Hello all,
Well, here I go….my first attempt at writing a blog…listening to the inner knock on my spiritual door. How do we know that the inner calling that we are hearing is not just our imagination at play? How do we pay attention, so that we can hear what our soul is calling us to? How do we move through our fear of acting on this inner calling when we don’t know what the outcome will be if we take that next step?
During the course of our lifetime, we will be given messages, signs and/or inner guidance that propel us to take the next step on our spiral path to a higher level of consciousness. This is part of our evolution. How many times do we avoid these messages out of fear of the unknown and stay comfortable in our established patterns?
What is the cost of us staying stuck? We are here on planet Earth as human beings to evolve ourselves and to take that next step in our evolution to become our authentic selves, who we really are. This journey on Earth is about listening to this inner calling that propels us forward. I would like to share with you my most recent challenge of listening to my “inner shaman”, my inner knowing, when a big part of me wants to stay safe and comfortable right where it is!
In October I attended the first week of the 28 Day SHIP Program at Venus Rising in the magical SmokyMountains of North Carolina as an Apprentice. I had heard that Andrew Harvey was going to present for the first few days and I was curious about who he was and what he would offer as I had heard that he was amazing. Prior to attending, I looked up Andrew Harvey’s website and was drawn to a You Tube video on his work with Linda Tucker and the White Lions.
As the story goes in the early 90’s Linda was on safari in Timbavati and the jeep they were in broke down at night and they were surrounded by lions who were about to attack when a woman with her granddaughter on her back walked through the lions and got into the jeep with them. This woman, a Lion Shaman, was not afraid of the lions. They were subdued by her presence which allowed someone to get help and they were rescued. Three years later, Linda returned to Timbavati and connected with this African Lion Queen and it changed her life forever. I was touched by this story but did not know the impact this would have on me.
During Andrew Harvey’s talk, I reflected on my passions, one of which is to watch movies or listen to stories about human vulnerability, adversity, courage, trials and triumphs and wanted to share this with Andrew Harvey and at this moment he mentioned the White Lions. No sooner did I start to speak about the White Lions than I was a puddle on the floor. The emotion that broke though was surprising and my heart was so open as a huge release of grief, compassion and emotion came out in sobbing. I did not know what came over me. Andrew said that I should come to Timbavati with his SacredWarriorshipSchool in August. I heard this but it did not really register.
I continued to process this experience through my breathworks. During the first breathwork, I received the message that I was to go to Timbavati and connect with the White Lions. I had the experience of being a white lion in the canned hunting cages anticipating being shot or seeing one of its family shot and what it felt like to have a family member killed. I felt that Maria Knosa , the Lion Queen Shaman was with me and guiding me to come to Timbavati. I was overwhelmed by this message and fought it, saying “Why me?” “Is this really happening or am I making it up?” “I have other responsibilities!” “We don’t have the money.” Yet, the message was clear“Come to Timbavati to be with the White Lions”.
I shared my experience with others in the 28 Day and discovered that Star Wolf had a vision in which an African Shamaness had appeared to her and the message was that she was to go to Timbavati with Linda Tucker and Andrew Harvey. Star Wolf invited me to join her and Brad in April when they would be traveling to Timbavati with Andrew. While Star Wolf and I sharedour experiences, two birds flew into the window. Star Wolf said that the birds were making a point for us. Maybe this is a message to pay attention to, I thought.
I e-mailed Andrew Harvey and the SacredWarriorshipSchool to see if there were any openings for the April trip and there was one opening available. I spoke to my dear husband and he (after going though a breathwork) told me that if I am being called then I must go! I signed up.
Since then, I have read Linda Tucker’s book on the White Lions of Timbavati and through this book have gained a deeper understanding of why I might be called to Timbavati. Timbavati is a star energy center and the White Lions are sacred animals that are bringing a message for this time in the evolution of our planet. Timbavati lies on the 31st meridian whichalso connects Great Zimbabwe and Giza where the Egyptian Sphinx stands with the lions (White Lions?) protecting the entrance.
What will unfold for me through this pilgrimage, I do not know. I am only trusting that I am called to go. When something deep inside of us calls us to action it may be difficult to listen as we do not always have the answers as to why we are being called. It is about taking a leap of faith to grow our souls.
PS: The picture of the lions at the top of this blog was picked out for me by my wonderful husband before the experience with Andrew Harvey describing the White Lions of Timbavati. Over a year ago, I had a meditation in which lions came to me and spoke about courage. Actually, over 7 years ago, I created a collage during my 50th Birthday Ritual and a lion was front and center! What a wonderful journey this life is….pay attention to the signs and synchronicities!