Faenor Community Council – Minutes of a meeting held at Comins Coch School on Monday 16th March 2015 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs A Evans (Chair), J Roberts, C Bowcott, C Simpson, D Jenkins, H Jones, S Wildig, T Lambden, A Evans

471/15 Apologies: None

472/15 Declaration of Interests: None

473/15 Minutes: of the meeting held on 16 February 2015 at Waunfawr Hall as amended to show Cllr J Roberts was not present and that the meeting was held in Waunfawr Community Hall and were proposed and accepted; proposed by Cllr H jones, seconded A Evans

474/15 Matters arising:

Heol Alun substation: A new fence has been put in place inside the old fence but the old fence still remains in situ. Cllr John Roberts stated that the fence had been removed as he had been at the location today. Although there seemed to be some branches and other garden waste having been left on site. Cllr John Roberts also confirmed that he would arrange a site meeting for Wendy Campion to meet members on site to discuss the three paths of unknown responsibility on Waunfawr, Cllr J Roberts to liaise with clerk to make arrangements before next meeting..

Bike Park: Cllr J Roberts stated that he had carried out some works and that he would prepare a list of works that were still required in order to report to next meeting.

Land to rear of the Old Chapel site: CLlr D Jenkins stated that the problem has escalated and provided photographs as evidence of the increasing rubble. Cllr Jenkins to forward the photos electronically to clerk so that they can be sent to Ceredigion County Council.

Bus Shelter: The Clerk reported that the bus shelter had been removed by Ray Burrell. He was attempting to source parts from the bus shelter company and would endeavour to report back as soon as possible.

Cllr C Bowcott volunteered to prepare a schedule of bus shelters and to take photographs in order that they can be included on the Asset register. Proposed T Lambden Approved by Cllr Anthony Evans

Safe Route to School: The Bollard had not been installed. Clerk has asked Ray Burrell to liaise with John Roberts for installation. It was noted that the safe route to school requires sweeping – clerk to make a request to Ceredigion County Council.

Erw Goch: Clerk has contacted John Hadlow, CCC regarding the trees behind 21 Erw Goch. He was going to look into the matter and report back to clerk.

Clerk :The clerks resignation was accepted for the end of June 2015. Clerk to advertise in the Cambrian News for part time clerk 8.5 per week, for more information to contact clerk directly. Job descriptions and applications received to be discussed at next meeting, with a view of interviewing late April, to commence in May with a short cross over for assistance to new clerk.

Job Description to be discussed at next meeting and to shortlist and arrange a sub committee for interview late April with a view to new clerk to start in May meeting to shadow.

475/15 Correspondence:

Clerk and Councils Direct magazine – noted

Ceredigion County Council – planning minutes – noted

One Voice Wales – Membership receipt – noted.

Quotation for grass cutting from Michael Davies had been received for £850.00. Clerk to ask Mid Wales Landscaping to provide a quotation for comparison. Clerk to ask Mid Wales to contact Cllr John Roberts to clarify exactly which paths the quote is for so that it is like for like. MJ to action

476/15 Financial Matters/ Payments :

It was agreed to make a donation to Aberystwyth District Floral Society £50.00

477/15 Planning applications: None

478/15 Reports on various committees and meetings:

A report was received regarding the Ceredigion County Council consultation for residential care provision. There would be further public meetings before the end of Dates to be confirmed

479/15 Any other matters

Brongwinnau : Cllr A Evans confirmed that works that were long overdue had been commenced today outside 30 Brongwinnau.

Hafan Y Waun : Cllr C Bowcott thanked Cllr J Roberts for providing a rubbish bin outside the entrance to Hafan Y Waun. Cllr Bowcott confirmed that he would arrange that the bin is emptied on a weekly basis by staff at Hafan y Waun at no cost to the community council.

Penglais School : The clerk was asked to contact the head teacher asking for the gates to be unlocked at all times to provide access. It was noted that there is also a large amount of rubbish in the grounds and asking for the head teacher to arrange that this is removed.