Circular IPPP 07/2006

Date: 14th September 2006

All City and County Managers

Guidelines for the Provision of Infrastructure and Capital Investments through Public Private Partnerships:

Procedures for the Assessment, Approval, Audit and Procurement of Projects

  1. The Department of Finance has recently published the above in place of the Interim Guidance published in 2003. The revised Guidelines take immediate effect.
  1. Although the Guidelines provide for a single stage approval mechanism, this Department as the sanctioning authority has decided to retain the existing two stage approval mechanism (Circular PPP 1/05 refers) for all PPP projects as follows:

Stage 1 – Departmental approval to go to tender as a PPP scheme

Stage 2 - Departmental approval of preferred tender.

  1. The full document is available on the Department’s website
  1. For ease of reference the relevant suite of guidance documents for local authorities, based on guidance issued by both this Department and the Department of Finance are as follows:

Circular PPP 3/01 Framework on PPP’s (issued May’01)

Circular PPP 1/02 State Authorities(PPP arrangement)Act 2002 (issued Mar.’02)

Circular PPP 2/03 National Development Finance Agency (issued June’03)

Circular PPP 4/03 Framework for PPP’s in Local Authorities (issued Dec’03)

Circular PPP 1/05 Procurement through PPP’s –important requirements ( Feb’05)

Circular PPP 2/05 Stakeholder Consultation (issued Feb’05)

Circular PPP 3/05 Guidelines for the Appraisal and Management of Capital

Proposals in the Public Sector (issued Mar’05)

Circular PPP 5/05 Stakeholder Consultation (issued Oct’05)

Circular PPP07/06 Guidelines for the Provision of Infrastructure and Capital

Investments through Public Private Partnerships:

Procedures for the Assessment, Approval, Audit and Procurement of Projects

All of the above documents are available on the Departments website.

  1. Enquiries regarding this circular may be made in the first instance to Thomas Day of this unit who can be contacted by telephoning (01) 8882742, or e-mailing


Liam A. O Connell


PPP, Construction Policy and NDP Coordination Unit


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