Online Meeting of Souls 16.12.2015

Dear friends around the world,

whereever you are, I welcome you most warmly from our little town near the Reinhardsforest in Germany. My name is Petra and I thank you that you have switched in to our community hour of Souls.

I hopethat you have already detached from everything severe or uncomfortable, such as sickness, sadness, anger and fear, so the that good new, that is the Delightfully Divine healing power may come to you ... please take these hours seriously when we are here together, and please use this time to get a little closer to GOD. But take it seriously does not mean that the joy is missing, no, because where God is, there is the most beautiful joy and warmth and grace as well.

We are going now to the beautiful Christmas season and the energy rises slowly. You can also feel it surely: on one hand, the Divine current is flowing much stronger, but on the other hand people are extremely stressed in daily life, so at work, in the family, everywhere. We are called in outside so that we just can’t be contemplative. It seems to me sometimes like a race, even though we should go just at this time in a quiet, peaceful mood, put down a gear, as well as Nature does in wintertime at may places. And we should reflect on the good, the radiance of God, the birth of our Saviour; Instead, the world spirit appears just want to prevent that, so that we can’t take in the peace and love.

Don’t let us accept that, dear friends, and so let us use the time of being together in a community hour by doing Einstellen. Let us come to peace and calmness and prepare for the arrival of love.

Dear friends, let me tell you some profound words of the appearance of Bruno Gröning. As you know Bruno Gröning healed thousands and thousands of people during his lifetime from 1906 to 1959. But Healing was not his only gift he presented to us. The most important objective or matter, that he had, was to reconnect us to God. That means, that everybody gets his or hers own real and direct wire – the connection - to GOD. Bruno Gröning with his great healing power never wanted himself to be pointed out specially, he always was just happy when people got the connection by belief and therefore a healing was a wonderful nearby effect of the great return of the person concerned. He wanted us to enter a higher vibration, the Divine vibration, to get cleaned up inwardly by the Divine Power, because the bright and lightful, high vibrational power can enter only in a clean and empty vessel. He also said, that we have a special opportunity over the Christmas season to get purified and cleansed when we cooperate with the Divine. That means, to be very attentive about our thoughts.

I would like to read a small article of the book “God spoke to me” by Eileen Caddy. She is my favourite author and the Co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland:

“Rise, rise quickly into the realms of the realms of light, of truth, of beauty, leaving all else behind! In an instant you can do this! The choice is always yours. When you feel low, depressed or weary, immediately do something about it. As you think so you are. Remain in complete control of these thoughts and act swiftly.

When your thoughts become negative and you find yourself thinking unloving or critical towards another soul, change those thoughts and do it quickly. As you build up, loving positive thoughts towards every soul you come into contact with and find yourself in those glorious higher realms where all is beauty. Watch your thoughts, never allow them to bind or hold you down. You can control your whole outlook on life and your circumstances by your right thinking. This is a responsibility. When I say to you “Rise, My child”, you know exactly what to do – raise your thinking, and as you do so you will rise to great heights.

Let your heart expand all the time. Love is needed everywhere. Remember that love is service, love is action, love is not some woolly, vague emotion to be talked about. Learn to demonstrate it in all you do.”


Dear friends, how can we feel the love of God within us? How can we take it up? Please again go into the proper sitting posture with a straight spine, sitting on a chair, or if you are not able to, lay down flat on a floor, open your hands and switch on “receive”. Then you observe your body what do you feel. Don’t think at all the bad things you may have experienced but be attentive to the wonderful new and good energy, which is to come, when you are open to it and when you ask for it.

It is always the focus of our thoughts.

Bruno Gröning said: "Man acts according to his will. As the will is, so is the thought, the thought leads Man to action. " If we believe in God, in an all-encompassing luminous radiant almighty power, but also in a loving, caring, generous force that has created us, who gave us this body and our being on this earth and if we are able to believe, that this power can guide us, can give us help in difficult times, comfort and guidance as well, then our life is not in vain. Then our lives will be bright and liveable; then the joy, confidence, and love come into our lives. Through this guide, we will find the right path, the path of our heart.

The healing power always comes to us when we chose this force, when we are open to the divine energy, which also means that we are in the here and now, not thinking about the past or the future that we don’t think of illness or worry, or bad messages at all, this all would block us. Here in this hour we were together, we are in the here and now, open to the DIVINE.

