Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Executive: Committee Representatives:

Chair Val Adamson AOTS Bill Palmer

Vice-Chair Wayne Pease Christian Development

Past Chair Communications: Chris Cooke

Secretary Marvin Bildfell Cong. Care & Growth

Treasurer Ian McGuiness Finance Jon Tebbins

Ministry Rev. Brad Morrison Lay Presbytery Marg Cameron

Pat Morrison Outreach Earle Kilner

Rev. Sue Browning Personnel Vance Curry

Planning Leanne Kember


Proclamation and Special Events

Trustees UCW Shirley Withers

Worship Gord Walkling

Meeting started at 7:05 p.m. There was a quorum. Guest attending were Bev Robinson, Paul Cooper and Joyce Christopher.

1. Devotion: Shirley Withers for UCW

2. Approval of Agenda:

Moved by Wayne Pease and seconded by Marg Cameron that the agenda be approved with the addition of a nominating committee report. Carried.

3. Approval of Minutes:

Moved by Gord Walkling and seconded by Bill Palmer that the Minutes of January 7 2009 minutes be approved. Carried.

Moved by Wayne Pease, seconded by Gord Walkling that the minutes of the Jan. 28 budget meeting be approved. Carried.

4. Business Arising from the Minutes:


5. New Business

Committees are requested to arrange representation at the Annual Meeting to respond to any questions arising concerning their Committee.

Moved by Ian McGuiness and seconded by Gord Walkling that the budget as presented be approved for presentation to the Annual Meeting for approval. The detailed budget including 2007 actual and 2008 actual and budget figures is included as attachment 3 on page 7 and 8. Carried.

Moved by Vance Currie that we renew the contract with Glen Parsons until Dec. 31, 2009. Seconded by Chris Cooke. Carried.

Moved by Leanne Kember and seconded by Bill Palmer that the Planning Committee organize a Council and committee retreat at the Lambton Centre in 2009. Carried

Moved by Leanne Kember that retaining newcomers be a program and spending priority in 2009. Seconded by Bill Palmer. Carried

Moved by Leanne Kember that the 2009 Stewardship program be focused on time. Seconded by Gord Walkling. Carried.

6. Report of the Chairperson –

Thanks for the support, encouragement and trust you placed in me over the past year as your chair of Council. It has been a successful year as we crossed many bridges allowing Council to fulfil its mandate in representing the direction that our congregation expected and endorsed. We are a very blessed family here at Grace. We are leaders in where other churches could and would like be. Our young people are very much alive and well at Grace. It has been a privilege to share in their enthusiasm, talents and watch them embrace Christ in their lives.

We can and must continue to expand our talents, energy, faith and involvement in the growth of our “wonderful church” and its leaders. We have much to celebrate and may our celebration of God’s grace continue in the years ahead.

7. Special Reports:

Prayer & Discernment for the JNAC Nominations

The following people gathered on Sunday, January 18th, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Marg Cameron, Dorothy Plumley, Wayne Pease and Sheila Scott

Connie Ellis and Bev Robinson – Presbytery Reps

The agenda for the meeting was:


African Bible Study using Matthew 14: 22 -33


Outline of the JNAC process

Recommendation from Council regarding the make up of the committee

Time in silent prayer

Generating the names that came forward

Developing the list and selecting the first people to be contacted

Check out and closing our time together

Reflection regarding the experience from the group gathered:

·  Interesting and comfortable

·  Inspiring and enriching

·  Spirit lead – so many names were the same

·  The process has integrity

·  Healthier process rather than just throwing names out

The group generated 57 names

The names that were placed on the list as possible candidates for the JNAC were named by more than one person. The group members then took responsibility of contacting each person and asking them to think about it and pray about it letting their name be nominated for the JNAC and they would contact them again in a few days for their answer.

The following have agreed to let their names be nominated for the JNAC

1.  Chris Cooke – Young Adult

2.  Bryce McGarvey – Parent of Teens

3.  Katherine Axani – Parent of Children

4.  Bruce Ritchie – Seniors

5.  Gord Walkling – Boomer

6.  Janeen Ruston – Youth

7.  person discerning – Finance Committee

8.  John Scott – Ministry & Personnel Committee

The groups being represented will not be put forth on the ballot; this is for council information.

The nominating Committee reported that Leanne Kember has agreed to accept the nomination of Vice- Chair and Chris Cooke the position of Secretary.

8. Correspondence

Invitation to attend a Workshop in Woodstock titled “Transforming Congregational Culture” on Sat. March 28 was received. Support for attendance would be available from the Lay Leadership fund.

9. Ministerial Reports:

Contained in attachment 1 on page 4

10. Committee Reports:

Contained in attachment 2 on pages 5 and 6

11. Adjournment: 9:15 p.m.

Moved by Earle Kilner and seconded by Gord Walkling that the meeting be adjourned. Carried

Next regular meeting: Wed. March 4, 2009

Devotion Responsibility: AOTS

12. Closing Prayers: Brad Morrison

Val Adamson, Chair Marvin Bildfell, Secretary

Attachment 1 to Council Minutes

Ministerial Reports

Brad Morrison

- the Palliative Care & Bereavement small group are organizing a WidowerCare luncheon in February.

- Brad was on the organizing committee for CanLead Forum 2009, a four day youth ministry training conference at the Lamplighter Conference Centre in London.

Sue Browning

No report

Pat Morrison

CD is looking into funding again through HRDC to hire a summer student to work with me to grow our Vacation Bible Campfire program and tackle some CD projects that have been on the shelf for a few years.

I haven't been at Council since December, so wanted to report that the Christmas Swell went very well with the usual 300 plus in attendance, with at least 51 of them from Grace, and 26 of them in leadership positions.

