity
  • Lyme Disease
  • STD’s
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Risk Factors
  • Disease Prevention
  • Body Substance Isolation

2.1.6.D.4 Discuss the use of public health strategies to prevent diseases and health conditions. /
  • identify strategies used to prevent diseases in the school, community, state, country and world.
  • Vaccines
  • Health Codes
  • Health Standards
  • Health Laws

2.1.6.D.5 Compare and contrast forms of mental illness such as phobias, anxiety and panic disorders, and depression. /
  • define phobias, anxiety, panic disorders and depression.
  • identify different types of mental illness.
  • identify risk factors for mental illness.
  • discuss resources in the school and community for dealing with mental illness.
  • Mental Illness
  • Anxiety
  • Panic disorders
  • Depression
  • Guidance Counselors, Psychiatry, Social Workers

E. Safety
Enduring Understandings
  • Being consistently aware of the environment and taking safety precautions can reduce the risk of injury to oneself and others.
  • Knowing what to do in an emergency (calling 911, rescue breathing and situation assessment) can greatly increase a persons survival rate
  • I can use proper cleaning and bandaging to care for minor cuts, sprains and bleeding.
  • Doctors, nurses, teachers, guidance counselors and trusted family members are people you can talk to if someone is hurting you or someone you know.

Essential Questions
  • Why do we sometimes take risks that can cause harm to ourselves or others?
  • How can I keep myself safe?
  • What should I do if someone gets hurt?
  • What if I do if someone is hurting me or someone I know?

Refer to Section 5 for
Assessment Options / Refer to Section 7 for
Differentiated Strategies / Refer to Section 8 for
Technology Support / Refer to Section 9 for
Instructional Resources and
Cross-Curricular Integration
Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) / Objectives: Students will be able to… / Content
2.1.6.E.1 Compare and contrast the incidence and characteristics of intentional and unintentional injuries in adolescents. /
  • identify common risks for injury for adolescents.
  • compare and contrast the incidence and characteristics of intentional and unintentional injuries in adolescents.
  • Risk factors
  • Injury statistics
  • Intentional Injuries
  • Unintentional Injuries

2.1.6.E.2 Analyze the short- and long-term impacts of injuries on individuals and families and develop strategies to reduce the incidence of such /
  • analyze the short- and long-term impacts of injuries on individuals and families.
  • develop strategies to reduce the incidence of injuries.
  • Impacts of injury i.e. physical, social, emotional
  • Injury prevention strategies
  • Safety equipment

2.1.6.E.3 Demonstrate and assess basic first aid procedures, including victim and situation assessment, rescue breathing and choking, and care of minor cuts, sprains, and bleeding. /
  • demonstrate and assess basic first aid procedures, including victim and situation assessment, rescue breathing and choking, and care of minor cuts, sprains, and bleeding.
  • Scene assessment
  • Rescue breathing
  • Heimlich maneuver
  • Bandages
  • Body Substance Isolation

2.1.6.E.4 Discuss the physical, social, and emotional impacts of all forms of abuse and discuss what to do if any form of abuse is suspected or occurs. /
  • identify typical signs and indications of abuse.
  • discuss the physical, social and emotional impacts of abuse.
  • Physical abuse
  • Mental abuse
  • Sexual abuse

F. Social and Emotional Health
Enduring Understandings
  • Developing self esteem, resiliency, tolerance and coping skills support social and emotional health.
  • Using conflict resolution skills is an effective tool for avoiding violence

Essential Questions
  • What contributes to social and emotional health?
  • How resolve conflict without starting a fight?

Refer to Section 5 for
Assessment Options / Refer to Section 7 for
Differentiated Strategies / Refer to Section 8 for
Technology Support / Refer to Section 9 for
Instructional Resources and
Cross-Curricular Integration
Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) / Objectives: Students will be able to… / Content
2.1.6.F.1 Examine how personal assets, (e.g., self esteem, positive peer relationships) and protective factors (e.g., parental involvement) support healthy social and emotional development. /
  • define personal assets such as self esteem and positive peer relationships.
  • define social and emotional health.
  • identify ways that personal assets such as self esteem can support healthy social and emotional development.
  • identify how protective factors such as parental involvement can support healthy social and emotional development.
  • Self esteem
  • Positive peer relationships
  • Social health
  • Emotional health

2.1.6.F.2 Choose and justify appropriate strategies to deal with conflict, violence, harassment, vandalism, and bullying. /
  • identify strategies to deal with conflict, harassment and bullying.
  • identify strategies to deal with violence and vandalism.
  • choose effective strategies for dealing with conflict, violence, harassment, vandalism and bullying.
  • Conflict
  • Harassment
  • Bullying
  • Violence
  • Vandalism

2.1.6.F.3 Describe home, school, and community efforts to prevent conflict, vandalism, bullying, harassment, and violence. /
  • identify efforts/ strategies to prevent conflict, vandalism, bullying, harassment, and violence at home.
  • identify efforts/ strategies to prevent conflict, vandalism, bullying, harassment, and violence in school.
  • identify efforts/ strategies to prevent conflict, vandalism, bullying, harassment, and violence in the community.
  • Conflict resolution strategies

2.1.6.F.4 Describe the physical and emotional signs of stress and the short-and long-term impacts of stress on the human body. /
  • describe the physical and emotional signs of stress.
  • describe and the short-and long-term impacts of stress on the human body.
  • Stress
  • Signs of stress
  • Physical impacts of stress

2.1.6.F.5 Compare and contrast ways that individuals, families, and communities cope with change, crisis, rejection, loss, and separation. /
  • compare and contrast ways that individuals, families, and communities cope with change, crisis, rejection, loss, and separation.
  • Coping skills
  • Change
  • Crisis
  • Rejection
  • Loss
  • Separation

2.1.6.F.6 Discuss how stereotyping might influence one’s goals, choices, and behaviors. /
  • discuss how stereotyping might influence one’s goals, choices, and behaviors.
  • Stereotyping
  • Effects of stereotyping

All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Communication
By the end of Grade 6, students will:
  • Identify valid resources for health related issues.
  • Use technology to research, evaluate and explain health related issues.
  • Effectively communicate health information to a selected audience.
  • Demonstrate appropriate communication skills in various settings (one on one, small group discussion and presenting to a large group).
  • Demonstrate proper decision making skills.
  • Identify factors that influence decisions.
  • Identify the steps for setting and achieving health goals.
  • Set a health/ fitness goal and a plan for achieving that goal.
  • Demonstrate the ability to set and achieve a long term goal.
  • Demonstrate good character.
  • Identify personal traits that contribute to good character.
  • Participate in a small group cooperative activity
  • Perform in a leadership role.
  • Research different volunteer/ leadership opportunities in the community.
  • Research and Identify health and fitness services around your community
  • Research various health careers.
  • Identify health service needs in the school.

Enduring Understandings
  • Making good health decisions requires the ability to access and evaluate reliable resources.
  • Effective communication skills enhance a person’s ability to express and defend their beliefs.
  • Active listening skills can help us better understand a persons point of view and help us communicate more effectively.

Essential Questions
  • How do you know whether or not health information is accurate?
  • How do I learn to stand for and communicate my beliefs to others without alienating them?
  • Why should I listen to someone if I do not agree with them?