So we take the time to really let go now of everything just be.How you can do it and how easy it is I would like to read about a dear friends letter, he sent me recently about his daughter, and what she experienced in her family:

Emmanuel Elliott, 13.12.2915

Experiences with the Divine Power

Let me tell you about a string of wonderful experiences that my friend’s daughter and her family had just last week. There were three of them:

1. Because her husband has been so busy with the house, often working late into the evening, he has tended to miss out a bit on the regular family Einstellen.

Then he had the idea when falling into bed to just lie for a while in the open position.

The result was that he felt great surges of the healing energy flowing through his body.

2. Very recently, their 10-year old daughter - who normally eats very sensibly - overindulged with sweet stuff and was rather thrown by it.She took to her bed, not feeling at all herself.

My daughter sat by the bedand suggested she just lie there in the open position while Mummy did Einstellen beside her.

After a little while, my grand-daughter was transformed. Her arms raised spontaneously and her face took on the appearance of an angel, a look enhanced by her blond hair.

Unusually, the child’s Einstellen lasted longer than her mother's this time, and at the end she said,“Oh, Mummy, I felt a great ball of power in my hands.”

3. My daughter says she almost felt jealous of her little angel and indeed of her husband!

Anyway, she went to lie down herself for a while, hoping that perhaps she too would feel the energy in the same way.

At first, she felt rather put out because all she could feel was a kind of irritation in her throat.

But when she gave it her full attention, she soon became aware of a strong wave of energy flowing over and over through her throat.

All she could do, again and again, was say ‘Thank you.’

So dear friends, as you see, it is true, you just have to ask for the Divine energy and be open and trust that it will come…and then it starts to flow. Again please take a relaxed position now: Sit on a chair without using the back or lay down flat on the floor and then you ask God and Bruno Gröning to transfer the healing power to you.

Music:Wachet auf, Oh Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf

And, dear friends, have you felt something? Do you know actually, that right now during Christmas time more and more divine energy flows down to us? I do not know if you've already noticed it, but I feel the power already for some weeks much more intense and easier. Just a few days ago I’vegot an interesting mail, sent by a clairvoyant person who knows nothing about Bruno Groening, but spoke of mercy angels who saw them and now increasingly coming to Earth that remain with us throughout the Christian feast and also to the New Year in doing their duty for us, namely, to lead the grace of God down to us. If we are open, we can actually feel. There is a wonderful photo of Bruno Groening, as he decorated the Christmas tree. He has made several photos of this Christmas tree. That was in 1956 or 1957. He made this tree towering high up to the ceiling and has formed a spiral from additional branches and twigs of fir that culminated in the heart of pine. On this spiral he set small little wooden angels, that go from top to bottom in order to symbolically illustrate, how it is in the spiritual at Christmas time.

I would like to show you now some photos of the Christmas tree, as Bruno decorated it…..

-here you see the spiral coming down from the ceiling and

-if you look closer you see the little angels, coming down…so Bruno wanted to show us something herewith.

Musik: Maria, vogliamiamarti

So what did Bruno Gröning want with his appearance and his statements about Christ the Savior, who is born every year again? I would like to read about the Divine Path, each human being should walk again. Bruno said:

“I wish to bring men back on to the true divine path. I have built the bridge to this path. You can all follow this path as Jesus Christ has shown us before. Then you will have everything….

This is the reason for my being on earth. I wish to transform Men, many have adopted satanic ways of living. Such a man can only commit evil acts, and I cannot therefore be angry with him. If something good still remains within him, I will spare no effort to help him. For you should all return to the true divine path, so that you can restore contact with our Heavenly Father.”

With these words, Bruno Gröning tells us that he feels the essential purpose of his vocation is not so much the healing of sick bodies, as much more the healing of sick souls, which are estranged from God.

“How has it come about,” he asked, “that man has become ill? The original human being was not ill. Men have become evil, more and more evil from generation to generation. This wickedness has become so prevalent, that soon it will be no longer possible to live at all. Conflict and strife, even within families, more war than peace between peoples! Anxieties have brought the shadow of spiritual suffering over mankind and put down such dee roots that men must fall ill. One person places a psychical burden on another. Men are deformed, they have turned away from the natural path, many have lost their faith in God. However, he who strays from the divine path, also loses his health.”

