Dr. Beena Somanath, M. Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
RaniAnnaGovernmentCollege for Women
Tirunelveli - 8 Mobile : +91-9791835115
Tamil Nadu, India Email :
Date of Birth:29th July, 1963
Marital Status:Married
Ph.D. (Fishery Biology / ):1993 MaduraiKamarajUniversity, Madurai
M. Sc. (Marine Biology &
Oceanography):1985 AnnamalaiUniversity, Chidambaram
Subject Studied:Environmental Physiology, Microbiology &
Biochemistry, Marine Ecology, Fishery Biology,
B. Sc. (Zoology):1983 S.T.HinduCollege, Nagercoil
MaduraiKamarajUniversity, Madurai
Teaching Experience:1999 – 2000 P.G.
(M.S.University, Tirunelveli)
2002 – 2010 P.G./U.G.
(MuslimArtsCollege, Thiruvithancode)
28th February 2011 – 23rd July 2012 UG/PG
(Govt.ArtsCollege for Women, Pudukottai)
24th July 2012 – till date
(RaniAnnaGovt.College for Women, Tirunelveli)
Junior Research Fellow:1986 – 87, CSIR, New Delhi
Junior Research Fellow:1988 – 89, CSIR, New Delhi
Senior Research Fellow:1989 – 91, CSIR, New Delhi
Research Associate:Sept. 1997 to April 1999
Field of Research – Fishery Biology
Aquaculture - Fish Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry
Working Knowledge on
- Water quality analysis and sediment analysis
- High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) (Amino acid analysis)
- Gas Liquid Chromatography (Fatty acid analysis)
- Semi-microcomb calorimeter (Energy Estimation)
- Neubeaur Haemocytometer (Hematological parameters)
- Spectrophotometer (Hitachi U.20001) (Biochemical analysis and scanning)
- Aquafeed formulation and manufacturing of eco-friendly aquafeed
- Maintenance and culture of aquatic organisms
Ph.D. Thesis
"Studies on food utilization in chosen fish".
Post Doctoral Research
"Crustacean culture : Lobster fattening – Artificial feed formulation – Lobster
Physiology and Biochemistry".
Research Guidance
Recognized for Ph. D guidance under M.S.University, Tirunelveli in the area of Zoology (MSU/Res/R1/RECOGN dated 01.12.03).
Awarded :2 ; Submitted : 1 ; Pursuing : 5
Research Paper Published
- S. Beena and S. Viswaranjan (1987). Effect of cadmium and mercury on the haemotological parameters of the fish Cyprinus carpio. J. Environ. & Ecology, Vol. 5, No. 4.
- S. Beena, S. Viswaranjan and A. Palavesam (1988). Effect on sublethal concentrations of Tannic acids on proteins, carbohydrate and lipids levels in the tissues of the fish Oreochromis mossambicus. J. Environ. & Eco., 6 : 289 – 292.
- S. Beena, A. Palavesam and J. Muthukrishnan (1989). Satiation time predatory behaviours in the larva of Lestes elata. Hagen (Zygoptera : Lestidae). J. Advances in Odonatology, 4 : 5 – 11.
- A. Palavesam, S. Beena and J. Muthukrishnan (1989). Kinetic properties of acid and alkaline phosphatases in dragon fly nymph Mesogomphus lineatus, Indian J. Odonatology, 2 : 21 – 26.
- J. Muthukrishnan, M. Senthamizhselvan and S. Beena (1989). Effect of predatory wasp venom on the haemolymph composition and Esterase activity of Heliothis armigera. Zool. J. Physiol., 93 : 197 – 198.
- S. Beena (1991). Effect of acute sub-lethal concentration of tannic acid of the protein, carbohydrate and lipid levels in the tissues of the fish Labeo rohita. J. Environ. Biol., 12(2) : 107 – 112.
- A. Palavesam, Beena Somanath, S. Lekha and G. Immanuel (1999). Sustainable aquaculture through Eco-friendly aqua feed (Tamil Version). Proc. of Mano Res. forum 276-81.
