Grade 2 Unit 4 Bend 2 Big Thoughts In Small Packages: Poetry

Unit _4_Table of Contents

Unit Title: Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages

Section / Page Number
  • Unit Essential Questions
/ Skip
  • Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis)
/ Done
  • Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English)
/ English Done
  • Unit Assessment Checklist
/ Done
  • Unit Assessment Rubric
/ Skip
  • Sample Unit Calendar
/ Skip if time do
Grade 2
Content Unit 4 Bend 2 / Dates of Unit:
Unit Title: / Delving Deeper: Experimenting with Language and Sound to Create Meaning
Stage 1 / Identify Desired Results
(Alpha-numeric listing of standards incorporated in the unit) / W.2.3, W.2.5
RL.2.4, RL.2.6, RL.2.10
SL.2.1, SL.4
L.2.1, L.2.2., L.2.3, L.2.5, L.2.6
Essential Questions: (These goals should be aligned to Essential Questions.) / SKIP / SKIP / SKIP / SKIP / SKIP
(These should be aligned to the Goals above) / Good writers of poetry use many different strategies to enhance their poems. / Good writers of poetry by using descriptive adjectives and present progressive verbs.
Learning Targets
(aligned to goals) / Session 6: I can think very carefully about the words I choose for my poems. / I can compare two people places or things.
Session 7: I can use repeating words, sounds, and lines to give my poem rhythm. / I can use interesting adjectives.
Session 8: I can match the words I choose with the mood I want to convey.
Session 9: I can use comparisons to add meaning to my poem.
Session 10: I can make my comparison powerful by stretching it across many lines and adding actions.
Stage 2 / Determine Assessment Evidence
ENGLISH Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Academic Language Function(s):
  • Compare physical characteristics
  • Adjectives, present progressive verbs
/ Academic Language Stems:
Easy for Beginners (This is just an example.)
  • (Noun) like (Noun).
Clouds like cotton candy.
Clouds like marshmallows.
Clouds like cotton balls,
And clouds floating in the sky.
Medium for Intermediate (This is just an example.)
  • It’s like a (Adjective) (Noun).
  • (verb + ing) (prepositional phrase)2X
It’s like a powerful lion
Sleeping in the grass
Then jumping up and shaking its mane.
Difficult for Advanced and Fluent
  • As (Adjective) as a (Noun)
(Verb + ing) (prepositional phrase)
My Brother
As swift as a bumble bee
As noisy as a buzzing fly
As annoying as a mosquito
Breaking my toys and making a mess
but in the end he’s still family.
Academic Vocabulary:
  • Rhythm
  • Convey
  • Line breaks

Assessment Tools: /
  • Goals Rubric
  • Assessment Checklist

Unit 4 Assessment Checklist Bend 2

Student Name / Session 6: I can think very carefully about the words I choose for my poems. / Session 7: I can use repeating words, sounds, and lines to give my poem rhythm. / Session 8: I can match the words I choose with the mood I want to convey. / Session 9: I can use comparisons to add meaning to my poem. / Session 10: I can make my comparison powerful by stretching it across many lines and adding actions. / I can compare two people places or things. / I can use interesting adjectives. / Notes
B = BeginningD = DevelopingP = ProficientM=Mastery

Unit of Study Assessment Rubric

Unit #4 - Unit Title: Poetry

Learning Target / Mastery / Proficient / Developing / Beginning
Language Learning Target
Stage 3 / Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Bend 1:
Day 1: Session 1. Seeing with Poets’ Eyes
Learning Goal: I can see with poet’s eyes and describe something in a different and unusual way. / Day 2: Session 2. Listening for Line Breaks
Learning Goal: I can use present progressive verb phrases. / Day 3: Cont. Session 2. Listening for Line Breaks
Learning Goal: I can use present progressive verb phrases.
Language Goal: I can use present progressive verb phrases. / Day 4: Session 3. Putting Powerful Thoughts in Tiny Packages
Learning Goal: I can pick a big idea or feeling and then find a small moment that signifies that big idea. / Day 5: Session 3. Putting Powerful Thoughts in Tiny Packages
Learning Goal: I can pick a big idea or feeling and then find a small moment that signifies that big idea.
Language Goal: I can use interesting adjectives.
Day 6: Session 4. Poets Find Poems in the Strong Feeling and Concrete Details of Life
Learning Goal: I can jot down my poem ideas and then choose an idea to write about that has strong feelings and concrete details. / Day 7: Session 5. Editing Poetry
Learning Goal: I can edit my poetry for spelling errors by looking for words that don’t look right. / Bend 2:
Day 8: Session 6. Searching for Honest, Precise Words: Language Matters
Learning Goal: I can think very carefully about the words I choose for my poems. / Day 9: Cont. Session 6. Searching for Honest, Precise Words: Language Matters
Learning Goal: I can think very carefully about the words I choose for my poems.
Language Goal: I can use interesting adjectives. / Day 10: Session 7. Patterning through Repetition
Learning Goal: I can use repeating words, sounds, and lines to give my poem rhythm.
Day 11: Session 8. Poems Are Moody
Learning Goal: I can match the words I choose with the mood I want to convey. / Day 12: Session 9. Using Comparisons to Clarify Feelings and Ideas
Learning Goal: I can use comparisons to add meaning to my poem.
Language Goal: I can compare two people places or things. / Day 13: Cont. Session 9. Using Comparisons to Clarify Feelings and Ideas
Learning Goal: I can use comparisons to add meaning to my poem.
Language Goal: I can compare two people places or things. / Day 14: Session 10. Stretching Out a Comparison
Learning Goal: I can make my comparison powerful by stretching it across many lines and adding actions. / Day 15: Mini Lesson Choice Day
Choose or review a mini lesson of your choice.
Bend 3:
Day 16: Session 11. Studying Structure
Learning Goal: I can study the structures in masters’ texts and try them in their own writing. / Day 17: Session 12. Studying a Mentor Text with Poets’ Eyes
Learning Goal: I can revise my poetry by using different structures from masters’ texts. / Day 18: Session 13. Matching Structures to Feelings
Learning Goal: I can choose a structure that helps the reader feel what I intend them to feel. / Day 19: Session 14. Playing with Point of View
Learning Goal: I can write a poem from someone else’s point of view. / Day 20: Mini Lesson Choice Day
Choose or review a mini lesson of your choice.
Day 21: Session 15. Revising Poems: Replacing Feeling Words with Word Pictures
Learning Goal: I can revise my work by replacing vague feeling words with images that show rather than tell.
Language Goal: I can use specific adjectives to make a picture in the reader’s mind. / Day 21: Cont. Session 15. Revising Poems: Replacing Feeling Words with Word Pictures
Learning Goal: I can revise my work by replacing vague feeling words with images that show rather than tell.
Language Goal: I can use specific adjectives to make a picture in the reader’s mind. / Day 23: Session 16. Editing Poems: Reading Aloud to Find Trouble Spots
Learning Goal: I can read my poem aloud to find parts that don’t sound right. / Day 24: Mini Lesson Choice Day
Choose or review a mini lesson of your choice. / Day 25: Session 17. Presenting Poems to the World: An Author’s Celebration
Learning Goal: I can make a final copy of my poem to either publish or present.

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