Summative Evaluation Plan for World Religions and Belief Traditions: Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges*
30% Final Evaluations
Task / Achievement Chart / WeightingExam / All categories / 15%
Course Culminating Activity / All categories / 15%
70% Course Work Assessment of Learning
Unit 1: Approaches to the Study of the Sacred
Task / Achievement Chart Focus /Due Date
Song Analysis / All categoriesInfographic / All categories
Test / All categories
Assessment for/as learning for Infographic
Task/Topic / Learning Goal: We are learning to / Tools / Assessor (P/S/T) / Assessment for/as- Think-Write-Pair-Share on motives for religious impulses
- Definitions Quiz
- Class Survey on Religious Affiliation
- students share results using a Human Histogram
- with the results, students are to practice/learn to create graphs / Human Histogram
Checklist / Peer
Peer / As
- Infographic Introduction
- Song Analysis
Class Discussion / Peer
Teacher / As
Unit 2: Introduction to Animism
Creation Story / All categoriesArtifact Creation and Explanation / All categories
Test / All categories
Unit 3: Introduction to Polytheism
Board Game / All categoriesJournal/Diary/Blog / All categories
Position Paper – religion or philosophical way of life? / All categories
Test / All categories
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Unit 4:Introduction to Monotheism
Timeline of Development – include major social and political events and their impact on the development of religions / All categories
Test / All categories
Unit 5:Modern Challenges to Religions
Debates / All categoriesNewspaper Report / All categories
* subject to modification as necessary
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Creating an Infographic
Brief introduction of task:
Using the Success Criteria that follows, create an infographic to demonstrate your understanding of religion and society
Expectations / Learning Goals / Success CriteriaB1.1 Identify diverse religions and belief traditions that are found in Canada / We are learning to explore the many belief traditions in Canada and the world / I can identify the various belief traditions in my local area, Ontario, Canada, and the world
A3.3 Analyze and interpret research information / We are learning to make inferences from research about various religious groups
We are learning to interpret research information on the various practices of religions / I can make conclusions & inferences from my research on religions using primary (data, surveys etc.) and secondary sources (texts, news reports, journals)to determine the differences and similarities between them
A3.4 Demonstrate academic honesty by documenting the sources of all information generated through research / We are learning to honestly source all ideas generated in research / I can source all ideas, quotations, and images (using MLA, Chicago or Turabian)
A4. Communicating and Reflecting: communicated the results of their research and inquiry clearly and effectively, and reflect on and evaluate their research, inquiry, and communication skills / We are learning to communicate ideas from research clearly to present our findings and conclusions in an infographic / I can select information toclearly communicate my findings and conclusions to demonstrate that I understand religion’s role in society using graphs or other visuals
My language and visual choices reflect ideas for intended audience
A3.5 Synthesize findings and formulate conclusions / We are learning to use research results to formulate conclusions / I can, using my research, answer the question why people turn to or turn away from religion
B3.3 Describe their own perspective on religions and belief traditions / We are learning to self-reflect to determine our opinions on religions and belief traditions / I can self-reflect and identify my opinion on the role of religion and society
Unit 1: Approaches to the Sacred
Religious Trends Infographic Assignment
There are thousands of religions throughout the world. These religions can be divided into various categories; those that follow polytheism, those that follow monotheism, and finally those that are animistic in nature. However, there is also an increase in the rise of people claiming no religious affiliation, being either agnostic or atheist. These trends in religious adherence means that some religions are gaining members (through converts), while some are losing members for various reasons.
The major religions of the world- Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism- have the most worldwide appeal, but you will also see several non-religions, such as atheism and agnosticism, and smaller religions rising in popularity in various countries.
When thinking of the world’s major religions, consider the following questions:
- Which religion(s) is/are rising in popularity?
- Which religion is the fastest growing?
- Which one shows a decline in popularity?
- Which area(s) of the world sees the biggest growth of religious affiliations?
- Can you think of some religions that are likely found solely in Canada? How about ones that are not likely found in Canada? How does this compare in our region/municipality?
