GPSO Assembly Meeting
November 4, 2005
Submitted by: Ann McCranie, Recording Secretary
Attendance appended to end of minutes.
1. Welcome and Introduction - Moderator Eric Zeemering
2. Statement by Moderator about search for new Chancellor and Vice President for Academic Affairs – As member of the search committee and representative at the Bloomington Faculty Council, Eric gave a statement about the search process and the surrounding controversy.
3. Old Business – None
4. New Business
a. First reading of Resolution O5-C on Tuition Waiver Restrictions. Eric noted that this is a situation beyond just the academic unit of COAS,
- Health Center Fee refund – Bertie Burns of the Grad Benefits committee reported that the university was willing to refund the $60,000 overcharge to students and asked how the members would like that money refunded. After some discussion, it was proposed that the refund be divided among the number of affected students and given to each student individually. Mike Faber made a motion to this effect, and Avi Spechler seconded it. It was approved unanimously.
5. Guest Speaker – Bob Kravchuk, SPEA Professsor and Co-Chair of the Bloomingtom Faculty Council’s Budgetary Affairs Committee
- Prof. Kravchuk presented a spirited overview of the budgetary affairs committee and its role within university financing decisions. As a member of the search committee for a new Chancellor and Vice President of Academic Affairs, he also addressed the controversy surrounding the situation.
6. GPSO Officer Elections
- There were 22 members present, enough for quorum. For each position, there was only one nomination and nominated individuals stepped outside the room as delegates briefly discussed.
- Moderator – Paul Rohwer, Computer Science (17 for, none against)
- Assistant Moderator – Shawn Conner, Comparative Literature (21 for, none against)
iii. Treasurer – Mike Faber, Political Science (21 for, none against)
iv. Secretary – Jodi Shepherd, Library Science (21 for, none against). A replacement will need to be elected at the end of next semester, as Jodi will be graduating.
v. Parliamentarian – Kate Johnston, Comparative Literature (20 for, none against)
vi. Campus Relations Liason Joe Link, Education , ELPS (19 for, none against)
- NAGPS Representative – Eric Zeemering was nominated and accepted, and left the room for voting. While he was gone, Jodi Shepherd asked members if they would table the nomination to consider the election again in December, as she was not sure that Eric would actually like to serve again. The motion to table was approved 18-0, and the representative position will be reconsidered at the December 2 meeting.