Governor Brad Henry’s Appointments

Last update: November 18, 2003

Gerald Adams – Chief of Staff

·  Communications director for the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

·  Former communications director for attorney general’s office (15 years)

Lisa Tipping Davis – General Counsel

·  Attorney General’s office, 1992-2003

·  Represented Oklahoma in legal actions, researched and drafted legislation and legal opinions and provided counsel to state agencies (including Regents for Higher Ed)

·  Replaced Tom Spencer who became executive director of OPERS (September 2003)

Don Davis – Chief Legislative Liaison and Policy Development Director

·  President Cameron University 1980-2002

·  Former State Representative (D-Lawton) 1970-1980

Randy Beutler – Legislative Liaison

·  Rancher (Elk City)

·  Ran unsuccessful campaign for 6th Congressional District in 2000

Paul Sund – Communications Director and Policy Advisor

·  Communications director state Senate

·  Former news director of KOSU public radio in Stillwater

David Lopez – Economic Development Advisor

·  Former President, SBC

·  Former Chairman OKC Chamber of Commerce, President of Oklahoma Business Roundtable

·  Currently resides in Austin, TX

Kym Koch – Press Secretary

·  Public Information Director for Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation

·  Former news anchor, KWTV Oklahoma City

Kristi Ice – Director of Appointments

·  Policy Analyst for Oklahoma State University and A&M Board of Regents

Cabinet Secretaries

Adjutant General: Harry M. Wyatt III

·  Current Adjutant General (appointed in October by Gov. Keating)

·  Associate district judge Craig County; former chief of staff Oklahoma Air National Guard; former commander 138th Fighter Wing in Tulsa

Agriculture: Terry Peach

·  Former Oklahoma executive director of the Farm Service Agency, USDA

·  Family farm and ranch in Mutual since 1972

·  Owns and operates a farm supply company and oil field supply business in Woodward

Commerce and Tourism: Kathryn Taylor

·  Also Director of the state Commerce Department

·  Vice president and general counsel for Pentastar Trans Group (now Dollar-Thrifty)

·  B.S. Journalism, law degree from OU

Environment: Miles Tobert

·  Assistant Attorney General

·  Former chief of environmental protection unit in Attorney General’s office

Finance: Scott Meacham

·  Chief executive office of the First National Bank and Trust of Elk City

·  Financial planner, B.S. Finance, M.S. Business Administration, law degree (all OU)

Health: Tom Adelson

·  Oversees state Health Department, Oklahoma Health Care Authority, and state Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Department

·  Tulsa consumer law attorney

·  Served on boards of Tulsa Mental Health Association, Tulsa Community Hospital Authority, Tulsa Health Coalition, University of Oklahoma Health Care Task Force

·  Plans to focus on preventive health care / healthy lifestyles

·  Will serve as an unpaid volunteer

Human Resources, Administration: Oscar Jackson

·  administrator of the Office of Personnel Management under Gov. Keating

·  Pam Warren, Deputy Secretary (Director of Central Services under Gov. Keating)

Human Services: Howard Hendrick

·  Department of Human Services Director

·  Former State Senator (Republican)

·  Former cabinet secretary for health and human services under Governor Keating

·  Focused on marriage issues – disincentives in tax and welfare rules

Safety, Security: Kevin Ward

·  Also named Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety (formerly Assistant Commissioner under Bob Ricks, who resigned last fall)

·  Department of Public Safety since 1980; served on Governor’s security detail and then Highway Patrol

Science, Technology: Joseph Alexander

·  President of the Oklahoma State University Education, Research and Economic Development Foundation

·  Doctorate in veterinary science (Colorado State University)

State: Susan Savage

·  Former Mayor of Tulsa, 1992-2002 (longest-serving mayor of Tulsa)

·  Chief of Staff for former Tulsa Mayor Rodger Randle (1988-1992)

·  Former Executive Director of Metropolitan Tulsa Citizens Crime Commission


Transportation: Phil Tomlinson

·  Economic Development Coordinator for former Governors Dewey Bartlett and David Hall

·  B.S. Marketing and MBA from OSU

Veterans Affairs: Norman Lamb

·  Appointed to post by Gov. Keating in 1995

·  33 years active and Reserve Service, U.S. Army

