Teachers’ Pay Survey 2015

The following survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your views will be used to inform our recommendations to schools and what information we publish to support you to implement changes from September 2015. Data may be reported anonymously.


There are a greater number of discretions available to schools in relation to teachers pay from September 2015 on which we are seeking your views. The School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document sets out annually the pay ranges applicable to teaching staff in maintained schools and other schools that have chosen to incorporate the Document into contracts of employment. This therefore applies to the majority of Wandsworth schools. Pay ranges are published as minimum to maximum value only and schools have discretion to structure their pay ranges within these. The following uplifts to the pay ranges are expected from September 2015:

  • Unqualified pay range 1% to minimum and maximum values
  • Main pay range 1% to minimum value and 2% to maximum value
  • Upper pay range 1% to minimum and maximum values
  • Leading practitioner range 1% to minimum and maximum values
  • Leadership range 1% to minimum value and no increase to maximum value
  • School group ranges 1% to minimum values and no increase to maximum values
  • TLR / SEN allowances 1% to minimum and maximum values

The impact of this is that whilst schools must ensure all teachers are paid at least at the minimum of the relevant pay range, there is no obligation to apply any uplift to teachers currently paid above this. The DfE have reiterated their view that any and all uplifts should be informed by individual teacher performance. Unions have already raised concerns about this nationally and will be pushing schools to apply an across the board uplift.

We are aware of the recruitment, retention and financial challenges facing schools and would like to encourage a consistent approach across our schools and across London. Your views will inform the reference points we publish in relation to pay uplifts from September 2015.

Please return your completed survey to by 21 June 2015.

SAVE THE DATE: We are as usual supporting the launch of our revised pay and appraisal policies with training for school leaders on 7th July. Look out for further information coming soon.


Have you budgeted for an across the board uplift to all teacher salaries?
Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
If yes, how much?….. %
If not, what have you budgeted for?
Should performance increments and cost of living uplifts be considered separately, or together as part of the overall review of performance?
Separately / togetherbased on performance (delete as appropriate)
Please provide some commentary on your reasoning for this:
Do you wish to retain ‘points based pay ranges’ for teaching posts (ega main pay range with 6 points of a specified value, or an upper pay range with 3 specified points)?
Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
If not, what are you proposing instead?
We will be publishing ‘reference points’ for schools setting out what individual pay points may look like from September 2015. Would you prefer to see:
Pay ranges with just the minimum value uplifted? Yes / No
Pay ranges with an across the board uplift?Yes / No
Something else? Please state:
Do you have any other comments about the changes?
Completed by:Job Title

Thank you for completing our survey. Your input is much appreciated.

Schools Human Resources