Circular IPPP 07/2006
Date: 14th September 2006
All City and County Managers
Guidelines for the Provision of Infrastructure and Capital Investments through Public Private Partnerships:
Procedures for the Assessment, Approval, Audit and Procurement of Projects
- The Department of Finance has recently published the above in place of the Interim Guidance published in 2003. The revised Guidelines take immediate effect.
- Although the Guidelines provide for a single stage approval mechanism, this Department as the sanctioning authority has decided to retain the existing two stage approval mechanism (Circular PPP 1/05 refers) for all PPP projects as follows:
Stage 1 – Departmental approval to go to tender as a PPP scheme
Stage 2 - Departmental approval of preferred tender.
- The full document is available on the Department’s website
- For ease of reference the relevant suite of guidance documents for local authorities, based on guidance issued by both this Department and the Department of Finance are as follows:
Circular PPP 3/01 Framework on PPP’s (issued May’01)
Circular PPP 1/02 State Authorities(PPP arrangement)Act 2002 (issued Mar.’02)
Circular PPP 2/03 National Development Finance Agency (issued June’03)
Circular PPP 4/03 Framework for PPP’s in Local Authorities (issued Dec’03)
Circular PPP 1/05 Procurement through PPP’s –important requirements ( Feb’05)
Circular PPP 2/05 Stakeholder Consultation (issued Feb’05)
Circular PPP 3/05 Guidelines for the Appraisal and Management of Capital
Proposals in the Public Sector (issued Mar’05)
Circular PPP 5/05 Stakeholder Consultation (issued Oct’05)
Circular PPP07/06 Guidelines for the Provision of Infrastructure and Capital
Investments through Public Private Partnerships:
Procedures for the Assessment, Approval, Audit and Procurement of Projects
All of the above documents are available on the Departments website.
- Enquiries regarding this circular may be made in the first instance to Thomas Day of this unit who can be contacted by telephoning (01) 8882742, or e-mailing
Liam A. O Connell
PPP, Construction Policy and NDP Coordination Unit
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