This assertion of the direct relationship between faith and health, between unbelief and illness, keeps recurring in Gröning’swords. It is the spiritual foundation of his whole work.

Musik: Madre, fiducia nostra

Dear friends, let me further tell you something about Bruno Gröning in Christmastime, dear friends.

As you maybe have seen the picture on your mail invitation, you see Bruno Gröning standing beneath a decorated Christmas tree full of tinfoil balls. (show the picture)

Here I would like to share a story from a time witness, Mrs. AnnelieseBollack, who experienced Bruno Gröning in a very interesting way about the Christmas tree and it’s decoration.

Mrs. Bollack was recalled by God already in 1997 and has still left us an interesting report she wrote for Christmas in 1982:

It's about the beautiful old Christmas carol :

Oh Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,

Yourboughscanteach a lesson

Thatconstantfaith and hope sublime

Lendstrength and comfortthrough all time.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,

Yourboughscanteach a lesson.

AnnelieseBollack: "My dear friends, this is the third verse of the famous Christmas carol. I would like to talk today about the fir and her dress, which is to teach us something. Always at Christmas time we should remember what Bruno Groening has taught us, we call it back to mind and want to pass it to our new friends, so that they too can experience such a beautiful and blessed Christmas as we are experiencing, since Bruno Groening has shown us the right path and the right settings for Christmas.

Lots of good, beautiful things have already been reported. Last year, I realized that it’s also at time to report once on the fir, because with her we friends of Bruno Groening had and still have a special relationship.

In the community hours I have experienced it, that friends have absolutely no knowledge about it anymore. Bruno Groening has taught us something very big with the dress of fir. Something that is happening not only in the spiritual world but something, that the eyes can see and can convince the people who are so determined not by faith.

The old friends will still know and remember, and the new friends I would like to portray it.

After a Christmas party - the whole room, the table and everything was decorated with fir branches - Bruno Groening took a few pine branches in the hand and said: "These needles fall off after a certain time. But as man has faith and believes that they do not fall off, so they will stay tuned. If you believe me, you can take a few branches with you home and you will see what is truth. "

Perhaps one can’t say so or make it apprehensible to others, but I think in the hall was no one who did not believe Bruno Gröning, that the needles of the fir tree shall remain off as long as they are kept. And so we took home all the branches and indeed it was like that, as Bruno Groening had said previously, the needles did not fall off.

Over the years I had more experience with the dress of fir. (...)

So I place every year over the image of Christ, the image of Our Lady Mary and about Bruno's picture a small pine branch. Never the needles fell off. Until once and indeed I tell you how it happened: It was Christmas time and the community hour was scheduled and our former community leader Ms. Puchalka and I decorated the room in the house of Mrs. Puchalka for friends. Of course, we had made it just as we had learned it. We dropped colourful balls on the tree, small red mushrooms, tinsel, angel hair and everything one does so, scattered around the room and decorated the tree. We found it very nice. As I said goodbye and left the house, Bruno Groening arrived. I still welcomed him and then I went home. The next day I came to the community hour in the room, which we had decorated and I didn’t recognized it. Everything was changed. The coloured balls were gone. The tree stood in all its green splendour; Bruno Groening had formed of tinfoil many balls and decorated the tree with it. On the table stood a large beautiful glowing tinfoil ball.

Everything was changed but very beautiful and glorious. I just was looking on and on. Later Mrs. Puchalka has reported that Mr. Groening had said: "What have poisonous mushrooms to do with a good Christmas Celebration?" Everyone will remember: that are the little red mushroom with white dots. I have always really liked them, because I love the red colour very much. Well, Mr. Groening had said it and it was really so much nicer, like he had done it. It was really a wonderful Christmas Celebration that we had experienced at that time.

As the time came for Christmas to decorate my home, as I stood in front of my Christmas deco and looked at it. Somehow it had lost its radiance to me. Bruno Groening had banished it from his room and especially the small poisonous mushrooms that I had always loved. I thought they just looked fantastic, the green of the fir and the red-white fungi. In my heart raged a real struggle - on one hand, the words of Bruno and on the other my delight at the red and white colour of the mushrooms. Now I must say that I am somewhat stubborn and let not easily accept something to me, if I like it and when it brings joy to me. So did I, as always dressed up the tree.