- Beena Somanath, A. Palavesam, S. Lazarus and M. Ayyappan (2000). Influence of nutrient source on specific Dynamic Action of pearl spot, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch), Naga. The ICLARM, Vol. 23, No. 2 : 15 – 17.
- G. Immanuel, V. Menenthira, S. Beena and A. Palavesam (2003). Effect of probionts on the growth response, food utilization and biochemical changes on pearl spot. Etroplus suratensis (Bloch.). Indian J. Fish., 50(2) : 273 – 278.
- G. Immanuel, V. Menenthira, S. Beena and A. Palavesam (2003). Influence of dietary lipid on survival, growth and moulting strategies of Penaeus indicus (Milne Edwards) post larvae. J. Aqua. Trop., 18(1) : 45-60.
- A. Palavesam and S. Beena (2003). Effect of detritus quality on energy allocation in chironomids. . European J. Biol. Sci., 1 – 9.
- A. Palavesam and S. Beena (2005). A method for the estimation of detritus energy generation in Aquatic habitat. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 5 : 49 – 52.
- Beena Somanath and J. Jayala Jasmin (2013). Hibiscus petals and spirulina supplemented diet induced carotenoid changes in freshwater gold fish Carassius auratus.International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology, 1(4) : 352 – 362.
14.J,Vijila Jasmin and Beena Somanath(2015). Temperature induced carotenoid changes in the freshwater ornamental fish tiger barb Puntius tetrazona .Scigen Journal of Science and technology, volume 1, Issue 1,2015.
- S. Lazarus and Beena Somanath (1998). Lobsters fishery in India with a note on its Conservation Management. Abstract submitted to National Seminar on Development and Transfer of Fisheries Technology, 3 – 5 February, 1999.
- S. Lazarus, M. Ayyappan and Beena Somanath (1999). Effect of salinity on the growth performance and moulting frequency of rock lobster Panulirus homarus. Abstract submitted to Aquaculture Conference, 1999, Sydney, Australia.
- Beena Somanath and A. Palavesam (2001). Effect of isonitrous and isocaloric diets on Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) of the fish Labeo rohita (Ham.). Aquaculture 2001, Disney's Colarado Springs Resorts, Orlando, Florida, Jan. 21 – 25. Abstract No. 511.
- Beena Somanath and A. Palavesam (2001). Effect of isonitrous and isocaloric diets on the production efficiency of the fish Labeo rohita and Catla catla (Ham). Aquaculture 2001, Disney's Colarado Springs Resorts, Orlando, Florida, Jan. 21 – 25. Abstract No. 512.
- A. Palavesam, S. Beena and S. Lekha (2001). Evaluation of papaya (Carcia papaya Linn.) leaf meal as protein substitute for cichlid Etroplus suratensis (Bloch). Aquaculture 2001, Disney's Coronado Spring Resort, Orlando, Florida, Jan. 21 – 25. Abstract No. 513.
- S. Beena and A. Palavesam (2004). Excretory energy loss of Indian major carps Catla catla and Labeo rohita (Ham.) fed on isonitrous-heterocalorific and isocalorific-heteronitrous diets. Abstract accepted for the presentation in XI Int. Symp. on Nutrition and Feeds in Fishes, PhuketIsland, Phuket Province, Thailand.
- A. Palavesam, S. Lekha, S. Beena, B. Venkadesh and G. Immanuel (2003). Effect of exogenous enzyme protease on growth responses of common carp Cyprinus carpio (Linn.). Proc. of National Conference on Zoology (NACOZ, 2003) – Opportunities and Challenges “14th All India Congress of Zoology; VivekanandaCollege, Agastheeswaram, Kanyakumari. 21st – 23rd December, 2003.