CanLead is a youth ministry training conference that happened last week in London. I don't want to go into the nitty gritty details about how it came to be, but want to let you know that Bev and Brad were key players in its birth. It is of the same calibre as the Princeton Forum on Youth Ministry that I've been addicted to for 14 years. I'm very proud of CanLead and am appreciative for the effect it has had already on youth ministry in London Conference.

Attachment 2 to Council Minutes

Committee Reports


On Sunday, January 25th AOTS held its first regular breakfast meeting for 2009. Our guest speaker was City Councillor Mike Kelch who brought us up to date on recent developments in the City and responded to a variety of questions posed by the members. Our next event is Ladies Night on Wednesday, February 11th.

Christian Development –

No report


In January, the Communications Committee said goodbye to a long time member, Eleanor Forsyth. We thanked her for all of her time and input, and wished her all the best.
The committee named Christopher Cooke as the Grace United Church Privacy Official.
The committee invites other committee's to consider making use of one of the available bulletin boards in the church for a month. It is an opportunity to share with the congregation what their committee is up to, or to utilize the board in some other creative way. If any committee is interested, they may approach the chair of Communications, Marnie Kearns.

Congregational Care and Growth—

No report

Finance –

Working with Ministry and Personnel to complete forms required for enrolment in the procedure for payment of all salaries through the United Church head office.

Ian McGuiness gave notice of his retirement from the position of Treasurer as of June 30, 2009.

Joel Eagleson has agreed to lead the audit of 2008 finances.

Lay Presbytery—

No report

Outreach –

Soup Luncheons—Feb. 22 –Proceeds to “Action By churches Together—Gaza Relief Fund”

March 29— Proceeds to the Moderator’s Peace initiative

April 28—Proceeds to Food Grains Bank

Ministry and Personnel—

A paper covering the comments received on the Grace Ministerial Position Descriptions was tabled for the information of council Committees. Recommendation is that the final Position Descriptions be presented to Council for approval following the deliberations of the Joint Needs Assessment Committee.

Proclamation Ministry and Special Events—

- Glenn Parsons is planning a jazz concert in the spring

- a choral concert fundraiser for LUCC is planned for August

- Bill Yates and the GracePlayers are planning a musical for the spring.

Property –

No report

Planning –

Recommendations from report discussed and three motions presented to the meeting based on report findings.

Trustees –

No report


Coming up shortly is the first major event of UCW in 2009. Our day-long Lambton Presbyterial Annual Meeting will be held in Watford United Church on Wed. March 25. The theme is “One Day at a Time” and the guest speaker is Rev. Eric Skillings. We hope to have a good representation from Grace.

Coming up on April 19 and 20 is the 47th Annual gathering of London Conference UCW at St. Paul’s United Church.

Worship –

No report

Attachment 3 to Council Minutes

Givings for Operating Budget
M & S by Envelope Designation / 2,007 / 2,008 / 2008 / 2,009 / change
TOTAL GIVINGS: / Actual / Budget / Actual / Budget / vs.
Montessori Rental / Total / Total / Total / Total / Actual
Other Rental / 339,596 / 372,900 / 356,043 / 377,108 / 5.9
Donations re Debt Servicing / 30,751 / 30,000 / 32,886 / 34,832 / 5.9
Donations - Special / 370,347 / 402,900 / 388,929 / 5.0 / 411,940 / 5.9
Memorial-Grace Church Ministries / 3,480 / 3,600 / 2,200 / 0
Scouts / 5,950 / 3,999 / 5,558 / 5,000
Guides / 6,875 / 5,200 / 3,060 / 3,000
Weddings / 350
Manse Rental / 579 / 150
Bequests / 150 / 200 / 0 / 200
Interest Earned / 200 / 200 / 450 / 200
Fall Fair / 350 / 300 / 75 / 100
Flea Market / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Other Special Events / 142
Other Income / 1,090 / 700 / 337 / 300
TOTAL INCOME: / 4,110 / 4,520
2,333 / 2,502
0 / 8,000 / 0 / 8,000
Congregational Care and Growth / 395,815 / 425,100 / 412,190 / 428,741 / 4.0
Christian Development
Communications / 5,956 / 7,400 / 7,383 / 8,900 / 20.5
Personnel / 35,000 / 37,000 / 35,000 / 35,000 / 0.0
Trustees / 3,323 / 3,700 / 3,506 / 3,500 / -0.2
Property / 2,334 / 11,100 / 8,527 / 3,450 / -59.5
Administrative Costs / 15,662 / 16,850 / 16,463 / 17,350 / 5.4
Special Events / 268,489 / 283,900 / 279,017 / 294,741 / 5.6
Lay Presbytery / 5,667 / 5,600 / 5,300 / 5,500 / 3.8
Pastoral Review/Council expense / 53,632 / 56,000 / 56,797 / 58,000 / 2.1
Debt Servicing / 863 / 2,000 / 1,676 / 2,000 / 19.3
TOTAL EXPENDITURES: / 1,100 / 310 / 100 / -67.7
EXCESS OF INCOME OVER EXP'T'RE: / 285 / 950 / 547 / 1,200 / 119.4
2,401 / 500 / 340 / 1,000 / 194.1
TRSFR from DEVINE ST. FUND to WORSHIP / 12,000 / 12,000 / 12,000 / 3,000 / -75.0
TRSFR from LEGACY FUND to PROPERTY / 405,612 / 438,100 / 426,866 / 433,741 / 1.6
(LOSS-08) / B'L'NC'D BUDGET-08: / -9,797 / -13,000 / -14,676 / -5,000 / 3.1
General Fund bal'ce @ yearend: / 7,500 / 6,324
5,500 / 5,000 / 5,000
-9,797 / 0 / -3,352 / 0

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