Governor’s P-20 Leadership CouncilMeeting Minutes
Monday, February 29, 20169:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.Maryland State HouseGovernor’s Reception Room, 2nd Floor100 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401
P-20 Members Present: Secretary Schulz, Robert Caret, Jack Smith, Jeffrey Ferguson, Robert Willoughby, Chris Fallon, Tony Campbell, Ellen Sauerbrey, Tim Robinson, Lenzie Johnson, Joseph Holt, Michele Guyton, Roderick Isler, Thomas Sullivan, Roger Casey, D’Ette Devine, Ellen Pultro, Diane Allen, Patricia Ziff, Megan Leach, Kathleen Causey, Sharon Slear, Joanne Drielak, Susan Getty, Frank Voso, James Ball, David Parker, John Bambacus, Roger Casey, Anwer Hasan, Mike DiGiacomo, Senator Paul Pinsky, Delegate Adrienne Jones
P-20 Members Not Present: Andrea Chapdelaine, Donna Stifler, Senator Nancy King, Delegate Anne Kaiser
Introductions and Welcome Opening Remarks
● Secretary Schulz called the meeting to order at 9:30 and welcomed all P-20 members to Annapolis.
● Council members and guests introduced themselves individually.
● a motion was made and seconded to approve the November 16 meeting minutes
Presentation: Maryland Longitudinal Data System
Ross Goldstein, Executive Director, MLDS
● Mr. Goldstein gave an overview of the MLDS system, discussed the possibilities of the system, the current research agenda, and the data available for research.
● MLDS Center staff presented findings from a recent dual enrollment report available online.
Remarks by Lieutenant Governor Boyd Rutherford
● The Governor’s P-20 Leadership Council serves a very important function by providing a forum in which the Governor, legislators, and stakeholders from elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, and the workforce and economic development communities can discuss policy priorities and the alignment of the various elements of our education and workforce systems.
● It’s rare to have this many people from such a diverse background together in one room to discuss these important policy issues.
● We need you to help us come up solutions to create a workforce pipeline to meet the needs of employers and attract more businesses to the state.
● Governor Hogan and I are excited to see what this Council recommends in the annual report.
Workgroup Reports
Workforce Development
Robert L. Caret, Ph.D., Chancellor, University System of Maryland
● P20 Council Members: Robert Caret (Chair), Andrea Chapdelaine, Joanne Drielak, Susan Getty, Frank Voso, James Ball, David Parker, Jeff Ferguson, Hall Chaney, Mike DiGiacomo, Paul Pinsky, Donna Stifler, John Bambacus, Roger Casey, Brian White,
● Other Members: Nancy Shapiro, Bret Schreiber, Ben Passmore, Dariaus Irani, Dewayne Morgan, Stephanie Hall, Sara Fidler, Greg Von Lehman, Karen Salmon, Steve Ross,
● Workgroup met twice since the last P-20 meeting.
● Working to leverage educational data to fully assess both short and long term workforce needs and also working with the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board (GWIB).
● They looked at the Learning Tree study on cyber security
● Focusing on three industries:
o IT
o Health Sciences
High School Equivalency/GED Workgroup
Jeffrey Ferguson
● P20 Council Members: Jeffrey Ferguson, Chair
● Other members: Patricia Tyler, Molly Dugan, Heather Lageman
● This workgroup will study impediments to employment and make recommendations to decrease barriers to employment through nontraditional adult education programs.
● Target audience include: 16-20 year old dropouts, Mature adults who want to receive a diploma, Incarcerated juveniles and adults, and New Americans who need skills and education.
● MSDE has a shared interest in 3 of these targets and will volunteer staff
● Molly Dugan & Pat Tyler - there is much that needs to be explored around the GED Option
● The goal is that every student graduate with a high school diploma.
Teachers Workgroup
Dr. Jack Smith, MSDE
● P20 Council Members: Jack Smith (Chair), Diane Allen, Patricia Ziff, Megan Leach, Kathleen Causey, Sharon Slear, Chris Fallon
● Other Members: Jennifer Frank, Cindy Hasselbring, Nancy Shapiro, Judith Beiter
● This workgroup will study how data can be used to promote opportunities to address recruitment/retention/training and professional development.
● Review 2015 P20 teachers workgroup final report and make recommendations for updates
● The group has met two times.
● They have something very coherent and data-based
● The next meeting is in April.
Maryland College & Career Ready Standards (MCCRS)/PARCC Workgroup
Heather Lageman, MSDE
● P20 Council Members: Andrea Chapdelaine, Chris Fallon, Jack Smith, Robert Willoughby, D’Ette Devine, Ellen Pultro
Other Members: Heather Lageman, Chair, Nancy Shapiro
● This workgroup will research and analyze data to ensure that Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS) and PARCC Assessments accurately reflect the State's college and career readiness initiatives.
● The MCCRS/PARCC Workgroup held their first meeting on February 16, 2016. Resources and information were shared and an engaged discussion took place. The work will continue this year to develop recommendations that will support the charge to “research and analyze data to ensure that MCCRS and PARCC Assessments accurately reflect the State's college and career readiness initiatives.” For this work, the group decided on the following priority areas:
o P-20 will communicate to stakeholder groups the value of globally competitive standards and assessments to support the good teaching and learning that bolsters a strong Maryland.
o To support this work, the MCCRS/PARCC Workgroup will analyze data to understand the current state of the implementation of the standards and assessments in Maryland.
● A key role for this Workgroup is to communicate to a broader stakeholder group the current implementation of the new high standards in Maryland, and how they support strong citizens and a robust economy in our state.
At-Risk Students Workgroup:
Chris Fallon, Baltimore County Public Schools
● P20 Council Members: Chris Fallon (Chair), Tony Campbell, Ellen Sauerbrey, Tim Robinson, Lenzie Johnson, Joseph Holt, Jack Smith, Michele Guyton, Roderick Isler, Thomas Sullivan, Roger Casey
● Other Members: Molly Dugan
● This workgroup will study strategies to assist at risk students achieve college and career readiness with emphasis on low-achieving, low-socioeconomic students, and also the Special Education needs students.
● Workgroup met once and assigned specific tasks for members to complete on their own.
● Members are studying various metrics to determine which is the best indicator.
Maryland Longitudinal Data System Workgroup
Steve Rizzi
● P20 Council Members: Michele Guyton, Thomas Sullivan, Kathleen Causey, Anwer Hasan, Chris Fallon,
● Other Members: Steve Rizzi (Chair), Dennis Hoyle
● This workgroup will review the MLDS 2015/16 Research Agenda to understand and suggest how the P20 Council can best utilize this resource.
● The workgroup will also review the MLDS Research Plan and suggest changes that align with the Governor’s education priorities.
● Workgroup met once since the last P20 meeting.
● The workgroup is also interested in looking at the gaps in data at the MLDS and seeing what data information would be helpful to have access to.
College and Career Readiness Implementation Workgroup
Robert Willoughby
● This workgroup will research and prepare the required biennial report due in December, 2016.
● P20 Council Members: Robert Willoughby (Chair), Thomas Sullivan, Paul Pinsky, Adrienne Jones
● Other Members: Sara Fidler, Larry Leak, Chris Falkenhagen
● This group has not met yet.