Start by making a prediction for each of the above questions.
Next, collect data from reliable sources, such as Statistics Canada, the Religious News Service (RNS), Religious Tolerance and valid newspaper sources (Macleans, the Globe and Mail, the New York Times, etc), to create an infographic that examines religion and society.
Now, to your task. First things first….
What is an Infographic?
An infographic, or information graphic, is a visual representation of information or data. You will find a unique and creative way to display the information you collect during your research periods on a one-page ‘poster’.
Your Task:For this assignment, you have four tasks to complete:
Task #1: Using your prediction based on the questions found on the front page, include them on the Infographic. Clearly label this prediction. / Task #2:
Create a graph that shows at least the top eight (8) religions in your local area. Include separate graphs that demonstrate at least the top eight (8) in Ontario, Canada, and around the world.
Are your presdictions true? Explain why/why not.
For this task, make sure that the data you collect is recent (in the last 5 years), and that you provide your sources. Sources may have different numbers, so be specific in terms of the one you use for the data. / Task #3:
Select any two of the subjects/topics listed below, and conduct research. Collect your findings and place them as well on the infographic.
Remember to clearly state the topic selected, as well as your findings. Again, you are not limited to these suggestions – they are meant solely to show you where you can go with your questioning and research.
Task 3 possible topics / questions:
Here are some possible topics/questions for Task 3. You are only limited by your imagination – ask your teacher for approval for any other topics/questions you may have.
Which countries follow religious policies as an integral part of their government?
Which groups (young, old, married, etc) are less / more likely to be religious?
Which religious symbols have crossed over to mainstream pop culture?
Which religious principles conflict most with current scientific discoveries?
Who are the most recognized religious figures in history?
What were the top 10 most popular movies with a religious theme?
Which countries boast the most religious adherents? Which ones have the least?
Identify the top religious texts of all time.
Which sports figures are most identified with their religions?
Which religious places are most known and visited throughout the world?
What were the biggest news stories concerning religion in the past year?
Which were the top 10 Top 40 songs with a religious theme?
Which religious myths still exist today?
Which literary works about a religious principle (i.e. DaVinci Code) sold the most copies in the last 10 years? 20 years?
Task #4:
In your infographic, answer the following question:
Why do people turn to OR turn away from religion?
Also, include your opinion of the role of religion in society.
Rubric For Infographic
Name ______
Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Knowledge Understanding
-Summarizes the various religions and belief traditions that exist in their local area, Ontario, Canada, and the world / Few beliefs & traditions of the religions in the world and my area are identified
5.1 5.4 5.8 / Some beliefs & traditions of the religions in the world and my area are identified
6.1 6.4 6.8 / Most of the beliefs & traditions of the religions in the world and my area are included
7.1 7.4 7.8 / Thorough understanding of the beliefs & traditions of the religions in the world and my area are identified
8.2 8.5 9.0 9.5 10
-Make conclusions from research, using primary and secondary sources, to support an argument on the role of religion
-Source all data and information using MLA, Chicago, or Turabian / Few relevant conclusions from research and data to support arguments
Developing use of MLA, Chicago, or Turabian to source information
5.1 5.4 5.8 / Some relevant conclusions & inferences from research and data to support arguments
Satisfactory use of MLA, Chicago, or Turabian to source information
6.1 6.4 6.8 / Relevant conclusions & inferences from research and data to support arguments
Solid use of MLA, Chicago, or Turabian to source information
7.1 7.4 7.8 / Impressively relevant conclusions & inferences from research and data to support arguments
Accurate use of MLA, Chicago or Turabian to source information
8.2 8.5 9.0 9.5 10
-Communicates clearly on religions and belief traditions using features of an infographic (graphs, visuals, colour) that enhance message / Communicates concepts related to religions and belief traditions with developing clarity
Uses a few images appropriately
5.1 5.4 5.8 / Communicates concepts related to religions and belief traditions with suitable clarity
Uses some images appropriately
6.1 6.4 6.8 / Communicates concepts related to religions and belief traditions with convincing clarity
Uses images appropriately and thoughtfully
7.1 7.4 7.8 / Communicates concepts related to religions and belief traditions with superb clarity
Uses images purposefully and suitably
8.2 8.5 9.0 9.5 10
-Connects research and their conclusion to the role of religion in society
-Describes own perspective on religions and belief traditions / Makes passable connections on the role of religion in society
Describes own perspective with developing clarity
5.1 5.4 5.8 / Makes some connections on the role of religion in society
Describes own perspective with suitable clarity
6.1 6.4 6.8 / Makes convincing connections on the role of religion in society
Describes own perspective with convincing clarity
7.1 7.4 7.8 / Makes insightful connections on the role of religion in society
Describes own perspective with superb clarity
8.2 8.5 9.0 9.5 10
Important Vocabulary Terms
Match the term to its definition
Match the correct term to its relevant and appropriate definition.
