Grade 10 Module 3ELA Curriculum Framework

Grade 10 Module 3
District/School Formative Assessment Plan / District/School Summative Assessment Plan
End-of-Unit Assessment 3.2: Students submit a completed Research Portfolio with the four sections organized including
1. Defining an Area of Investigation
2. Gathering and Analyzing Information
3. Drawing Conclusions
4. Discarded Material
Also additional supplemental summative formative and activities as deemed appropriate by individual instructors. / Performance Assessment:Podcast & discussion response to the following prompt: “Build on the analysis you did for your research-based argument paper by producing a five-minute podcast. Synthesize your research and offer salient points of the research in an engaging oral presentation that demonstrates command of formal spoken English.”
Benchmark Assessment #3 (End-of-Unit Assessment 3.1):Students complete a writing assignment utilizing the text of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and several primary sources, where they perform an examination of a central idea.
Evidence-Based Perspective 3.2:Students write a one-page synthesis of their developing perspective derived from their research. Students draw on the research evidence collected to express their Evidence-Based Perspective on their problem-based question.
End-of-Unit Assessment 3.3:Students are assessed on the final draft of their argument-based research paper and its alignment to the criteria of an argument text.
Also additional supplemental summative tasks and activities as deemed appropriate by individual instructors.
District/School Texts / District/School Supplementary Resources
  • Skloot, Rebecca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. New York: Random House, 2011.
  • “A Court Allows Payment for Bone Marrow. Should People be Able to Sell
  • Their Parts?” by Alice Park
  • “Do We Own Our Own Bodily Tissues?” by Margaret Ng Thow Hing
  • “Paying Patients for Their Tissue: The Legacy of Henrietta Lacks” by Robert
  • D. Truog, Aaron S. Kesselheim, and Steven Joffe
  • “Tissue Banks Trigger Worry About Ownership Issues” by Charlie Schmidt
  • “Human Tissue For Sale: What are the Costs?” by Deborah Josefson
  • “My Body, My Property” by Lori B. Andrews
  • “Body of Research—Ownership and Use of Human Tissue” by R. Alta Charo

District/School Writing Tasks
Primary Focus
Argument writing
Research writing / Secondary Focus
Collection of evidence
Use of evidence / Routine Writing
Regular quick writes, pre-writing activities, and other items included in curricular documents
21st Century Themes / Skills / Interdisciplinary Connections
CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason.
CRP7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
CRP11. Use technology to enhance productivity. / Biology