- A. Palavesam, S. Lekha, S. Beena, V. Menenthira and G. Immanuel (2003). Effect of exogenous enzyme protease on food transformation efficiencies in common carp Cyprinus carpio (Linn.). Proc. of National Conference on Zoology (NACOZ, 2003) – Opportunities and Challenges “14th All India Congress of Zoology; VivekanandaCollege, Agastheeswaram, Kanyakumari. 21st – 23rd December, 2003
- A. Palavesam, S. Beena, and V. Menenthira (2004). Influence of protein to carbohydrate ratio and rearing salinity on carcass biochemical composition of mullet Mugil cephalus (Linn.). Proc. of Ocean Life Food and Medicine Expo, 2004; “Int. Conf. and Exposition on Marine Living Resources of India for Food and Medicine; 27th to 29th February, 2004.
- A. Palavesam, G. Immanuel and S. Beena, (2004). Studies on the interacting effects of protein to carbohydrate ratio and rearing salinity on growth responses of mullet Mugil cephalus (Linn.). Proc. of Ocean Life Food and Medicine Expo, 2004; “Int. Conf. and Exposition on Marine Living Resources of India for Food and Medicine; 27th to 29th February, 2004.
- S. Lazaraus, Beena Somanath and M. Ayyappan (1998). Lobster fattening - a viable technology to enhance lobster production. Advances in Aquaculture (Eds.). P. Natarajan and V. Jayaprakash. Pub. Dept. of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries. Univ. of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India, pp. 18 – 23.
- Beena Somanath and S. Lazarus (1998). Kadarkarayil Veenagum Anniya Chelavani, Tamil Aruviyal Peravai, 7th Conference, M.S.University, Alwarkurichi, pp. 147 – 149.
Research Projects
Sl. No. / Title of the project / Agency / Duration / Amount (Rs. in lakhs) / Ongoing / CompletedMajor Projects
1. / Studies on environment and nutritional factors influencing bioaccumulation of dietary carotenoids in freshwater ornamental fishes(Principal Investigator) / UGC, New Delhi / 2012 - 2015 / Rs.10.808 lakhs / Ongoing
2. / Developing onshore broiler culture technology for the fattening of lobsters for export(Co-Investigator) / DST / TNSCST / 2008 - 2011 / Rs.10.87 lakhs / Completed
3. / Fattening of baby rock lobster Panulirus homarus, a technology demonstration for fisher women(Co-Investigator) / DOD New Delhi / 1997 – 2001 / Rs.20.5 lakhs / Completed
Student’s project
1. / TLC and Spectral analysis of carotenoids in selected ornamental fishes exposed to temperature and pH stress (Guide) / TNSCST, Chennai / 2008 / Rs.5,000/- / Completed
Projects Guided
B. Sc. :4 Science and 1 Social Projects
M. Sc.:18
M. Phil.:9
M. Phil. project guidance
S.No / Name / Reg. / Year / Project Title1. / S. P. Nisha / 7111234 / 2008 / TLC and spectral analysis of carotenoids in temperature stressed freshwater ornamental fish Trichogaster trichopterus
2. / Suriavel Jayanthi / 8111351 / 2009 / Analysis of induced genetic variation in freshwater fish using heavy metals
3. / D. Anitha / 8111342 / 2009 / Optimization of production medium for protease by Bacilllus sp. isolated from fish gut and its molecular characterization
4. / S. Esther Jubli Joy / 8111345 / 2009 / DNA finger printing analysis of genetic variation in earthworms using heavy metals by RAPD and PCR
5. / W. S. Deepa / 8111344 / 2009 / Analysis of pesticide induced genetic variation in Oreochromis mossambicus by RAPD-PCR analysis
6. / S. Jaya Sujitha / 8111346 / 2009 / Studies on genetic variation in pesticide stressed earthworm, Perinoxy excavatus by RAPD-PCR analysis
7. / T. Joselin Freeda / 8111343 / 2009 / Effect of heavy metals on amylase producing bacteria isolated from fish gut and its RAPD analysis by PCR
8. / R. Jemini / 9111367 / 2010 / Studies on nutrition induced carotenoid changes in the freshwater ornamental fish gourami Trichogaster trichopterus
9. / J. Nancy Joselin / 9111372 / 2010 / Seaweed supplemented diet induced carotenoid changes in freshwater ornamental fish koi carp Cyprinus carpio
Extra curricular activities
- NCC "C" Certificate
- Presidential Scout Certificate
Workshops / Seminar / Conferences attended
- Participated in the IX International Symposium of Odonatology held in School of Biological Sciences, M.K.University, Madurai from 18 – 12, January, 1988.