Term / DefinitionPresent in all places and at all times, always
Study of the meaning of life, knowledge, thought. A person’s outlook on life.
The belief in more than one God/ Gods within a particular religion.
The study of the nature of God and religious belief. Often part of a religious school of thought and study that examines the question of God and religion itself.
In Roman Catholicism, a person of great spirituality who has died, is responsible for at least three miracles, and who has been elevated to the sainthood by the Church. A person venerated after death as specially holy.
Possessing universal or complete knowledge i.e. God knows everything.
A small religious group that has recently split away from an established religion. A subdivision of a religious group, especially one with extreme beliefs.
Belonging to or proceeding from a god; holy
A building set apart for public worship, especially that of a parish, and especially that of an established form of religion (a term used in Christian religions).
The act of attempting to verbally communicate with the supernatural. Found in almost all the religions of the world, used mostly for thanks or for appeal addressed to one’s god.
Conviction or truth of anything.
Something that is not sacred and not associated with religion. Often seen as showing disrespect for religion or holy things.
A system of religious beliefs.
The belief that God is identical with the cosmos, and that there exists nothing which is outside of God.
A person, almost always male, who was a religious reformer. A person supposedly chosen by God to spread His word. In more recent times, a person who predicts future events.
Possessing unlimited authority or influence – i.e. God has all power.
An ignorant and irrational belief in supernatural agency, omens, divination, sorcery, etc. A deep-rooted but unfounded general belief.
A doomsday, dangerous, destructive religious movement whose members risk their lives to belong.
A supernatural being, generally considered of the male gender. A spirit or being worshipped as having supernatural powers. Can also be referred to as the Supreme Being, Creator, Ruler of the Universe. Various religions will have one, but will give Him a different name.
Set apart or dedicated, especially to God. Holy, emanating from God. Something entitled to veneration, worship, and never to be violated or breached.
A type of religious belief that all components of the universe, including humans, animals, plant life, rocks, etc, contain some form of life force, soul or spirit. Some are seen as friendly spirits; others are tricksters.
A person who denies or disbelieves in the existence of God or Gods. Is often heard stating that ‘There is no God’.
A generic term used to refer to one or more supernatural beings.
A tale with supernatural characters, usually of how the world and mankind began.
Christian synonym for Satan – an all-evil former angel. An evil spirit.
From the Greek word meaning ‘a decree’- a revealed truth defined by a faith group- i.e. A Christian belief in the Trinity.
A body of beliefs that is taught. The assumption is that a member of a religious group must agree with all aspects of the group’s belief system.
Moral principles that govern a person’s, or a groups’, behaviour. Often considered the moral correctness of a specific action or conduct.
The belief, within a religion, of there being only one God
The belief that a person cannot know, and nothing can be known, of the existence or nature of God or anything beyond the physical world.
The ABC=s of Religion
Using your ABC=s, complete the following sheet indicating a word or idea that is associated with religion - any religion. See if you can find a word, idea or concept that fits with every letter.
Letter / Term, Idea or Concept / Brief explanation of association with religionA