TAIEX - Guide for Experts
A. Remuneration
1. What remuneration will I receive as an expert?
The European Commission pays a Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) according to standard rates applicable for the country to be visited. TAIEX automatically deducts the cost of hotel accommodation and catering from the DSA.
If you decline the hotel provided by TAIEX, you may receive the full DSA and arrange your hotel bookings at your best convenience. However, please note that your DSA are supposed to cover hotel nights + breakfasts + lunches + dinners + local transportation + other expenses your mission requires.
With regard to Member States Officials mobilised from their public administrations, TAIEX will also grant a Fixed Additional Allowance (FAA) of €250 per working day and effective travel day, where this necessitates absence from the office or place of residence during normal working hours (i.e. between 09h00 and 17h30), except for preparatory meetings in Brussels.
The above also apply to Officials from other European Community institutions, retired and former Commission Officials.
TAIEX cannot meet any costs of European Commission Officials and Detached National Experts currently working for the European Commission. These costs should be borne by the relevant services of the Commission according to Commission rules.
When an expert attends an event in their home country, no DSA will be paid. If attendance at the event causes the expert to incur real costs these will be reimbursed if duly justified and with the prior agreement of TAIEX.
B. Practical arrangements
1. What are my travel options?
Flight: flight tickets will be purchased by the European Commissionthrough its Delegated Entity, which will select dates, fares and flight times. If a change to dates or flight times is required, the expert should contact the Delegated Entity as soon as possible to check whether this change is possible. Flight will be full economy or cheaper where available. Business class fares are not permitted.
Train or boat: TAIEX will decide either to book and issue the ticket or to reimburse the real cost incurred on receipt of a copy of the tickets and proof of purchase. First class train travel is permitted except on TGV, Eurostar or Thalys trains.
2. Can I book my own flight and/or hotel room?
TAIEX is responsible for all travel arrangements through its Delegated Entity (booking flights, issuing tickets, providing daily allowances and making hotel reservations as required) and expects to do so for all experts.
It will not finance or reimburse any other arrangements made by the expert unless written authorisation from TAIEX is obtained in advance. All original documents and receipts must be forwarded to the Delegated Entity for reimbursement.
3. How will I receive my travel ticket and accommodation details?
Travel tickets will be delivered according to the instructions outlined in the confirmation letter.
Details of accommodation and other practical details are also given in the confirmation letter which is sent to the expert shortly before the event.
4. How can I change the dates and routing of my flight ticket?
These are not changeable, except by our Delegated Entity/travel agent with the prior approval of European Commission. Extra overnight stays before or after the event are not normally encouraged and should be booked and paid directly by the expert.
5. I discover at the last minute that I cannot attend the event. What should I do?
Immediately notify by e-mail and by phone your TAIEX contact person (as detailed in the invitation letter) to explain the situation and be sure that TAIEX is aware of the cancellation of your participation and confirms the reception of your message. You will need to return any flight tickets or DSA/FAA received. Further details of this procedure are outlined in the confirmation letter.
6. How and when will I get my Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA)?
The Delegated Entity shall execute the transfer of DSA payment to the bank account of Experts within 2 weeks after the start of the event. If payment is not received by this deadline, please inform the Delegated Entity accordingly.
The cost of the bank transfer will be paid by TAIEX, unless otherwise agreed. Full bank details should be provided on the ‘Expert Attendance form’ for theDelegated Entity to make this transfer (please include swift code and IBAN number)
7. How is the DSA calculated and what does it include?
The DSA (see section 1) is calculated in Euros according to standard rates for each night spent attending an event. For a one-day event with no night spent, half the DSA will be granted.
TAIEX usually takes care of all bookings for hotel accommodation, including breakfast. These costs will automatically be deducted from the DSA and do not have to be paid by the expert.
Should the hotel claim for payment on check-in or check-out, please call the Delegated Entity immediately.
8. What additional expenses do I have to pay for?
The cost of private telephone calls, minibar, and other personal expenses of the expert have to be paid using the DSA.
9. What about local transport expenses, such as taxi fares?
The cost of local transport (e.g. from the airport/train station to the conference venue and back) has to be paid by the expert from the DSA. One exception is between LarnacaAirport and Nicosia for which taxi expenses can be reimbursed after the mission upon receipt of the original taxi bill.
10. What should I do with my travel ticket and boarding passes after the event?
A copy of the travel ticket and the original boarding passes (for the 1st journey) will usually be collected by a TAIEX representative during the event.
Experts must in any case send any remaining original travel ticket(s) and original boarding passes directly to the Delegated Entity after the event. Note: this is obligatory for all experts in order to comply with Commission financial regulations. In case of tickets to be reimbursed, they must be sent within fifteen days following the return trip; after that deadline reimbursement may be refused.
11. Am I insured?
Experts are responsible for their own insurance arrangements if required.
12. How do I contact the European Commission?
E-mail is the preferred method of communication.
All communication regarding an event must quote the four-digit event reference number.
This is located at the top of the Expert Attendance form.
Address: European Commission
DG Enlargement [D1]
B-1049 Brussels
General telephone:+ 32-2-296 73 07
General fax: + 32-2-296 76 94
To return your Expert Attendance form: see invitation letter.
Questions regarding the programme, its content, or what is expected of the expert: see invitation letter
For any questions regarding travel, hotel, or event logistics:
To return original tickets and boarding passes after the event, including cancelled tickets
Current Delegated Entity: GTZ GmbH International Services
Succursale Brussels
Rue de la Charité 33
1210 Brussels
General telephone:+32 2 298 9385
General fax:+32 2 298 9350
13. When do I provide my speech/presentation?
The Commission requires a written text from each expert to be sent electronically (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) at least ten days before the event. It should be noted that all speeches and material made available during the event will be published subsequently on the TAIEX website. Please ensure that your contribution does not contain any material over which you have no rights to authorise reproduction or distribution.