- Participated and acted as a Resource person in short term training programme on "Mass Culture of live feed organisms" at School of Biological Sciences, M.K.University, Madurai during 13 – 25 March, 1989.
- Participated in the Summer Institute in Recent Advances on the study of fish eggs larvae held at the Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam Camp from 14th June, 3rd July, 1989.
- Attended the International Conference on Food Resources, Production and Processing Technology held on December 28 – 30, 1991 at HolyCrossCollege, Nagercoil.
- Participated in the Regional workshop in shrimp farming held at KamarajCollege, Tuticorin on 10th and 11th April, 1994.
- Participated in the Seminar on Training and Research for Community Centered Aquaculture, ICAS, M.S.University, Kanyakumari on 6th September, 1995.
- Participated in the Seminar on Traditional Fishing Technologies of Tamil Nadu on 15th January, 1995.
- Participated in the First National Seminar on Trends in Marine Biotechnology, Institute for Coastal Area Studies, M.S.University, Nagercoil during 14th and 15th December, 1998.
- Participated and presented a paper in the National Seminar on Aquaculture in the changing Environmental Perspectives held during 25 – 27 March, 1998 at Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Marine Biodiversity, Institute for Coastal Area Studies, M.S.University, S.C.College Campus, Nagercoil during 25th and 26th December, 2000.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Aquaculture, Sree Ayyappa college for women, Chunkankadai, 9th October, 2003.
- Participated in the inter-collegate seminar on “The recent trends in the management of cultivable finfish and shellfish”. N.M.ChristianCollege, Marthandam 16th March, 2004.
- Participated in the one day seminar on Recent Trends in Biotechnology at ManonmaniamSundaranarUniversity, Tirunelveli during 25th February 2010.
- Participated in the 10th Science Tamil Congress (Tamil) at ManonmaniamSundaranarUniversity, Tirunelveli during 21 – 23 May 2010.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Science Tamil (Tamil) organized by ManonmaniamSundaranarUniversity, Tirunelveli during 07 – 08 October, 2010.
- Participated in the Orientation course (Intensive Training Programme) conducted for the newly recruited Government Arts and Science College Teachers organized by TNSCHE and UGC Academic Staff College, University of Madras during 4th May 2011 to 2nd June 2011.
- Participated in the Science Academies’ Lecture workshop on Challenges in Environmental Restoration organized by Department of Environmental Biotechnology, BharathidasanUniversity, Tiruchirapalli during 5th and 6th March 2012.
- Participated in the TNSCST sponsored Orientation Programme on Research activities in science for college teachers organized by BharathidasanUniversity, Tiruchirapalli during 24th and 25th March 2012.
- Participated in the Seminar on Domestic workers rights are human rights organized by Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, ManonmaniamSundaranarUniversity, Tirunelveli during 10th December 2012.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Structural Bioinformatics organized by Bioinformatics Centre, Department of Physics, ManonmaniamSundaranarUniversity, Tirunelveli during 15th March 2013.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Emerging threats to human health organized by Department of Zoology, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil during 7th February 2014.
- National level seminar in –“coastal and marine eco system –challenges and opportunities” at Rani Anna Govt. College on 12.3.15 and 13.3.15
Academic association with other universities
- Question paper setterfor M. Sc. Biomedical Sciences (Five year integrated), Department of Biomedical Sciences, BharathidasanUniversity, Thiruchirapalli.
- Practical Examiner for M. Sc. Biomedical Sciences (Five year integrated), Department of Biomedical Sciences, BharathidasanUniversity, Thiruchirapalli.
- Selection Committee Member for the appointment of Assistant Professor, ChikkaiahNaickerCollege, Erode.
- Acting as a incharge in Computer Literacy Programme in Rani Anna Govt. College For Women, Tirunelveli-8.
- Tutor in charge for II - B.Sc., ZOOLOGY students of Rani Anna Govt. College For Women, Tirunelveli-8