Grade 12 Unit Three Review
- Instructions: Match the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) its correct description or example.
- ____The poor first and foremost have an urgent moral
circumstances they live in make them vulnerable to
manipulation and harm.
2. _____People have a right to productive work, just wages
and a safe working environment.
3._____ Humans achieve fulfillment in community.
4._____ People have a right to participate in the
decisions that affect their lives regardless of their
ethic origins, gender, or age.
5. _____ If a person who utilizes a wheelchair has a right to
access health care and they cannot enter the
hospital for treatment because the entrance door
has stairs, then we as a society have the
responsibility of building a ramp into that hospital.
6._____ Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in an
interdependent world so we must stand up for others
who are unjustly opposed even if the cause
does not immediately affect us.
7. _____The goods of earth are gifts from God and they should
be respected and protected. / a. Stewardship of God’s creation.
b. Dignity of Work and Rights of
c. Solidarity
d. Life and Dignity of Human Person
e. Right and Responsibilities
f. Option for the poor and Vulnerable
g. Common Good and Community
- Fill in the following chart(you can use the link I provided in my website, under unit 1 entitled:
“Good Summary of Encyclicals”
Title of encyclical in Latin / English translation of the encyclical’s title / Pope who authored the encyclical / Brief description of the encyclical and the Catholic Social Teaching(s) it highlightsRerum Novarum
Pacem in Terris
Laudato Si
Evangelium Vitae
Caritas in Veritate
- Fill in the blanks with the following terms (only use once).
ParousiaCovenantExegesisApocalyptic LiteratureHermeneutics
a) Focuses on the end of history and time of God’s purifying judgment. ______
b) Pertaining to the end of time. ______
c) A binding agreement between two parties. ______
d) An analysis of text in their original context. ______
e) A way of interpreting texts. ______
f) The Second Coming of Christ ______
g) To be happy ______
h) To be fully satisfied ______
i) This study is focuses on “the good” that people strive for in life ______
j) In this field of study people focus on “the ways” that one can achieve the good ______
- The stories of the judges follow a consistent four-fold pattern. Please describe this pattern and use an example from your life or devise an example that illustrates how our relationship with God follows a similar four-fold pattern.
- Read the following passage from Genesis 15 and answer the following question: Using specific quotes from the following passage demonstrate how this conversation between God and Abram exhibits all five traits of a covenant.
- Matthew used two hermeneutical lenses in order to get the message of the gospel across to the people of his time. Describe them both.
- Answer the following questions using Commandments 5 – Thou Shall not Kill.
- Engage your exegetical skills and describe the historical conditions which promoted the enforcement of such a law.
- Engage you hermeneutical skills and explain how this commandment can be interpreted for our society today.
- Come up with at least four specific examples that exemplify how our society today fails to fulfill this commandment.
- Research one way that our society ensures that this commandment is being fulfilled in today`s world.
- Why was it important for the writer of the gospel of Matthew to establish a relationship between Jesus and Moses?
- Why are the beatitudes considered paradoxical promises?
- Re-read the excerpt on the life of Mother Teresa provided to you in your notes and prove that she is a modern day prophet using evidence from the excerpt and your notes on the characteristics of prophets. Make sure that you come up with at least 5 distinct pieces of evidence. Also prove that Mother Teresa was called by God to be a prophet using the elements of a call story.
- In the following biblical quotes Jesus makes striking contrasts between his understanding of morality and that of his ancestral tradition. Reach each statement very carefully and
- Explain the ancestral teaching that Jesus is referring to. In other words, why did Jesus’ Jewish ancestors have such a law – an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?
- Using exegesis explain how Jesus revises or updates the understanding of this ancestral law.
- Using hermeneutics assess each message by elaborating on how Christians of today are called to think, speak and act.
12. What is the difference social justice and charity?
13 A. Using a graphic organizer of your choice compare/contrast ethical relativism, ethical absolutism and cultural relativism. Please define each of these terms in your graphic organizer and label it appropriately. The key here is to organize all of your information as clearly as possible while answering the question to the best of your ability. YOU MUST USE A GRAPHIC ORGANIZER. You will not attain a perfect mark if you cannot organize your information properly, even if you have all the facts required.
B.Which ethical standpoint do you support—ethical relativism or ethical absolutism? Defend your position by using supporting arguments from class discussions and criticisms of the ethical standpoint you chose to reject.
14. What are the 4 different types of ethics?
15. Explain how the 10 commandments are at the same time a covenant with God and a covenant with our neighbor.
16. Using any visual organizer of your choice contrast the economics, politics and religion of the Egyptian people who ruled over the Israelites in Moses` time to the economics, politics and religion of the new Israelite community established by Moses.